A Video, that everyone needs to watch…

I think everyone needs to watch this:

It’s pretty scary, but all true.

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Romney drops out

Yeah, I know about it.

Mitt Romney has called it quits.

I’m quite sure that Ed Decker and all of his Ex-Mormon Buddies are quite happy.

I am a bit relieved as well.

I am, admittedly late to game here. I pulled an all-nighter.  So, I’m feeling a little rough.

So Much for super Tuesday eh???

Well, that all was pretty much for nothing.

So, they say.

From what the TV is saying, Hillary is basically being called the forerunner. Obama is in second.

John McCain in the lead on the G.O.P side. Mitt Romney is taking inventory, and Huckabee is still in there.

It’s going to be an interesting year.

Others: Balloon Juice, The Daily Dish, politburo diktat 2.0, The People’s Republic …, Sister Toldjah, Spin Cycle, Political Machine, culturekitchen, The Strata-Sphere, A Blog For All, Redstate and Born at the Crest … and More via memeorandum

Republicans eating their own


Dole scolds Limbaugh (Politico.com)

Bob Dole, the former Senate Republican leader, wrote an insistent letter to Rush Limbaugh on Monday and suggested that for the good of the party, the conservative talk-show host should stop his strafing of Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

On Monday’s show, Limbaugh asserted that McCain has “lied about his reason for opposing the Bush tax cuts,” and added: “I think McCain has an animus toward the Republican Party. I think ever since South Carolina 2000 he’s had it in for the Republican Party, and one of his objectives is to destroy it and change it.”

From what I have seen around on Conservative Blogs, if McCain gets the nod from the G.O.P, many Conservatives will stay home. From what they say, there’s really no “real” Conservative running.

The problem is, Conservative’s keep holding the Candidates up to the Reagan Conservative bright light. Which is, in my opinion, quite stupid! Whatever happened to REAL conservatives like Barry Goldwater? Who told Jerry Falwell and his ilk to get bent and stay out of his way? who didn’t pander to the Church crowd and the many other Conservative special interest groups?

I just don’t get it. I dont know

Others: protein wisdom, Political Machine, Riehl World View and Boston Globe and more via Memeorandum

On The Democrats Debate Last Night

Yes, I did watch the debates last night. It did seem like they were less interesting in hurling digs at one another, and more interested in pointing out differences between one another.

They were also interested in pointing out differences between the Democrats and the Republicans, especially on matters of foreign policy. While I think that McCain would be a great President on matters of Morals, and Right to Life and the like, McCain’s Foreign Policy would be a disaster. 100 years in Iraq. You must be kidding.

McCain says he would reign on spending, Funny, didn’t another Republican President Candidate say that back in 2000?!?! Thinking Look what that got us! Doh

Hopefully super Tuesday will select us a nominee and we can get the business of getting a candidate for the White House.

Poll: Nevada to go to Hillary and Romney

That’s what the Polls are saying.

Of course, those Polls have been wrong before.

So, I’ll be handing out congrads, when the caucus and primaries are over.

Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

The REAL Iraq

My Take on the Debates

On the Republican Side. I really did not see a clear "winner". I think that the barbs back and forth were totally uncalled for. I mean, They are supposed to be debating issues, not name calling and mud slinging. Although the off the cuff comments by McCain to Romney were great. Although, Huckabee needs to just leave Romney alone. I mean, Romney has him beat money-wise like 10 to 1, he could bury him, if he wanted to.

The Republicans really need to thin that herd out. There’s just too many of them.

Ron Paul is an total idiot, he needs to go to the Libertarian Party. I mean, he’s coming off looking like the resident psycho of the group. He hasn’t got a snowball’s chance in Hades, so, why continue? It just makes the party look bad.

Fred Thompson came off as totally unmotivated, I think he’ll be out by this coming Tuesday.

On the Democratic side, the barbs between Hillary and Edwards and Obama and Edwards looked totally staged.

As far as a "winner" on the Democratic side, I think Edwards and Obama looked good. They did hold the "Change" banner up and defended it well, Hillary started out well, but ended up looking like a "screaming meme" at the end. It was all about her bragging about how much experience she has. I think people will pick up on that come time for the vote.

Richardson is a nice man, too nice for this race, I look for him to drop out, come this vote, he’s already laid off staffers.

And there you have it, the official of center guy’s take on the Debates.

Huckabee and Obama win in Iowa

 Wow! What a race!

Huckabee and Obama win in Iowa Via Politico:

Mike Huckabee won a convincing victory among Republicans Thursday night, while Democrat Barack Obama posted a narrow and historic win over Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards as Iowans rendered the first  true judgments of the 2008 presidential cycle.

Huckabee was declared the winner at 9 p.m. Eastern time, easily besting Mitt Romney – a storyline that was unthinkable just weeks ago. With 41 percent of precincts reporting, Huckabee led Romney by a 31 to 23 percent margin.

Obama was called the winner just before 9:30 p.m.

Truly this is a political election of change. People are tired of the status quo, and people have voted with change. Huckabee represents that change on the Right and Obama on the Left.

I look for this to be a very interesting race. I look forward to following it.

Of course, