Israeli Government Kills an American

This is a sad story, and I have a few thoughts about it.

Via The NYT:

JERUSALEM — An American opened fire in the dining room of a hotel in the southern Israeli resort of Eilat on Friday and killed a kitchen worker before being shot dead by police officers, the authorities said.

Micky Rosenfeld, an Israeli police spokesman, did not identify the gunman, but described him as a tourist who “might have worked” at the hotel, the Leonardo Club.

Mr. Rosenfeld said the man grabbed a pistol from a hotel security guard around 9:30 a.m. and fired several shots in the crowded dining area before storming into the kitchen, where he killed the worker, who also was not identified by the authorities.

The gunman then “barricaded himself in the kitchen,” inspiring police fears of a hostage situation. About 10:15 a.m., antiterror police units “moved in on the suspect and he opened fire again,” Mr. Rosenfeld said.

It turned out that no hostages had been taken and no one else was injured in the incident, Mr. Rosenfeld said, making it seem more like a workplace dispute than a terrorist attack. The circumstances of the situation and the gunman’s background are still being investigated.

Mr. Rosenfeld said he did not know where in the United States the gunman was from or how long he had been in Israel and for what reasons.

Now had this been any other Country, the State Department would be demanding answers as why they felt the need to kill this man. He was, after all, an American Citizen. However, because it is Israel, I can assure you that absolutely nothing will be done about this at all.  The United States Government will NOT say or do anything at all to upset Israel. They will simply blindly accept whatever excuse, no matter how lame; that Israel hands to them. There will be no repercussions at all.

This is why I have an issue with Israel’s and America’s relationship. Because basically, the United States of America, has become Israel’s useful idiot and they can and do run roughshod over the United States, its constitution and in this case; its people. There needs to be a limit placed on what this Country can get away with; and it needs to be strictly enforced. However, when you say stuff like this; those who traffic in identity politics on the right, will attack you and call you an Anti-Semite. This typical of that crowd and it was learned from the Frankfurt marxists at Columbia University.

Let me be clear here; I do not condone the actions of this person at all. However, I believe that Israel could have take great pains to see that this man be taken alive, tried with American representation and an American council. Not treated like an damned animal. This is to be expected from a Nation; one that is not recognized by the United Nations. They are quite famous for running over our Nation and our people; this is just another instance of that.

Update: The suspect has been ID. He was a Jewish American. The victim was an Israeli Arab. I still feel the way that I do.

Related: US tourist opens fire at Eilat hotel, killing one employee
Jerusalem Post
By BEN HARTMAN, JPOST.COM STAFF American tourist working in Leonardo Club Hotel kitchen grabs security guard’s gun, opens fire; three people suffer from shock, two evacuated to hospital; Counterterrorism Unit shoots, kills gunman.
Israeli police kill American gunman in hotel
American Kills Worker at Israeli Hotel, Then Is Shot by PoliceNew York Times
US citizen opens fire at Eilat hotel, kills worker, is then shot dead by policeHaaretz –BBC News –CNN
all 361 news articles »

Reuters: Private Sector adds 162,000 new jobs

An interesting report from Reuters:

(Reuters) – Private employers added 162,000 jobs in September, topping economists’ expectations, a report by a payrolls processor showed on Wednesday.

Economists surveyed by Reuters had forecast the ADP National Employment Report would show a gain of 143,000 jobs.

August’s private payrolls were revised down to an increase of 189,000 from the previously reported 201,000.

If the best that the economists are shooting for is 150-160K jobs per month; that is setting the bar awful low.

What happened to all the jobs that were supposed to be created by the President’s stimulus program?  I thought that when a Democrat was elected into the White House that all of the World’s problems would end for everyone? That the oceans would rise and the World would come together as one?

I guess not. 🙄

Anyone that votes for this President again, is a dad-blasted idiot. I mean, what the hell has he honestly done for the unemployed in this Country? I mean, the only people who have made out like bandits, and I do mean quite literally there; are the damned unions and special interest groups. (READ: Minorities, Green Energy and the like…)

It is a damned disgrace; which is why I am casting my lot with Romney. Neoconservative or not, I am voting for him. Because we can do better than this nimrod who is in there now.

