Asshole Negro of the year!

Yep, that’s right, I called him that and I am quite proud of it!

Joseph Mitchell, a Democrat. A disgrace to what Martin Luther King Jr. AKA Michael King Jr. stood for and his race.

A black member of the Alabama legislature uncorked a racist tirade in an email this week to a constituent who urged him not to embrace new gun control laws – copying his incendiary language to every member of the state legislature.

Joseph Mitchell, a Democrat who has represented parts of the city of Mobile since 1994 and ran for re-election unopposed in 2010 and 2006, castigated a voter named Eddie Maxwell, a Jefferson County man whom he correctly presumed was white.

‘Hey man,’ Mitchell wrote. ‘Your folk never used all this sheit [sic] to protect my folk from your slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, incestuous, snaggle-toothed, backward-a**ed, inbreed [sic], imported criminal-minded kin folk.’

via Joseph Mitchell: Alabama lawmaker emails racist rant to gun-rights constituent and entire state legislature | Mail Online.

Yeah, he can call us all that, but when I call him what he is; that being an asshole nigger, I get called a racist bigot. Now for those who do not like it that I called him this; I say this right here —- There is a grand canyon’s worth of difference between an educated black man, who is not all hung up on race, like this coon here and an asshole who harbors this sort of hate towards white people. The last time I checked, not I  or any other white man alive today, are responsible for the lynchings and the slavery that happened in this Country many, many years ago.

Furthermore, it is an inconvenient truth to many people, possibly including this knuckle-dragger; that ALL of the blacks that were imported to the United States as slaves were not just your regular person in Africa, they were CRIMINALS and bad criminals at that! They were people in prison for long or life sentences for murder, rape and all sorts of other crimes in Africa. It is a LIE and rewriting of history to say that they were all innocent, because they were not!

Again, I do not hate blacks, except ones who go around talking this sort of shit, this many years after slavery was abolished and a civil war, which was fought against MY ancestors; was fought to make it stick — and this many years after the 1964 civil rights act. I mean, they are free to live, work and play everywhere. What the hell else do they damned want?

As far as I am concerned, this idiot and his people can go screw themselves; especially seeing how those people and their Latino friends killed my damned cousin in 1994.

Related: George Talbot / Alabama lawmaker’s email: ‘Slave-holding, murdering, adulterous, baby-raping, snaggle-toothed kin folk’

Others: Jammie Wearing FoolsWeasel ZippersBooman TribuneThe Gateway PunditExtrano’s Alley, a gun blogJammie Wearing Fools and The Daily Caller

Update: I really should not have to explain this to anyone, but because some idiot came by here and left me a lecture about racial name calling; I will quote myself. Remember when I said this here?:

UPDATE: Before anyone goes, “Hey! What about this here?!” I will simply say this here: Most of the time, I respect people’s race, color and creed. John Yoo is a notable exception to that rule. John Yoo was responsible for one of the worst war-related debacles ever. He gets no respect from this White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. May he burn in the devil’s living and eternal hell. He belongs in South Korea or preferably in North Korea with the rest of the communists.

Same goes for this piece of crap here. I quote this, because nobody reads my blog continuously; they just drive by, quite a bit. So, there you go. Racial respect is given around here, to those who earn it.  I respect no one, who uses those sort of terms about white people, ever.

Racism at towards Detroit

A perfect example of which can be found below here:

So what happened to Detroit? MLK’s “Dream” came true…America’s founding principles of liberty, equality, and democracy came true for black people, and full citizenship and civil rights were extended to millions of African-Americans, who had previously been marginalized and excluded from the mainstream of American life.

And the result was Detroit as it exists in 2013.

via Caught In The Black Undertow: Detroit—And America? |

That is not the half of it; go read the rest, at the link above. There is more nuanced racism in that article linked above than you can shake a picture of George Wallace at! Like I have written many times here before, Detroit’s problems are much deeper and more problematic, than skin color. Anyone who writes anything other than this; is one of two things:

  1. A racist bigot
  2. A misinformed rube
  3. Both.

Like I have also said before; if you are not from this area, you should seriously look into shutting the hell up about the City of Detroit. I, for one, as a citizen of Michigan and a former citizen of Detroit, of 19 years, I can tell you that the problems are much deeper than skin. The problems are of political and cultural nature; not race. Admittedly, the problems are of an entitlement sort, but to place the core issue of the problems on skin color just shows the racist bias of the person writing the article.

