Hillary Clinton fired from Lawyer Job

This juicy bit of info came out yesterday and I didn’t get chance to Blog about it.

This comes via the guys over at HotAir.com.

An Article by Dan Calabrese basically removes any varnish off of Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer days. Calabrese quotes Jerry Zeifman, a life long Democrat as saying the following:


As Hillary Clinton came under increasing scrutiny for her story about facing sniper fire in Bosnia, one question that arose was whether she has engaged in a pattern of lying.

The now-retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee, who supervised Hillary when she worked on the Watergate investigation, says Hillary’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.

Jerry Zeifman, a lifelong Democrat, supervised the work of 27-year-old Hillary Rodham on the committee. Hillary got a job working on the investigation at the behest of her former law professor, Burke Marshall, who was also Sen. Ted Kennedy’s chief counsel in the Chappaquiddick affair. When the investigation was over, Zeifman fired Hillary from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.


“Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

It is being reported that this isn’t really news, however, it is the first time that I have heard of it. So, far only Conservative Blogs are talking about it, I haven’t seen any movement by the bigger Blogs, but if this did catch fire, it could spell the end of Hillary Clinton. Because basically, she’s used her years as a lawyer to say she is ready for the White House.

Zeifman goes on to say at his website:

After hiring Hillary, Doar assigned her to confer with me regarding rules of procedure for the impeachment inquiry. At my first meeting with her I told her that Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter Rodino, House Speaker Carl Albert, Majority Leader “Tip” O’Neill, Parliamentarian Lou Deschler and I had previously all agreed that we should rely only on the then existing House Rules, and not advocate any changes. I also quoted Tip O’Neill’s statement that: “To try to change the rules now would be politically divisive. It would be like trying to change the traditional rules of baseball before a World Series.”

Hillary assured me that she had not drafted, and would not advocate, any such rules changes. However, as documented in my personal diary, I soon learned that she had lied. She had already drafted changes, and continued to advocate them. In one written legal memorandum, she advocated denying President Nixon representation by counsel. In so doing she simply ignored the fact that in the committee’s then most recent prior impeachment proceeding, the committee had afforded the right to counsel to Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.

I had also informed Hillary that the Douglas impeachment files were available for public inspection in the committee offices. She later removed the Douglas files without my permission and carried them to the offices of the impeachment inquiry staff — where they were no longer accessible to the public.

Hillary had also made other ethical flawed procedural recommendations, arguing that the Judiciary Committee should: not hold any hearings with – or take depositions of — any live witnesses; not conduct any original investigation of Watergate, bribery, tax evasion, or any other possible impeachable offense of President Nixon; and should rely solely on documentary evidence compiled by other committees and by the Justice Departments special Watergate prosecutor.

If any of the above is true, Hillary Clinton could be in deep trouble should this story begin tread water among the main stream media.

Ed Morrissey on this:

The right to counsel is considered one of the inviolable tenets of our justice system. It doesn’t speak well of ambitious attorneys working on a highly-charged political investigation that she wanted to deny someone the right to an attorney. Small wonder Zeifman questioned her ethics.

If all she did was to propose that as a tactic, that would not make it terribly concerning — but she did much more than just spitball ideas. When informed that public evidence showed a precedent for the right to counsel, she absconded with the files to eliminate the evidence. Does that remind anyone of later incidents in the Clinton narrative, such as the billing records for the Rose Law offices and the 900+ raw FBI files on political opponents of the Clintons?

For the sake of the Democrats and for the sake of this election, I am hope that this story just dies off and goes away. I mean, the Democrats have enough trouble right now as it is.

Should be interesting indeed.

Others: protein wisdom, TBogg, Power Line, Doug Ross, Stop The ACLU, PoliGazette, Pat Dollard, North Star Writers Group, NewsBusters.org, QandO, Secular Blasphemy and Digg (via Memeorandum)

One of the half a million reasons I think Joe Scarborough is an Asshat….

Transcript: (via Media Matters for America)

From the March 31 edition of MSNBC’s Morning Joe:

SCARBOROUGH: You know, Willie, the thing is, Americans want their president, if it’s a man, to be a real man. They — 1984, I remember Ronald Reagan goes to South Boston. He holds up that beer mug —


SCARBOROUGH: — in that South Boston pub, and everybody’s like, "He’s a real man," and I guess Barack Obama’s trying to do the same thing, too.

BRZEZINSKI: Stop it. Oh, come on.

SCARBOROUGH: Awful. Good Lord.

GEIST: He’s going to have to try a little harder than he did in Altoona, Pennsylvania, on Saturday night —



SCARBOROUGH: Oh, this is awful.

GEIST: — at the Pleasant Valley Rec Center. He went bowling, and let’s just take a quick look at it here. I guess I’ll just give you the final numbers. Started out nicely, got the Velcro shoes.