Hope and Change, my fat white ass! 😡



One of them bitter-clingers from Tennessee posts his love for Guns on facebook, Liberals pee themselves

Yes, that title is supposed to be ironic and kind of funny too.

It seems that a young man running for Congress for the State of Tennessee is in hot water with the liberal left.

The Video:

WKRN, Nashville News, Nashville Weather and Sports

The story via WKRN in Nashville:

Republican U.S. Congressional candidate Brad Staats continues to defend a controversial Facebook post.

Brad Staats posted a picture of a handgun along with the statement, “Many people keep asking me about my opinion on Second Amendment rights. Apparently Tennesseans are part of that crazy crowd that Obama says cling to their religion and guns. Well then I must be part of that crazy crowd. Here is something that I usually have with me. Welcome to Tennessee Mr. Obama where we appreciate our [Second] Amendment rights and the constitution that was wisely given to us by our founding fathers.”

At a Lipscomb University event on Monday night, Staats told Nashville’s News 2, “I’m going to say what I mean and mean what I say and I want Tennesseans and Americans to know that I’m not going to back up on what I say.”

Staats said the Facebook post was never meant to be an attack on the president but it is in reference to the recently passed U.N. Small Arms Treaty.

“I do want President Obama to know as well as the rest of Congress and everyone else regarding our constitutional, rights don’t tread on America’s constitution,” said Staats. “I think that your liberties, your life can be defended by the proper instructed use of a handgun.”

Staats said his strong stance on handguns stems from his mother’s own personal experience.

He said, “She would have either been raped or murdered had she not had a handgun in her car she actually got ran off a road and it was obvious she was getting ready to be assailed.”

It is a fair defense and I would have done the same damned thing. There was no threat implied at all; this is a tactic of the liberal left and yes, the Neoconservative right (AKA FAKE!) does the same damned thing too. They call threat, anytime someone posts a pic of a gun or other related matter and the name Obama. It is a disgrace and when this stuff happens the first amendment is being trampled upon. How many times did people have signs saying “Kill Bush?” Plenty.

So, this whole thing is a bad joke and the liberal left knows it. They say “But, oh! He’s black!” I got one thing to say about all that: Big ‘effin’ deal. The truth is, the President has more security around him, than Bush ever did, so the chances of him being shot and killed is slim to none. Unless someone seriously screws up at the secret service, which will never happen.

For your reading pleasure: Here is a roundup of idiot liberals who are saying that this evil bitter-clinger ought to be in prison for blaspheming the might “one” who came in the name of progressivism:

The Raw StoryTennessean.comtheGrioAlan Colmes’ Liberaland,Crooks and Liars and Gawker

Mob of black teens overrun a Detroit gas station and rob it

Please note: This report is not about racial hatred or bigotry; this is about the realities of living in Detroit and the out of control black hoodlums that control that city and the incompetent and racially biased Police that supposedly protect that god-forsaken city. 


This is a personal story for me, I live in the southern suburbs of Detroit. I grew up on the southwest side of Detroit, Michigan. I remember what southwest Detroit was like when I was a kid in the 1980’s. I also know what southwest Detroit is like now; and believe me, it is not any better. I saw this story over on Joseph Farah’s, and I thought, “You have got to be kidding me!” But, not they were not, I checked and sure enough this is a ongoing problem. I know right where this station is, believe it or not and yes, that is a very rough part of Detroit and personally would not want to live or work over there at night.

Here is the news video report from

Story Quote:

Even the old-timers in Detroit never have seen anything like this: A mob of 40 black people moved into a convenience store and will not leave.

They say they now own it. They eat. Smoke. Cuss.Threaten. Spit. Rob. Sell drugs. All on video.

Police, ministers, neighbors, the store owner and just about everyone else seems powerless to stop them.

“It’s a Bad Crew gas station,” said one of the mob to the local Fox affiliate. “If you don’t know what that is, I can’t even tell you.”

The owner calls police, but nothing happens. The police “come here and then they leave. Two minutes later they (the mob) are back.”

