This pretty much sums it up

I know I said that I would not be linking to this guy anymore. I have reversed this decision. If Israel wants to be stupid, then they should expect derision from people like this man here.

Anyhow, this pretty much sums up my opinion of the Republican establishment:

The Republicans in the House are largely more conservative than at any time since Wilson left office. One would expect them to understand the intent of the voters who sent them there and thus say no to more taxes, no to more spending and no to more borrowing. Instead, we have Republican leadership in the House that actually proposed raising more revenue by eliminating deductions on income taxes. They somehow claim that they are being faithful to their stated mission of fiscal conservatism by making you pay more money but at the present tax rates. They, too, have failed economics 101.

Any significant movement of wealth from taxpayers to tax consumers will not enhance prosperity; it will crush it, and it will breed dependence on a government that is fiscally out of control. The recipients will no doubt vote to re-elect those who gave them these payments.

via NAPOLITANO: GOP for Big Government – Washington Times.

Amen and Amen. Big Government sucks and taxing the job creators is beyond stupid. If the GOP plays surrender monkey on this; you can kiss that party goodbye. Because the grassroots will not vote for a party that says one thing and does another.

I will also say this: If the Republican Party thinks for one lousy second that the Tea Party is dead and that the movement has ended, they will be in for a huge shock come 2014. I believe that there well a huge ground swell of voter discontent come 2014, especially after when taxes go up on small businesses.

So, if the GOP wants to cave on this; feel free — but the clock is ticking and you have basically blown through your political capital, Mr. Boehner. If you believe that punishing true Conservatives is going to do you any good. Think again. Oh, it will help you on the short-term, so that you can play nice with the President. But, in the long-term, you are toast. You will be out of job, because I tend to believe that the Republican grassroots and the Conservative grassroots —- you know, those who actually vote for you? — are not going to stand for this at all.


This is pretty much dead on

Erick Rush writing at Canada Free Press, which has a ton more ads that I will ever have here:

On November 19, Pravda’s Xavier Lerma wrote an article asserting that President (I use the term loosely) Barack Obama had been re-elected “by an illiterate society.” Some conservatives have been wont to dismiss and ridicule some of the dead-on assessments of the former Soviet newspaper since it was once in fact a Soviet newspaper.

Some of this dismissal and ridicule did occur relative to Lerma’s piece; I think however, that such observations made by those who have been there and done that ought to be considered, if not heeded.

Lerma writes “He [Obama] is a Communist without question promoting the Communist Manifesto without calling it so… His cult of personality mesmerizes those who cannot go beyond their ignorance. They will continue to follow him like those fools who still praise Lenin and Stalin in Russia.  Obama’s fools and Stalin’s fools share the same drink of illusion.”

Sounds pretty dead-on if you ask me…


Over the past two weeks, congressional lawmakers have been posturing over the “fiscal cliff” upon which America is allegedly teetering, and the resulting debate on taxes: Obama wants to raise taxes; the Republicans in Congress ostensibly want to cut spending; the Democrats offer some spending cuts in trade for raising taxes, and so on… Considering the intellectual indolence of the American public thus far, I suppose there’s no reason for Congress and the Obama administration to believe we’d call them out for this blatant display of smoke and mirrors.

With the knowledge that increasing income taxes to 100% on all earners in the US, and confiscating every dollar we currently possess wouldn’t make a ding in the national debt or the deficit, let alone a dent, it becomes obvious that all of the maneuvering by Republican lawmakers is mere pretense. Why not simply detail the detrimental effects that raising taxes will have on the economy?

Perhaps because they don’t want advertise these facts to the American public any more than Obama does…

While it might be a no-brainer to you and me, the average non-partisan American voter will not be aware that this is the worst possible time for Republicans to be conciliatory with regard to this administration on any issue. Thus, they will perceive Republicans as obstructionist if they do not compromise with evil. Any Republican lawmaker possessed of the knowledge of Obama’s intent ought to be fighting him at every possible turn as a matter of course, publicity be damned.

I would also submit that there aren’t any GOP lawmakers who are sufficiently stupid or uninformed not to know that Obama is taking us down the road to communism. If they presume to this, they are engaging in deception.