BRZEZINSKI: Looking good, looking good.

GEIST: But then he started bowling. The score you’re really after in bowling is 300; that’s a perfect score.


SCARBOROUGH: That’s perfect score.

BRZEZINSKI: Good, good, good.

SCARBOROUGH: But, you know, if you get 200, you’re a good bowler.

GEIST: Sure. You know what?

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah. Two-fifty —

SCARBOROUGH: You get 150, you’re a man —


SCARBOROUGH: — or a good woman.


GEIST: Out of my president, I want a 150, at least. Barack Obama bowled — well, you can see his form here —



GEIST: A 37.


GEIST: That’s a three, next to a seven.

SCARBOROUGH: Baby, if you go to Altoona, Pennsylvania, on a Saturday night and you’re going to try to bowl —

SCARBOROUGH: Oh, that’s so dainty. Ugh.

GEIST: Get there, get there.

SCARBOROUGH: What a dainty —


BRZEZINSKI: A gutter ball, that’s like me bowling.

SCARBOROUGH: That is such a dainty release.

GEIST: If you’re the president, you want — you don’t want them to have to put those bumpers in the gutters.

SCARBOROUGH: Look, here we go, look at this. OK.

BRZEZINSKI: All right now.

[Scarborough squeals]

GEIST: Oh, it’s like a children’s birthday party.


SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got a feeling he —

BRZEZINSKI: That was useless and stupid and [unintelligible].

SCARBOROUGH: — he didn’t go bowling in Cambridge that much. That’s a guy that’s been studying a lot of — reading a lot of books.


FORD: One thing I thought he did a great job of this week — he’s done a lot of great things but —

SCARBOROUGH: Not bowling.


SCARBOROUGH: Have you ever bowled before, Harold?

FORD: I do, I have.

SCARBOROUGH: You ever bowl?

FORD: I’m embarrassed to say, but I do.

BRZEZINSKI: Harold, make your point.

FORD: My other point is just —

SCARBOROUGH: No, no, I’m curious. If you were running for president in Altoona, Pennsylvania —

FORD: They can walk him through —

SCARBOROUGH: He got a 37 —

FORD: — feed milk to him —

SCARBOROUGH: Harold, he got a 37 bowling in Altoona, Pennsylviania.


GEIST: So sorry.


FORD: He probably shouldn’t do that again, but I tell you, it showed a human side to him. I mean, it showed a very humble side to him.

SCARBOROUGH: Well, yeah, yeah, yeah.

BRZEZINSKI: He is a politician.

SCARBOROUGH: A very human side? A prissy side.

BRZEZINSKI: Oh, stop it. Now, that’s just not nice.

SCARBOROUGH: Anyway, make your point.

FORD: He’s a heck of an athlete, by the way.

SCARBOROUGH: Is he really?

FORD: Actually, heck of an athlete.

SCARBOROUGH: It sure didn’t look it, the way that he was just —


SCARBOROUGH: He was pushing it this way, right there.

BRZEZINSKI: You have to take it and run with it, Harold.

FORD: But he looked like — I mean, he looked like folks, he looked like an American. A Pennsylvanian — he looked like someone, day in and day out —


BRZEZINSKI: No, no, no.

SCARBOROUGH: He was bowling in his tie —

FORD: — except the bowling. The bowling hurt it.

BRZEZINSKI: Harold, take my advice.

FORD: The bowling — I mean, I thought it was 137. You sure it was 37?

SCARBOROUGH: It was 37. That is awful.

BRZEZINSKI: You have to — there is no way. There is no way out of this one.


SCARBOROUGH: So Harold, so Harold, though —

FORD: He’s my buddy. I can’t believe you make me laugh at –.

SCARBOROUGH: But you say he’s a good athlete?

BRZEZINSKI: He’s a dancer.


FORD: He’s a heck of a basketball player.

SCARBOROUGH: Is he really?

FORD: Heck of a basketball player.


FORD: As a matter of fact, I spent a little time with his brother-in-law over the weekend who can also play.

BRZEZINSKI: I’d think you’d have a hard time against him —

SCARBOROUGH: How tall is he?

FORD: How tall is Barack?


FORD: Barack’s probably 6’2".


FORD: 6’2", 6’3", yeah. He’s a big guy.


SCARBOROUGH: Well then, I better be quiet because —

FORD: Yeah, probably.

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, I think you should.

SCARBOROUGH: I mean, I’m bigger than he is.

BRZEZINSKI: I still think you should be quiet.

FORD: You should reach out to a bowl-off.

SCARBOROUGH: I’ll challenge him to a bowl-off. But basketball — he looks like he’s in pretty good shape. I would just have to post low.

GEIST: Right.

FORD: And I’d throw him a pass on you, too. I’ve seen you. I think he could probably take you down the sideline on a post route.


h no. Please don’t, don’t don’t don’t go there. You didn’t just do this.