Earlier this month, members of the Perfecting Church, one of Detroit’s largest black congregations, counseled the members of the mob to stop their evil ways

Absolutely disgusting. 😡

Here is a link to an earlier report on the same gas station with Church people pleading with black thugs to pweeeeze stop robbing this story. 🙄 Via Fox 2 Detroit:

Fox 2 News Headlines


A Detroit man says his business is being held hostage by a group of teenagers who continually loiter inside and out of his gas station.

“There’s a lot of good people around here,” said the station owner, who wished to remain anonymous. But now, those good people aren’t coming as often to the Marathon station along W. 7 Mile Road on the city’s west side.

“This is a Bad Crew gas station,” said one teen loitering out front on Tuesday. When asked what that meant, he said, “If you don’t know, I can’t even tell you.”

Surveillance video obtained by FOX 2 shows as many as a dozen teens hanging out inside the store, smoking cigarettes, sitting on countertops and even spitting into sinks.

The owner says as many as 40 teens can be hanging out in front of the station at any time. “Destroying my store. Destroying my business,” said the owner.

He says his clerks are too frightened to take action against the teens and he’s worried that the loitering could lead to violence.

Detroit police have been called numerous times to the store, but the owner says right after officers disperse the crowd and leave the scene, the teens returns to their normal posts.

Leslie Cunningham, who lives nearby the station, says members from Marvin Winans’ Perfecting Church have recently been to the station to talk to the young people. “It’s out of hand,” said Cunningham. “We try to raise young people around here that they would be concerned and care about their area and this is what we have to contend with.”

The owner, and father of four, says he would walk away from his business if he didn’t owe so much on it.

Okay first of all; the only language that this young black thugs understand is the language of an end of a gun. If that station hired some ARMED guards, with say, a few AR-15’s modded for automatic fire, I tend to believe that these thugs would find somewhere else to hang out and rob. The only mentality that these black thugs understand is “survival of the fittest.” Because of this problem; this business owner is going to have to make some serious adjustments.

Again, this is not about racial bigotry or hatred. It is about reality. The reality is this: the reason why this is not being dealt with is because, when you have a black police force, black youth, who are committing the crimes are not going to be dealt with at all. Because in ghetto culture, “brother don’t cut another brother!” If you know what I mean. This credo dates back to the days of slavery, which when one slave would do something wrong, and another slave saw it; he had two choices, rat his fellow black brother out or keep his mouth closed. Most chose the latter. This is why you have black thugs running wild in the streets of Detroit. Because quite frankly, the Detroit cops do not care. As long as they are not murdering anybody; the police attitude is let them go.

Of course, the standard disclaimers and excuses will be rolled out by the City of Detroit. Ones like, “We do not have enough police.” “We don’t have enough money to have police around at all times.” But we who have lived in the city of Detroit. We know. That the fact is that minorities; black and latino, can do pretty any darned thing that they want to, as long as no one gets killed and the city police will not do anything about it. Now, if you are a white man, and did something like this — oh yes, your butt would be in jail in no time flat! But if you are black or latino, it is just a normal part of living in the city.

Just in case someone happens to read this, from say the city of Detroit or one of residents. I have one thing to say to you


Also too, as I was finishing this story. The irony hit me.. We have police who are so damned eager for a police state. Except, when it comes to stuff like this here. Blacks out of control? No problem! But, you let a white man get a little out of hand and it is the police state army AKA as the swat team — to the rescue!

Drop in voter registration in Ohio

Despite what has happened locally here and how I feel about it; I must continue on writing and blogging about what I consider to be important.

It seems that in Ohio, there has been a decline in voter registration, especially in Democratic Party strongholds. This is also signaling a national trend. Here is the Story and Video via Fox News Channel:

The Video:

The Story:

“Don’t boo, vote,” President Obama often says in his stump speech whenever crowds boo a Romney plan.

The off-hand call to vote may be by design. It comes amid a precipitous decline in Democratic voter registration in key swing states — nowhere more apparent than in Ohio.