Spot on. I would suggest that you go read all of that.

Erick Erickson is just angry because he did not get any of the money.

Sorry to say it, but  Erick Erickson sounds like a whiny liberal in this piece here:

If money is the root of all evil, for the Republican Party evil is located on the fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza, Alexandria, VA 22314.

Strip away the candidate and coalition and it is on the fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza where the seeds of Mitt Romney’s ruin and the RNC’s get out the vote (GOTV) effort collapsed — bled to death by charlatan consultants making millions off the party, its donors, and the grassroots.

66 Canal Center Plaza is also why Jeff Larson, the Chief of Staff of the Republican National Committee, should not be put in charge of the autopsy of the GOP’s defeat. Multiple sources confirm to me that RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has already put Larson in charge of the so called autopsy.

This is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. The fifth floor of 66 Canal Center Plaza reveals a tangled web of incestuous relationships among Republican consultants who have made millions all while the GOP went down the tubes. Here the top party consultants waged war with conservative activists and here they waged war with the Democrats. On both fronts, they raked in millions along the way with a more fractured, minority party in their wake. And they show no signs of recognizing just how much a part of the problem they are.

via The Incestuous Bleeding of the Republican Party | RedState.

Since when is capitalism evil? When you don’t get any of the money, that’s when!  Erick Erickson is a slander blogger, who slandered me and few other people in the past and rather unfairly, I might add. Mr. Erickson is just ticked off, because nobody called him during the 2008 or 2012 election to work on their campaigns. This is why this little slander piece was written.

Also too, Erick Erickson is a blogger, who started RedState in his basement and when he could not afford the huge hosting bill anymore, he called on Eagle Publishing for a bailout, and they rescued his “too big to fail” blogging service. Some Conservative eh? 🙄

End of discussion.

Others: Le·gal In·sur·rec· tionamericanthinker.comTaylor Marsh and The Hinterland Gazette

Audio: Radio Derb: Turkey, Turkey, and Eternal Recurrence in the Middle East


Transcript here

In this Podcast:

  • Turkey news
  • Another great Arab victory
  • Eternal recurrence in the Middle East
  • A song for the season
  • Jesse Jackson, Jr. jettisons job
  • The ultimate insomnia cure
  • The nation that once terrified the world

The stupid parties

We’re headed for a huge fiscal cliff; and what the heck are both parties doing? Standing around with their arms folded.

(Reuters) – U.S. lawmakers have made little progress in the past 10 days toward a compromise to avoid the harsh tax increases and government spending cuts scheduled for January 1, a senior Democratic senator said on Sunday.

The United States is on course to slash its budget deficit nearly in half next year. Closing the gap that quickly, which in Washington is referred to as going over a “fiscal cliff,” could easily trigger a recession.

“Unfortunately, for the last 10 days, with the House and Congress gone for the Thanksgiving recess … much progress hasn’t been made,” Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, told ABC’s “This Week” program.

Still, lawmakers in both the Democratic and Republican parties have been trying to convince the public – and financial markets – that they are willing to compromise and can reach a deal before the end of the year.

via Fiscal cliff talks stalled for now but progress possible | Reuters.

We are so freaking screwed. The United States of America is heading toward one of the worst fiscal cliffs ever, that could produce another depression or at the very least a recession and both parties are playing politics. It is sick and disgusting, and this is why everyone wants to vote them all out and start over. I think these guys, will give this here, a run for his money on idiots of the week.

2012 election voting broken down by region and religion

I found this to be mildly interesting…

Via VDare:

Hail to You
uses Reuters’ America Mosaic polling explorer to check out his theory that the reason Episcopalians voted for Obama more than other Protestants did is because they are concentrated in the Northeast. So he looks at whites’ voting by religion for the Northeast and the South.

Mostly, it looks to me like whites in the Northeast went about 15-25 points less for Romney than did whites in the South and that holds for religious subsets. For example, Romney won 29% of the Jews in the Northeast and 46% of the Jews in the South. Romney got 45% of the Episcopalians in the Northeast and 66% of the Episcopalians in the South; 52% of the white Catholics in the Northeast and 72% of the white Catholics in the South.