SCARBOROUGH: Wait, wait. I’m sorry? You talking football now?


FORD: I mean, that’s one sport y’all can still play at Florida —


SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got 5 yards.


SCARBOROUGH: I’ve got 5 yards, bump and run. He’s not going down the field.

FORD: Oh, Joe.

SCARBOROUGH: You know what my nickname was in college?

BRZEZINSKI: Oh, Lord, help me.

SCARBOROUGH: The "Round Mound of Rebound." On the basketball court, you just go low and lean.

BRZEZINSKI: Yeah, well, 15 million Big Macs later, I don’t think that name applies, honey.


SCARBOROUGH: Let’s bring in right now David Axelrod, he’s chief strategist for the Obama campaign. David, we have to ask a question, what did you know, when did you know it —

BRZEZINSKI: And what were you thinking?

SCARBOROUGH: What were you thinking? Why did you allow your candidate to bowl a 37 in Altoona, Pennsylvania? America waits for your answer, sir.

AXELROD: Well, if you’re going to bowl a 37, Altoona’s a good a place as any, Joe. No, listen. I think it was tremendously insightful of the candidate not to try and show up any of the other bowlers there.

SCARBOROUGH: I’ll tell you what —

AXELROD: I mean, that’s the kind of political sophistication that you want —

GEIST: There you go.

AXELROD: What’s worse, I mean, listen, what made that worse was that right after that, Hillary Clinton revealed that she had bowled a 300 with the prime minister of Uzbekistan. So —

SCARBOROUGH: Oh, here we go.


BRZEZINSKI: Oh, that’s harsh [unintelligible]. David —

SCARBOROUGH: I’ll tell you what, that is some spin, my man.

BRZEZINSKI: No, you didn’t.

SCARBOROUGH: First of all, you say he got the 37. That’s why he gets the big bucks. He says —

AXELROD: So he didn’t bowl 10 frames, Joe. He didn’t bowl 10 frames, and as he’s proven, he’s a strong finisher.




AXELROD: Let’s put the whole thing in perspective.

From the 10 a.m. ET hour of the March 31 edition of MSNBC Live:

HALL: Well, Barack Obama — his friends say he’s a whiz on the basketball court and he can hold his own on the dance floor — and he’s got a gift, of course, for speaking. But one thing Barack Obama cannot do, and I think it’s official — he can’t bowl. Mr. Obama scored a 37 when he hit the lanes this weekend. And yes, he bowled all 10 frames. That’s impossible. Well, voters in Pennsylvania will give him some pointers for his effort.

I do sometimes catch his show in the mornings. But I think the guy is a fucking dick, quite frankly. Someone who picked on kids in school, a spoiled rich kid who thought he was something big. I would love to see nothing more than some beat the living fucking shit out of Joe right on the air, on his own show.

I honestly do not know how Mika Brzezinski puts up with it. I wouldn’t, I’d bitch and have his ass fired. He’s said so much offensive stuff to her, as a woman, it is unbelievable.

He’s the kind of Republican, that I cannot stand. The kind with the "I am better than you", Attitude.

Others: No More Mister Nice Blog, The Reaction, The New Republic, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES and Gateway Pundit

US Military to recruit Bloggers to spread Pro-War Propaganda

That is the report from "Danger Room", A National Security Blog at Wired.com.


A study, written for U.S. Special Operations Command, suggested "clandestinely recruiting or hiring prominent Bloggers." 

Since the start of the Iraq war, there’s been a raucous debate in military circles over how to handle blogs — and the servicemembers who want to keep them. One faction sees blogs as security risks, and a collective waste of troops’ time. The other (which includes top officers, like Gen. David Petraeus and Lt. Gen. William Caldwell) considers blogs to be a valuable source of information, and a way for ordinary troops to shape opinions, both at home and abroad.

This report does not surprise me, nor is a huge revelation. I believe that US Military in Iraq, at some point, when the Iraq War began to turn sour, began to instruct some of it’s Military personnel to sign up for Blogs, say on Blogspot and WordPress, under false Iraqi names, like Omar and Mohammad, and to begin to preach the good values of this War and the Bush Administration.

One of these blogs already exists. It is called "Iraq, The Model"; it has been in existence since November of 2003. It is "supposedly" run by someone in Iraq.

Sorry, I am not buying it. The English is too good. I accused the person that owns this Blog of being a covert American once and he flew into a rage and called me a liar, and then amazingly my comments on the Blog disappeared. As if he did not want to arouse anyone’s suspicions, I suppose.

My question is, does the Bush Administration really believe that the American people are that damned gullible? That we are just going to blindly buy the lie that this war is just going along smoothly and everything is perfect. I mean really!

Coupled with that and continued moving of the Goal posts as to why we should be there! First, it was to topple Saddam, and then it became to fight against Al-Qaeda, and so forth. I mean, somewhere along the line, the American people realized that the Bush Administration was full of crap.

It just cracks me up, that George W. Bush and his Administration actually sit up there, in the White House thinking of ways that they can deceive the American people into believing that this war was even remotely justified. Everyone knows, that actually reads the news, which is good percentage of America, that the whole invasion of Iraq was an abdication of U.S. Intelligence, from the ground up. Does anyone remember, "Slam Dunk"?

Mr. President, in case you have been away or a bit busy, this is not 1941! We do have the thing called the Internet and a thing called Blogs and various other kinds of Alternative news sources! You cannot control the type of news that comes out of Iraq. No matter how hard you try! You would think a man that ended up in the White House would be smart enough to know this sort of a thing. But then again, we are talking about George W. Bush, the former cokehead, the former womanizer, the former Drunk, the guy who walked away from the Military, the Former Black sheep of the Bush Family, are we not?

Of course, upon further reflection, this is the mindset of the Republican Party, the party of the wealthy in our society. The sick and twisted mentality of "They are just stupid common people, they’ll believe anything we tell them.” The sad part is, within the Republican Party, there does exist a certain amount of that sort of Mentality. It is generally made up of the viewers of the Fox News Channel. In fairness, there are liberals like that too. "Believe what you are told and shut up and accept it and get back to work!" is the mentality of the good part of America. Thank God for people like Edward C. Marrow, and Keith Olbermann and many others, including those in the Blogging community, that have stood up and said, "No More!" and have sought to expose this Administration for what it is. Corrupt.  

I am not sure how I feel about this story, angry or sad. Angry because of the Blatant stupidity that it exhibits, or sad for our nation, sad because the American government is having to stoop to the level of hiring professional Bloggers to print lies about this war.  

November 2008 cannot come quick enough for me.

Others: THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, Think Progress, Shakesville and Left in the West (via Memeoradum)

As if President Bush needed any more troubles, Now this….

 Like Wow! It must be open season on his Administration.

Article: Report Says HUD Secretary Will Resign (via New York Times)

Housing Secretary Alphonso R. Jackson is expected to resign Monday, The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night.

Mr. Jackson has scheduled a news conference for 9:45 a.m., 15 minutes before Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. is supposed to outline plans for dealing with the financial crisis set off by the risky mortgage lending.

If Mr. Jackson steps down, it would remove a key player from the administration team dealing with the problem.

It is an interesting read. Corruption at the highest level.

Other Bloggers via Memeorandum

The Dutch are cowards.

Go Read.

I think it’s the best movie ever made, about Islam.

I personally think we need to follow Ann Coulter’s Advice.

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren’t punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That’s war. And this is war. – Source

No wiser words have been said.

Keith Olbermann's Worst Person's in the World

Bronze: Walmart’s CEO for doing nothing about being nominated Yesterday.

Silver: Lindsey Graham for going Faux Noise and saying McCain never said the war would be easy. Even though, he did.

Hee hee

Gold: Michael Chertoff for sending his agents out to catch a radioactive cat! (*meow?*) I dont know

Proud to be White!

You know, with all this talk about Racism on Blogs. I think it’s just high time, that I spoke my Mind…..

Without further ado, I present:

Proud To Be White

Someone finally said it.
How many are actually paying attention to this?

There are African Americans, Mexican Americans,
Asian Americans, Arab Americans, etc.
And then there are just Americans.

You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction.
You Call me ‘White boy,’ ‘Cracker,’ ‘Honkey,’
‘Whitey,’ ‘Caveman’ … and that’s OK.

But when I call you, Nigger, Kike, Towel head,
Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink …
You call me a racist.

You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you,
so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live?

You have the United Negro College Fund.

You have Martin Luther King Day.

You have Black History Month.

You have Cesar Chavez Day.

You have Yom Hashoah.

You have Ma’uled Al-Nabi.

You have the NAACP.

You have BET.

If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) we’d be racists.

If we had a White Pride Day, you would call us racists.

If we had White History Month , we’d be racists.

If we had any organization for only whites to ‘advance’
OUR lives we’d be racists.

We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber
of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce.
Wonder who pays for that?

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American
pageant, but any color can be in the Miss America pageant.

If we had a college fund that only gave white students
scholarships you know we’d be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges
in the US. Yet if there were ‘White colleges’ THAT
would be a racist college.

In the Million Man March, you believed that you were
marching for your race and rights. If we marched for
our race and rights, you would call us racists.

You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and
you’re not afraid to announce it. But when we announce
our white pride, you call us racists.

You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a
white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats
up a black drug-dealer running from the law and posing a
threat to society, you call him a racist.

I am proud.
But you call me a racist.