Voter registration in the Buckeye State is down by 490,000 people from four years ago. Of that reduction, 44 percent is in Cleveland and surrounding Cuyahoga County, where Democrats outnumber Republicans more than two to one.

“I think what we’re seeing is a lot of spin and hype on the part of the Obama campaign to try to make it appear that they’re going to cruise to victory in Ohio,” Cuyahoga County Republican Chairman Rob Frost said. “It’s not just Cuyahoga County. Nearly 350,000 of those voters are the decrease in the rolls in the three largest counties, Cuyahoga, Hamilton and Franklin.”

Frost points out that those three counties all contain urban centers, where the largest Democrat vote traditionally has been.

Ohio is not alone. An August study by the left-leaning think tank Third Way showed that the Democratic voter registration decline in eight key swing states outnumbered the Republican decline by a 10-to-one ratio. In Florida, Democratic registration is down 4.9 percent, in Iowa down 9.5 percent. And in New Hampshire, it’s down down 19.7 percent.

“It’s understandable that enthusiasm is going to wane a little bit from that historic moment (in 2008),” says Michelle Diggles, the study co-author and senior policy adviser for Third Way. “You can only elect the first African-American president of this country once.

Of course, there are other reasons why people are just not happy anymore with the Democrats:

One Democratic Party consultant told Fox News that independents in Ohio may be leaning Democratic – an effect that may be tied to the bailout of Chrysler and GM. One of eight people in Ohio work in businesses directly tied to the auto industry. The state has been carpeted with Obama ads that point to his bailout of the industry and it’s managed bankruptcy.

I do not mean to toot my own horn; but in this case, I must. I predicted that stuff like this would happen on my old blog. When the bailouts happened, and when the healthcare bill was pushed through. The truth is Independents are simply running away from Obama. Another thing too that this report did not cover; is that some Democrats are simply not happy with the Obama Administration. This is for a number for reasons: The continuation of Bush’s polices on the war on terror and the war is one. The failure to close the prisons in Gitmo is another. The continuing of the war in Afghanistan is another. Also too, Ohio is also a union State and when Obama’s chief of staff at the time, said “F*** the big three!”, many in Ohio heard about that too. This all makes for a unpopular President.

Also too; the economy in Ohio, here in Michigan; and nationally, just plain sucks. There are many small businesses in Ohio, many of whom are faithful Democrats; and they are just looking at their bottom lines and are looking at this President and wondering, “What on earth are they doing to us?” To be fair, it is not all of Obama’s fault. The Federal Reserve with it’s QE1, QE2 and now QE3 is not helping the situation at all. When the fed prints more money, inflation happens, which drives the prices of everything up and this, in turn, hurts businesses. Which, in turn, hurts the economy. Bill Clinton learned this lesson early on, and made adjustments. Jimmy Carter and this President, did not. For that, they are paying a price at the polls.

I should also mention that this current foreign policy debacle in Libya, and Egypt and the rest of the Arab World is also weighing heavy on the minds of people as well. As it was in 1979, with the Iran hostage crisis. Now, Iran is being a problem again. Which is very ironic.

History has such a strange way of repeating itself.

UPDATED — Sad News: Lottery winner Amanda Clayton has died

It troubles me to even have to blog about this.

You might remember Amanda Clayton, who was resident of my hometown here, Lincoln Park, Michigan. She won a million dollars from the Michigan Lottery, and thought she could still collect food stamps. She paid over $5000 in benefits back to the state of Michigan.

It saddens me to actually have to write this; but Amanda Clayton has died of an apparent drug overdose. The story via the local paper here in town, The News-Herald:

Amanda Clayton, the woman who garnered national attention earlier this year when it was revealed that she was still accepting food stamp benefits after winning the lottery, was found dead today in Ecorse of an apparent drug overdose, police have confirmed.

According to police, she was using prescription medication at a friend’s house on Sunnyside Street. Her friend found her dead at about 9 a.m. when they heard her toddler daughter crying. The child was reportedly in the bed with her when she passed.

