Ann Coulter basically calls Senator Barack Obama a two bit Hitler

I hate to say this, But this crap right here, is why Conservatism is in it’s death throws and why America wants nothing to do, at all, with the G.O.P.

The Video:

The transcript: (via MMFA)

From the April 3 edition of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes:

SEAN HANNITY (co-host): But I will bet you any amount of money, any bet, any dinner, any place, anywhere, restaurant of your choice, with any bottle of wine you want —

COULTER: — that I won’t vote for her?

HANNITY: You won’t vote for a Democrat. You will never pull the lever this election year for a Democrat.

COULTER: Well, I don’t want to give either of them a mandate, so I will probably write in Ronald Reagan.

HANNITY: Oh, come on.

COULTER: But I’m not going to vote for a Democrat, so I won’t vote for John McCain.

JOHN CARLSON (radio talk show host): I didn’t think it was congenitally possible for Ann Coulter to pull the lever for a Democrat.


CARLSON: You’re not really going to vote for Hillary.


COULTER: If — as I said, and I haven’t —

HANNITY: She won’t.

COULTER: — changed my mind, if the election were close and it’s between Hillary and McCain, I think Hillary would be better on national security.

HANNITY: She’s not — she doesn’t mean it. I’m telling — I know she would never do it. Never.

COLMES: She’s lying?


CARLSON: Wait, wait, wait, hold on.

COLMES: Are you calling her a liar?

HANNITY: No, she’s not lying; she’s [unintelligible] —

COLMES: Let me defend you —

CARLSON: Why would Hillary — why would Hillary protect America better than John McCain?

COULTER: Do you really want me to go through this again on Fox airwaves?

HANNITY: Answer this.

COULTER: ‘Cause they’re getting a little testy with me for making the case.

CARLSON: No, no. Who do you think the soldiers in Iraq would rather to see as their commander and chief?

COULTER: No, I understand we have spent 10 years building up a hatred for the Clintons. And frankly, when I endorsed her, I was secretly pleased that it seemed to kill her nomination.

However, she’s not obsessed with being called a maverick by The New York Times, like — oh, who could I think of? Yes, John McCain. She’s not obsessed with waterboarding and stopping waterboarding, and given the glint in her eye, I think she’d like torturing them. Have you seen that woman give a speech? I think she would enjoy torturing them at Guantánamo.

CARLSON: They play those at Gitmo.

COULTER: She doesn’t run around saying we’ve got to shut down Guantánamo. So I think I’ve just made the case. What do you have to say?


COULTER: I think the point is, the most important question right now is — is who it is John McCain chooses as his vice president. Because he may end up being the luckiest man in the world, running against this absolute racist Obama, as noted in my column —


COLMES: Wait, wait a minute, wait a minute. Why are you calling him a racist? Why are you calling him a racist?

COULTER: — or Hillary Clinton, who — I mean, he could — he could be the luckiest man in the world, liberal Republican —

COLMES: Why are you calling him a racist?

COULTER: Because we — the topic we were supposed to be talking about in this segment, Sean — my column this week. I’m the only person in America who has read Obama’s autobiography —

COLMES: You know, as a matter of fact —

COULTER: — and all he has a racial hair-trigger, he’s a complete loon. All he talks about is constantly being offended. And Mr. Unity attacks Sean Hannity and me.

COLMES: All right, you said in your piece —


COULTER: — and now we’re offended.

HANNITY: Me and you in the same sentence —

COLMES: Hold on, we only have a second left. You said, if only — you might want to take a peek at Obama and what he writes — "if only people had read ‘Mein Kampf’ … "


COLMES: So in other words, he would be as dangerous as Hitler?

COULTER: No. He’s a dimestore Mein Kampf.

COLMES: Oh, he’s a two-bit Hitler?

COULTER: But yes. It is absolute racialist. If you read Mein Kampf

COLMES: I see.

COULTER: — it’s all about his Germanic heritage. And this is — OK, go read it. If you don’t believe me —

COLMES: All right, I see.