There are just as many white people, who are poor, by the way — and Latinos, who are taking part of that entitlement mentality, as there are blacks, who are taking part as well. It is not solely the blacks. Again, this goes back to the racist bigoted assumptions of the those who do not live in the City of Detroit. Hence my suggestion that these people please shut the hell up.

This is why I do not watch Fox News Channel much anymore

As a rule, I am not much into playing the “Race Card.” Because the left tends to do that a bit much, even with the Nation’s first black President. But, this here was just incredibly stupid and yes, it did sound racist.

The Video:

The Story:

Via Huffington Post:

Desiline Victor, a 102-year-old woman, received a standing ovation during the State of the Union on Tuesday for her resolve to vote. Fox News hosts Brian Kilmeade, Martha MacCallum and Bill Hemmer, however, wondered what the “big deal” was.

Victor made two trips and waited three hours to vote in Miami in November. President Obama spoke about the need to protect voting rights during his State of the Union address on Tuesday, and pointed to Victor, who was there as a guest of Michelle Obama, as an example.

Kilmeade, MacCallum and Hemmer did not seem to think she deserved one, though. Speaking on Kilmeade’s radio show on Thursday, MacCallum said that the issue had no place in the State of the Union because it could be handled on the “municipal level… Get the town council on that one.”

“How long was she on line?” Hemmer asked.

“What’s the big deal? She was happy,” MacCallum argued. “She waited on line, she was happy that she voted.”

“They held her up as a victim!” Hemmer alleged. “What was she the victim of? Rashes on the bottom of her feet?”

Oh yeah, that is weapons-grade stupid right there and a bit racist . Digby, who blogs at Hullabaloo; whom I am not a huge fan of — but when she is right, she is right, says the following and man is she ever right here:

The woman is 102 years old! Rashes on her feet! My God, that anyone had to try more than once to vote is shocking but that it happened to a woman who was born nearly a decade before women had the right to vote — and spent most of her life being denied the right as an African-American by jerks like these three privileged white people — is shameful.

These people represent the lizard brain of the Fox News base: heartless, petty and relentlessly, overwhelmingly stupid. This is Roger Ailes’ legacy.

I got news for Digby, If she doesn’t think that Rupert does not encourage such stuff, she is crazy; of course he does. …and to think, I used to be right in there, blogging along with these people that believed this very thing. Because I was actually foolish enough to believe that with this people, it was not about race, but simply about the issues that I disagreed with, when it came to blacks and Obama. Soon, I started to realize that it was not about the issues; it was about a resentment towards blacks. It was not outward or outright racism, but rather nuanced racism and resentment. Here’s a perfect example of it here, which is in the blogosphere, but it is the same mentality.

Now, let me be clear; I do not believe that ALL Conservatives are racists. However, I do believe that there are a good enough number of them that are racist, and this should worry anyone in the Republican Party. The reason these people believe that they are justified to be able to joke around about stuff like this, is because they happen to believe that the Republican Party was on the right side of the slavery issue, which is factually correct — and because they happen to reject the idea of “Political Correctness.” Something that I entirely understand as a Non-PC person myself. However, this here goes well beyond political correctness, and ventures off into bigotry and racism. It is a line that Fox News should not cross at all.

Also too, and I am just going to break the silence and speak my mind. This stuff right here folks is why Mitt Romney lost the election. Yes, I know about changing demographics and such. But the truth is, this here and some of the goings on with the Kristol and Podhoretz crowds, is why we lost the 2012 election. People know when they are being sold a line of bullshit and that is what was being sold by the right and people knew it. It was little things, like this here; and people saw that and said, “I do not want someone in the white house who believes that sort of a thing.” Because of that, we lost and we lost big. I say, “We” because I voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 election. I do not regret that vote either. I stood for what I believed in; and it was not this sort of crap here, that is for sure.

Here is hoping, that by 2016, the GOP does learn its lesson on stuff like this, and the Fox News Channel gets its stuff together by then. Although, to be quite honest. I just do not believe that they have it in them to change. You just cannot retrain Bull Conner’s brain. It is just that simple.

Racism at

I am calling this nonsense out, because this blog is run by some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Over at the Neocon, in their silly sub-echo chamber greenroom there was the posting on this video here:

Check out some of the comments over there:

But, no, they’re not racist, not over at! 🙄

These are the same idiots, who removed my trackback, when I complained about Mary K. Ham’s mocking of fat people. These are also the same idiots, who removed my commenting access, when I dared to tell the truth about neoconservative Wilsonian foreign policy over there. By the way, this is not the first time, that someone like me has complained about the behavior over at that blog.  It seems that in the past, an affiliate, who was Jewish, ironically, bolted after some hate bubbled up on that site.

This is just another reason, of a good number of reasons, why I basically said “enough is enough” with the Conservative movement, Tea Party, Republican Party or whatever you want to call these angry white people. Just as much as I feel that playing the race card is stupid wrong and immoral; I think that this sort of nuanced racism is wrong as well.

I guess this is to be expected from a site, of whom its star writer claims to be a Conservative; all the while collecting Medicare Advantage and living off it.

Nelson Mandela in the hospital

Prayer for this man, he stood against injustice and for that, I admire him.

(Reuters) – Former South African president Nelson Mandela spent a second day in a Pretoria military hospital on Sunday for medical tests and the government said the anti-apartheid leader’s condition was comfortable.

President Jacob Zuma visited the 94-year-old, according to an official statement. It provided no other details of the health of South Africa’s first black president, who came to power after historic all-race elections in 1994.

On Saturday, Zuma’s office said there was no cause for alarm and that the medical treatment Mandela was receiving in the military hospital in the capital was “consistent with his age”.

via Mandela comfortable in hospital: South Africa | Reuters.

I pray that he makes a speedy recovery.

Why because Obama is black?

Sorry, even I cannot sit here and not think that some people are just being racist. No, this is not a joke either.

Creepy? Seriously?

What they’re talking about is this:

A mural made for the United States first black President, in Burma.

It was done out of respect for the President. But yet, the so-called “Conservative” media and blogosphere says its “creepy.”

Sorry, but this little piece of so-called “Conservative media” makes me so angry, that I actually feel the need to fire up the word processing program and write a couple good lines about it.

As many of you know, I, at one time, was a Democratic Party voter. I grew up in southwest Detroit. I went to Church there for over eleven years. I lived in southwest for seventeen years. I grew up with, went school and Church with blacks, Latinos, and yes, the occasional white person. Therefore, this idiotic nonsense that the conservative media seems to think is funny, is just not registering as such on my humor meter.

Could it honestly be that the word “creepy” is the new racial codeword for black? I would really hope that the right is not that stupid and not that great of bigots. I fully admit in my day, of taking potshots at minorities and doing that in an inartful manner usually, because I was angry.

Therefore, I am issuing a message to the so-called “conservative media.” You are all on notice from here on out. No more, am I going to just sit here, chuckle, and not bring up the racist undertones of things that you say. I am going to start highlighting it. You say, “What about what is on your header?” Yeah, what about it? Sorry to tell you, but that is not racism that is the truth about Islam. Therefore, that little defense is out.

I am sorry, but I am becoming a little bit tired of the stupid hatred, by the so-called “conservative media” and so called “conservative blogosphere” towards the President of the United States of America, and all because he is a black man. It is getting to be a little bit old, at this point.

Here is a bit of a dose of cold, hard reality for you stupid idiots on the right. You want to know why you lost this election —- Because of stupid stuff like this right here! You do know that there are people who actually read those blogs of yours and my blog as well — from all sorts of racial backgrounds — Blacks, Whites, Hispanics and many more. Do you really honestly think that some undecided voter is really going to want to vote for a Republican candidate, if they happen to read some nuanced racism on a Conservative blog towards the President? I really think not.