Here are the charts:

The South via Hail to you:

…and the Northeast:

Mildly interesting indeed. The Republican Party has a bunch of work to do by 2016. We blew it this time around, we need a grassroots type and not another establishment type. This is why all of this talk about Jeb Bush makes me want to throw up. Please, no more Bush’s, not more President’s by pedigree. We want a real Conservative Christian President and not some wish-washy moderate and fake Christian. A protestant Christian would be nice too.

Also too, someone who is a not a chicken-hawk, neoconservative, warmonger would be nice too. For once, I would like to see a Republican run that is not all eager-beaver to run off to war. There used to be those kind of Conservatives out there; we need to bring them back. Another thing that the Republican Party needs to do is actually work harder here in Michigan. The reason Romney lost Michigan, is because he put little or no effort into winning here at all. Once he saw that Obama had him out numbered here in Michigan, he, like John McCain, gave up in Michigan. Ronald Reagan worked very hard here in Michigan and won big. The Republican Party could learn much from Ronald Reagan’s work here in Michigan.

Just my opinion.

Mixed feelings on Commentary Magazine

On one hand, I feel encouraged to see this in Commentary Magazine:

One should be careful about labeling people anti-Semites. There is a difference between someone who is merely critical of Israel like Beinart and, for example, liberal church groups that seek to promote BDS measures or to cut off military aid to the Jewish state and make common ground with open Jew-haters to promote this cause. Unfortunately that is a distinction that liberals like Beinart are prepared to ignore in order to score bogus political points against easy targets like Murdoch.

I think it is good that someone posted that little bit of clear thinking.  However….

On the other hand

I seem to remember that this Magazine really let Ron Paul have it in a big way once. I wrote this once:

Update #3: Like clockwork, the mouthpiece of the biggest and most protected minority spews forth their bile towards Ron Paul. Question: What if someone, like me; spewed forth that sort of hate towards a Jewish Senator? I think you know the answer to that one.

I stand by that statement. The problem is that some of Commentary’s writers equate criticisms of Israel, The Likud Party, and Wilsonian Foreign Policy to be on par with Jewish hatred and support of the Holocaust and of Nazi Germany.  It is an utterly bogus accusation and it is sad thing, when American Jews resort to such tactics. Furthermore, I find it very ironic that Commentary will bend over backwards to defend Murdoch, but they have no problem smearing Ron Paul.  if Commentary Magazine is going to defend Rupert Murdoch from such accusations, they should not be so quick to toss them out against WASP’s like Ron Paul and myself and they should fire those who do.

I have been consistent in my feelings towards Wilsonian foreign policy, I reject it and I feel it is not good policy for America. I should not, neither should anyone else, like this guy here; be subjected to accusations of Antisemitism.  Of course, like many others; because I am an American Nationalist, I have been called an anti-Semite, by fat broads, who work for Femi-Nazi, affirmative action Conservatives; and many other things too — including a racist. Which I find to be absolutely amusing. I am not a racist or an anti-Semite. I just do not kiss anyone’s Black, Latino, or Jewish ass. I hate to put it that way, but it is the truth about me.

This why reform is needed in this conservative movement once and for all. This people who engage in these sort of leftist tactics need to be exposed and thrown out of our party, once and for all — Especially in this blogosphere.

Also too, yes, I know what I wrote here. Yes, Ron Paul’s associations are troubling. However, I do not believe that Ron Paul himself ought to be treated the way that he is, by the Jewish right.  Because condemning someone, for who they are associated with, is a tactic of the Frankfurt School of the political correctness; which is an institute of the left. Too bad that people like commentary magazine, and some in the Political Conservative Blogosphere — are simply continuing in that practice, supposedly after leaving the left.

Just my opinion.


Rand Paul talks about the future of the GOP

The Video: (H/T

Quoting Ed Morrissey:

Paul the Younger has always seemed to have a better grasp on reality than Paul the Elder, and so far has managed to shed the disturbing connections to the fringe that his father courted. I don’t think that Paul will have enough of a following by 2016 to make a serious run for the Presidency, but his talents might be better used in the Senate to build a conservative wing along with Jim DeMint that can stop the excesses of Washington and fight for fiscal sanity. The presidency will always be critical to that fight, but it can’t be won without having solid players in the legislative branch as well.