COULTER: — you want to read the CliffsNotes version in my column.

COLMES: We should be as wary of Obama as they should have been of Hitler in Nazi Germany?

COULTER: If only people had read Mein Kampf.

COLMES: I just want to get you on the record. We will come right back.

She’s something else, in the quest of being ironic, cute and snarky, she’s basically destroying the Republican Party and running Conservative movement into the ratholes of America.

Pretty Lady, She is, stupid, but quite pretty. Like a poodle…..


Message to the Far Right Wing lunatic fringe trolls who visit this blog

Earlier today, I posted a picture that I thought would be of interest to the American people.

Well, as expected, some anonymous Far Right Wing lunatic fringe tool left a rather nasty comment here on my Blog.

I won’t get into the specifics as to what was said, as I don’t wish to give this feckless coward any more attention than he really deserves.

But I will say this, if you are going to leave a message here, saying the the stuff that you did, you are not going to leave it here anonymously. Sorry, this is my space, my blog, my domain, if you are going to criticize me and/or leave abusing comments, you’re going to have to either register with Blogger and leave full information or a valid URL or e-mail address.

Any messages of any kind of threatening nature will be reported to Google support and your IP Address reported to the proper authorities and YOU WILL be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law. I don’t play when it comes to that sort of stuff, at all, Period, end of story.

No, he didn’t threaten to kill me or anything of that nature, but he was quite nasty and as usual when it comes to people of his ilk, wrong about me and my political stance.

However, to be fair, I am quite aware, that this sort of hatemongering and nastiness exists on both sides of the political aisle. So, this doesn’t surprise me at all. Let’s just say, that I’ve been there and done that, more than once.

Martin Luther King Jr. In his own words….

Now, I am sure there will be those who will accuse me of being a Liberal for posting this.

Quite honestly, I could give a flying flip what those close-minded, ignorant, fools think really.

Every time I read some idiotic tripe, which is usually written by some racist bigot, saying that Martin Luther King Jr. was a Communist, I just want to rip that persons head off. Sad part is, most Republicans believe that nonsense.

Funny thing is, the same Republicans that derided Martin Luther King Jr. Deride Al Sharpton. Honestly? I’m not a fan of the guy either. Not because of his skin color, because he’s hi-jacked the civil rights movement. As has Jesse Jackson. But I strong suspect the motives of the Conservatives who love to run those two in the ground.

I present these videos, not in support of any particular political party. I present them for their historical value, the man changed the south, no Republican or Conservative can deny that, not at all. In fact, I will go on record as saying, any Conservative that says anything cross against this man, exposes him or herself as the racist bigot that they truly are.

Update: I am including this video, because I want people to see the emotional impact of what happened on April 4, 1968. They didn’t just kill a man, they hurt and impacted a race of people….check this quite heart rending video out:

And now….The Videos:

His Most Famous Speech:

His Last Speech:

Part 1:

Part 2:

On War:



May the man Rest in God’s Holy Peace…. and may his message never die.

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Strange Bedfellows

Look what I found snooping around a particular controversial conservative talk radio host’s website.


That guy on the right is Michael Alan Weiner AKA Michael Savage.

Gee, I wonder, does McCain endorse Michael Savage’s hate speech that flows like a fountain on that show?

The reason why I ask this question is because, wasn’t it the Conservatives who want absolutely crazy over Senator Barack Obama’s Pastor?

Here is a nice sample of Michael Savage’s Hate speech… Click here


From the October 29 edition of Talk Radio Network’s The Savage Nation:

SAVAGE: Yee-haw! This is the America — this is the America that those Islamic-fascist, robe-wearing, throwback bums have never seen! Let’s get it on! Let’s bring it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Let’s get it on! Bomb Iran, bring our boys home now! Wipe Hezbollah out of America! Cut the tentacles of Iran off! Cut the tentacles of that octopus off now! Get every hunter in America armed to the teeth! Throwback bastards! I’m so sick of them! I’m so sick of the brainwashing about Islam and Muslims and the Koran! Shove it! Shove it all! I’m sick of it!