Therefore, I am just going to tell it like it is. Therefore, men and women of the Republican Party and the Conservative movement hear me loud and clear: either this idiotic continuing use of nuanced racism of blacks and Latinos stops, or I am not voting for your party any longer. I voted for the Republican Governor here in Michigan. I voted for the Republican candidate for President of the United States and I do not regret that vote. However, I will not continue to vote for your party, if all you people, who claim to support that party can do, is continue to belch forth nuanced or otherwise — racism towards minorities. It has to stop, and I have just about had enough of it for one lifetime.

I will make a full admission on this blog, right here and right now. I never really was a Republican or that hard of right wing Conservative. I am simply a thinking American, who happens to be a bit of independent politically. I am also someone who was opposed to the nomination of the Democratic Party’s nominee for President of the United States back in 2007. It had, and still does have nothing to do with his skin color. It had and still does have to do with the fact that the man was a full on hard leftist. To his credit, he is trying to run the Country as a centrist, but failing at it badly.

Therefore, I issue this dire warning to the Republican establishment types, to the conservative grassroots, to the so-called “conservative” blogosphere. Quit it with the racism — nuanced or otherwise. Because you know what — You are really starting to piss me the hell off. I have been known to mock and deride the White Nationalists on this blog. In fact, I have done so, on my old blog. If you think that, I will not start doing this to you all, think again. Furthermore, I will just say it: President Barack Obama is in his second term, he cannot be reelected again; much of what he hopes to accomplish, will be stopped by the house — if they do not impeach him first. The Democratic Party has nowhere to go from here, but back to the center. Otherwise, that party will go extinct.

If all of you, and you know who you all are — do not think that I will not bail back to the Democratic Party side of things. Think again. Hillary might run again, and I think I could live with her being President; she cannot do any worse than Obama. I love this Country, but I cannot sit here and overlook this sort of stuff much longer. There needs to be reform in the conservative movement and this is one of things that needs to be reformed and that is the nuanced racism on the right. It is sickening, it cheapens the movement and it makes us looks like idiots or worse.

In closing: I love my Country, and I hate what the Democrats in the Bill Clinton era did to it. I also hate what Barack Obama did to the Country as well. However, I hate equally hate what is happening in the Conservative movement right now. It sickens me to my core, as an American, as a Christian and as someone who wants to see the Republicans win in 2016. As Mitt Romney said, we can do better than this and the Conservative movement CAN do better! This nuenced racism towards minorites needs to stop! It is not funny, it is not Conservative, it is not Christian and it should not even be named in our movement at all!

The above is what I think, and I would like to know, what you think. Leave a comment, if you agree.

Thanks for reading,
-Charles Patrick Adkins
Thinking Americanist

Next someone tells you that liberals are the enlightened ones

Show them this.

Now obviously this guy was just using his appearance to get money and succeeded. However, allow me to share something with you.

I am a fat guy okay? Sometimes we fat people do sweat, and because of that, we sometimes do put off a little body odor. I have been a situation once, where I was being harassed because a little body odor that I had, because I was doing physical labor. Finally, I said the magic words, “Get off my ass, or I will see you in court!” Well, not long after that, I ended up losing the job assignment, as it was a “head hunter agency” job. But I still feel to this day, that I was; one being pestered, because I was overweight and two, because I was white. My boss was black. His name? Ronald Slaughter. That man hated white people with a passion and it showed. He works or did work for Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Michigan.

So, I can see how this guy feels. The sick thing is; this is hipster Los Angeles. These are supposed to be enlightened Liberals.

Oh, the job, I drove straight truck for a “head hunter” agency. It was “PC refresh” project. Yes, it was labor intensive, believe me, I had the sore back to prove it. I remember ol’ Ronald Slaughter, how he told me once in his office, “Ain’t no body give a fuck what you think, whitey.” I never forgot that; never saw racial hatred from blacks to whites before.

Needless to say, that changed my attitude towards black people. That and my cousin getting killed in Detroit in 1994.

By the way, Ron Slaughter; if you see this —- screw you Jiggaboo… Devil

Dinesh D’Souza must resign from King’s College and stop this madness

What an absolute freaking BONEHEAD! At wits endRule number one, when confronting enemies, Spiritual or Political; be absolutely sure that you have your OWN spiritual house in order! 