I am not going to sit here and pretend to know a damned thing about this woman at all. What I am going to say is this: now a little toddler girl is now going to live without her Mother for the rest of her natural-born life. This woman became, unfortunately, a ‘talking-point” for the right-wing blogosphere; which did include me. I will not sit here and pretend to know what this woman’s politics really were. All I truly knew, was that she collected benefits, after winning money from the state. I also only know that she said that she did not know, that she could not do that.

I also will not lie to you; I am bit upset at this news. Here is why: This blogging stuff has always been fun for me, but, in a strange kind of way — distant from my home and my town. I always thought it to be a kick to criticize the Government and those in it, from the comfort of my basement and bedroom. Because of this, the stuff I write about is always —- distant —- and not really connected to anything local or personal. However, when it is this close, and when it is in my own damned backyard — in this close, it is very different and quite frankly, a bit discomforting and disconcerting. I guess what I am trying to say is that I shutter of the thought that something that I might have written on this blog, in the name of politics could have possibly driven this woman to take her life. I am praying that this is not the case, that it was a freak accident.

This serves to me and I hope it serves to be a reminder to everyone; blogger owners, readers and commenters: that those we write about, make sport of; whether for political reasons or what have you —- are real, honest to godness, people. People that have emotions, hearts and souls. Whatever this young lady’s issues were, they were not so bad that she should have been deprived of the right to enjoy her life to the fullest. This also should remind us to use great caution when writing about other people. Because sometimes, words can cause hurt and sometimes, that hurt cannot be managed.

I pray that the God of peace, that passes all understanding will be with the family of Amanda Clayton. May she find that peace in the arms of the Lord God in heaven.

Written with a truly broken heart this Saturday evening…..

-Charles Patrick Adkins


Lincoln Park, Michigan

Update (October 8, 2012) — The following comment was left by Rachel, who lives at the house that Amanda was found in:

I would first like to say Amanda Clayton was my best friend everyone thinks u knew her but if u knew the really Amanda u would all love her. Amanda was the most caring kind full person i ever knew. September the 29th was the worse day of my life i found my best friend dead in my bedroom And let me clear something up with all of u NO her daughter was not in the bed when i found her. I saw some of the comments u sick ppl said about my friend when she was already gone god have mercy on your soul when it’s your judgement day… All i know is we are all trying to get threw this tragic so please leave her family alone God rest my Amanda soul R.I.P Amanda Clayton i love u always Girl I’ll see u on the other side Baby when it’s my time love always ur Girl Rachel

I have no way to independently verify if that is actually someone that knows her or not. However, based upon the IP address of the sender of that comment, it is from this area. Again, this was a heartbreaking story and one that I wished I did not have to cover. God be with the family of this young lady and her friends.

Andy Williams RIP

The Voice has died.

Quote via people mag:

Andy Williams, whose corn-fed good looks, easygoing charm and smooth rendition of “Moon River” propelled him to the heights of music stardom in the early ’60s, died Tuesday at his home in Branson, Mo., following a battle with bladder cancer, his family announced.

He was 84, and 2012 had marked his 75th year in showbiz. Williams is survived by his wife Debbie and his three children, Robert, Noelle and Christian.

With 17 gold and three platinum records to his name, Williams enjoyed his golden years playing golf and dividing his time between La Quinta, Calif., and Branson, where he appeared at his Andy Williams Moon River Theater since 1992.

Something via Wikipedia:

While close friends with the Democratic Kennedys, Williams called himself a lifelong Republican.[24] On September 29, 2009, he was quoted by the Daily Telegraph as accusing PresidentBarack Obama of “following Marxist theory” and “wanting the country to fail”.[25][26]

He knew, just like we know.

Rest in peace Andy. We will continue to fight for the America, that you knew and loved so dearly. Prayers for his wife and children.


Oh boy….: Was that “innocence of Muslims” video made by….Terrorists?!?!?!?!

I sort of figured something like this might come out; and it turns out my gut feeling, was quite correct.

Nice Deb, who recently had her blog suspended; has a good blog posting up about this story.

Something tells me there is bunch more to all of this; then meets the eye. I mean, something stinks in the manure factory, if you know what I mean.

Looks like this might have been a cover for the Arab spring.

Stay tuned.