Take the music off. I have never lived through a brainwashing like I’ve lived through for the last five years. Every day, another story sweet-selling Islam and the Koran. It goes in the face, it’s so counter-intuitive. Wherever you look on the Earth, there’s a bomb going off or a car going up in flames, and it’s Muslims screaming for the blood of Christians, or Jews, or anyone they hate. And every day we’re told the opposite here.

Everything we know to be true, we’re told, "Oh, don’t believe what your mind tells you, believe what the diversity trainers tell you. Believe what the government tells you. It’s a religion of peace." Well why don’t they prove it’s a religion of peace? Why don’t they put down their hateful little book for a few minutes, and tell us why, when we pick up their hateful little book — I can read chapter and verse, I can see what it says, in their book of hate.

It says that if you see a stranger, who is not a Muslim, either convert him or kill him. You want me to quote the Sutra? I’ll quote the Sutra! Page after page after page is about religion — a religion that teaches convert or kill. A religion that says oppress women, kill homosexuals, kill the Jew, kill the Christian, kill the infidel.

Page after page after page, and we’re supposed to sit here and listen to this rubbish about a religion of peace, and every day Bush brings in thousands of more of these throwbacks — throwbacks wearing medieval costumes, walking around, spitting on the ground every time they see a Christian, or a Jew, or a so-called infidel. These throwbacks think they’re better than you underneath it all, and 90 percent of them are on welfare. Ninety percent of them come in here, and all they do is breed more bombers. More bombers, and more bombers! And you’re telling me this is a sane country? There, I gave it to you from the bottom of my heart. If you don’t like it, it’s too damn bad. Go write the FCC. Marlene in Los Angeles, you’re on The Savage Nation.

I just wonder, does John McCain support this sort of thing?

Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the Word….for today!

No sooner than I post the one for Yesterday, they post the one for today….. Doh

Bronze:  Rupert Murdock for saying Faux Noise is fair and balanced, even when they’re not

Silver: Glenn Beck for making a rather idiotic remark about Walmart backing down on the Debbie Shank lawsuit

Gold: Darrell Issa for doing the very thing that I already Blogged about.

Keith Olbermann's Worst Person in the World

From April 2, 2008:

Bronze: Steve Ducey for saying that the recession is a liberal Plot.

Silver: Rush Limbaugh for trying to explain the democrat party nomination process

Gold: Tony Snow for lying about Obama’s voting record, proving the Cancer has gone to his brain! SurpriseWinking

Hee hee

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Speaking of Idiots…..

Man, it comes in waves….

The Article:  GOP Rep. Darrell Issa under fire from everywhere after 9/11 comments – (via New York Daily News)

The California congressman who called the Sept. 11 attacks "simply" a plane crash ran for cover Wednesday under a barrage of ridicule from fellow Republicans, first responders and victims’ families.

San Diego GOP Rep. Darrell Issa was under siege for suggesting the federal government had already done enough to help New York cope with "a fire" that "simply was an aircraft" hitting the World Trade Center.

"That is a pretty distorted view of things," said Frank Fraone, a Menlo Park, Calif., fire chief who led a 67-man crew at Ground Zero. "Whether they’re a couple of planes or a couple of missiles, they still did the same damage

Oy…. I’ve heard of "Open Mouth, Insert Foot", But Man, this is like over the top… Doh

He’s from California, Which says quite a bit, and he’s a Republican. Interesting combination.

I also notice his last name, I wonder what his nationality is? Let’s see here, via Wikipedia:

Darrell Issa’s mother is of Bohemian German descent and his father is of Lebanese Christian descent. Issa was born in Cleveland, Ohio. He grew up in a Jewish neighborhood and worked for a rabbi. Issa enlisted in the Army during his senior year of high school, where he served as a bomb disposal technician.