I know that this blogger thinks I am crazy and I am not too fond of her either; but when she is right, she is right. This blogger called this guy a two-bit fake a long while back. So, kudos to her for calling this one out, before anyone else did. Now, if Debbie was not such an a$$hole, and self-centered; she would be a decent person. I know, I helped her out once, and kept her blog from getting hacked and when she wrote a bunch of stuff about Poland, I defended her right to freedom of speech, on this blog. You think she would return the favor on her blog? No. She thanked me, on twitter; and this was after I griped about it. I learned my lesson with her; I will  never ever defend her or really support her ever again — in fact, she even angered me so bad, that I removed my Israeli flag from my blog for a LONG TIME. I did end up putting it back, after praying and thinking about it quite a bit. But, I still cannot stand Jews, who do stuff like this feckless woman is known to do; especially towards people like me. Truth is, she HATES Christians and anyone else, who is not a Orthodox Jew. 

Just the same, she was right, and a bunch of other people, including many of the right; were wrong — and unlike her little self-centered little fake blonde self, I will give her credit and link to where she brought this fact up. I’m doing what Jesus told me to do; and “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you.”  Hope she reads this and tries to sue me; she would not get jack, I am poor and unemployed for 8 years. I bet that would look really nice in the media; “Jewish blogger sues white Christian Blogger who is unemployed.” Frustrated 

Now on to the important story here, this comes via World Magazine, which is a Christian Magazine:

After a meteoric rise in the evangelical world, The King’s College president Dinesh D’Souza now faces his board’s likely questions about his relationship to a woman not his wife

Dinesh D'Souza

About 2,000 people gathered on Sept. 28 at First Baptist North in Spartanburg, S.C., to hear high-profile Christians speak on defending the faith and applying a Christian worldview to their lives. Among the speakers: Eric Metaxas, Josh McDowell, and—keynote speaker for the evening—best-selling author, filmmaker, and Christian college president Dinesh D’Souza.

D’Souza’s speech earned him a standing ovation and a long line at the book-signing table immediately afterward. Although D’Souza has been married for 20 years to his wife, Dixie, in South Carolina he was with a young woman, Denise Odie Joseph II, and introduced her to at least three people as his fiancée.

Finally, near 11 p.m., event organizer Tony Beam escorted D’Souza and Joseph to the nearby Comfort Suites. Beam noted that they checked in together and were apparently sharing a room for the night in the sold-out hotel. The next morning, around 6 a.m., Beam arrived back at the hotel and called up to D’Souza’s room. “We’ll be down in 10 minutes,” D’Souza told Beam. D’Souza and Joseph came down together, and Beam took them to the airport.

The next day another conference organizer, Alex McFarland, distressed by D’Souza’s behavior, confronted him in a telephone conversation. D’Souza admitted he shared a room with his fiancée but said “nothing happened.” When I called D’Souza, he confirmed that he was indeed engaged to Joseph, but did not explain how he could be engaged to one woman while still married to another. When asked when he had filed for divorce from his wife, Dixie, D’Souza answered, “Recently.”

According to San Diego County (Calif.) Superior Court records, D’Souza filed for divorce only on Oct. 4, the day I spoke with him. Under California law, that starts the clock on a six-month waiting period for divorce. D’Souza on Oct. 4 told me his marriage was “over,” said he “is sure Denise is the one for me,” and said he had “done nothing wrong.”

That second picture is of the woman in question; Denise Odie Joseph II and as it says, that is not his wife Dixie. Now, as for the Movie; I will admit it, I never was really a fan of the Movie at all. I never promoted it, that I can remember anyhow. The movie honestly sounded like something straight off of WorldNetDaily or that sort of a website. I have never been a big fan of conspiracy theories about the President. I have enough “ammo” (so to speak…) with Obama’s record, I just do not think that all of this conspiracy crap is really needed. Not to mention, it is not totally lost on me; the racist undertones of the movie as well. Which is why I never gave it much thought at all.

What is interesting, is that this story is not originating out of Liberal circles, but they sure are talking about it! But, rather, it is coming out of Christian circles — which I find to be very encouraging. Because I feel and have always felt; if we cannot police our own circles. we should not go after the left for being evil. Here is hoping that Mr. D’Souza does the honorable thing and resigns as the President of King’s College and apologizes to those who really held him in high regard.