Paul is an element of the future of the Republican Party, and if he works wisely, he could be a driving force for a deeper commitment to limited government and large-scale reform. That would be good news for everyone.

I kind of agree with this, and kind of I do not. For one, Rand Paul does have some questionable ties; namely his Father for one. Two, he has made some questionable statements on the Constitution and the civil rights act of 1964. However, I do admire his stances of taxes and states rights when it comes to social issues, which is something I believe that really kneecapped the GOP in this election, especially seeing that they ran an establishment figure.

Again, I believe, like Ed, that Rand Paul would be better suited for Congress. I believe Rubio could make some headway for the GOP in 2016. Some might disagree and say that Rubio would pander to minorities. This might be the case, but seeing the changing demographic in this Country — we got to do something or risk fading into a regional party.

Just my opinion. 😀

Allen West finally concedes to Patrick Murphy

I wrote once before about this affirmative action Republican and now it seems that Allen West has decided to take his big bucket of chicken and go home, which is right where he belongs.  That’s right I said that about you, jar-head West, sue me. 

Politico reports:

Florida Rep. Allen West — the tea party pugilist and face of the class of House Republicans that stormed to power two years ago — conceded Tuesday to 29-year-old construction executive Patrick Murphy in one of the nation’s highest-profile congressional races.

After two weeks of battle with St. Lucie County elections officials — and a recount of early votes that wound up extending Murphy’s lead — West acknowledged that he couldn’t surmount his 1,904-vote, or 0.58 percent, deficit. That difference was just outside the 0.5 percent threshold to automatically trigger a recount of all votes.

So the brash conservative opted to bow out rather than wage a long and costly court battle he was unlikely to win.

“For two weeks since Election Day, we have been working to ensure every vote is counted accurately and fairly. We have made progress towards that goal, thanks to the dedication of our supporters and their unrelenting efforts to protect the integrity of the democratic process,” West said in a statement to POLITICO. “While many questions remain unanswered, today I am announcing that I will take no further action to contest the outcome of this election.”

West congratulated Murphy, saying, “I pray he will serve his constituents with honor and integrity, and put the interests of our nation before his own.”

You mean, like when you put your own interests ahead of the people who elected you? Like, when you called members of the congressional black caucus communists? You mean, like when you broke the damned rules of engagement in Iraq, all so that you could look good supposedly save the lives of your fellow troops?

Sorry to say this sir; but you are nothing, but a goddamned disgrace to this Country, to the United States Military and to the political process in this damned Country! Furthermore, if there was any sort of decency in this Country or in the United States Military, you would cooling your heels in a Military prison in Leavenworth, Texas!

You seem to think that because you are black, and because you served in the United States Military; that somehow or another you are entitled to be in politics and are somehow or another special enough to represent this Country? You sir, deserve nothing at all, but scorn from this Nation. I happen to be a white conservative, who believes in rule of law and you sir did not uphold that principle, not only during your time in Iraq, but also during this election, where you got your little black butt kicked.

No, this is not about racism, not at all. Anyone that reads this blog, knows that I have nothing but disdain for this sort of stuff. What this is about, is me having a personal problem with someone, who used his Military credentials, despite the fact that he was a known law-breaker, to get public office. If it were not for the so-called Tea Party movement, and for the money of some rich white people in south Florida, who wanted a puppet in Congress. This guy would be shining shoes at the five and dime store.

Some of my long time readers and those who used to read my old blog, remember that I used to support this buffoon, when he ran for office and then after he was elected. Then, after he was elected, he started making these ridiculous statements to the media. This is when I knew that this man was not quite ready for prime-time. I regret any and all that I ever wrote in support of this guy. Because, quite franking, this idiot made the conservative movement look quite stupid.

Here is to sanity in south Florida and in Conservative politics. Congratulations to Patrick Murphy in a decisive win against a total buffoon.

Others: The Moderate VoiceCrooks and LiarsCNNHot AirThe Gateway Pundit,MediaiteWonketteTruthdigGawkerThe PJ TatlerTaylor MarshOutside the BeltwayThe Lonely Conservative (via Memeorandum)