Well, that explains it all! I guess nationality loyalty is thinker than loyalty to the United States.  Why didn’t he just come out and say the 9/1 hijackers were heroes?

Others: DownWithTyranny!, Think Progress, Calitics, Blue Girl, Red State, At-Largely and CWA-NJ Conservatives … (via Memeorandum)

Attack of the Lesbian Lawyers!

No, not her! She’s getting married. Rolling on the floor

Go read the story over on NPR:

The Justice Department’s inspector general is investigating whether a career attorney in the department was dismissed from her job because of rumors that she is a lesbian. The case grew out of a larger inquiry into the firings of U.S. attorneys and politicization at Justice under former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Several people interviewed by the inspector general’s staff described the case to NPR and said they came away with the impression that the Attorney General’s office decided not to renew Leslie Hagen’s contract because of the talk about her sexual orientation. Hagen received the highest possible ratings for her work as liaison between the Justice Department and the U.S. attorneys’ committee on Native American issues. Her final job evaluation lists five categories for supervisors to rank her performance. For each category, a neat X fills the box marked, "Outstanding." And at the bottom of the page, under "overall rating level," she also got the top mark: Outstanding.

The form is dated February 1, 2007. Several months before that evaluation, Hagen was told her contract would not be renewed.

Here’s where Goodling gets into the Picture:

The official line on Hagen’s dismissal was that contracts like hers are a privilege. Rotating new people through the job each year gives more people a chance to serve.

But what happened next seems to undermine that explanation. Internal Justice Department documents obtained by NPR show that soon after Hagen was let go, two people in her office had their contracts renewed for another year.

And Hagen’s post remained vacant months after she left.

Justice Department e-mails obtained by NPR show that Gonzales’s senior counsel Monica Goodling had a particular interest in Hagen’s duties. A few months before Hagen was let go, according to one e-mail, Goodling removed part of Hagen’s job portfolio — the part dealing with child exploitation and abuse.

Goodling, who left the Justice Department last year, declined through her lawyer to comment on the matter.

Well, I would guess so! Especially if she did do this. It could come back to haunt her.

Should be interesting to follow….

I could go one and rant and rave about how this Administration was corrupt from the ground up. But what more can I say, that hasn’t been said by people who get paid much better money then me? Not much at all.


Others: DownWithTyranny!, Wonkette, Law Blog, Pam’s House Blend, The Carpetbagger Report, Salon and A Spork in the Drawer and more via Memeorandum

Editorial: In defense of Senator Debbie Stabenow

I am not writing this to defend the actions of Senator Stabenow’s husband.  The actions of Thomas Athans were deplorable.  If I were the senator, I would be seeing a lawyer and relieving this man of his burden of marriage.

However because the story of Thomas Athans has become the catalyst of great political fodder and blogger ridicule, and outright mocking by those of opposite political ideology.  Because of this sort of nonsense, I am writing a simple defense of Senator Stabenow as a Senator of the State of Michigan.  

I am quite aware of Senator Stabenow’s political stance, However, I am also aware of her performance in the Senate.  I can personally testify to her consistency in addressing issues brought before her.  I have personally e-mailed TONS of issues, brought to my attention by the John Birch Society, to Senator Stabenow’s office.

Senator Stabenow’s office was always faithful to reply to my e-mails to her, sometimes, the replies were even personal, and not a computer generated response, even though I am sure that some of the issues brought to her attention were in direct opposition to her political stance.

Further, of all the political representatives in my local area, other than one other political official for my local area, Senator Stabenow was the ONLY political official who responded to my e-mails, sometimes Senator Stabenow would reply to me personally via United States Mail, Even though she did not have to.

Therefore, I feel that this smearing by the Republican and Conservative Bloggers is just unwarranted.  We are not dealing with a seedy politician here.  We are dealing with a very nice woman, who has a husband who is an idiot.

I think that the Blogosphere needs to take a step back and leave this woman to sort out her own affairs.  I hope that she will do the right thing in the situation regarding her husband.

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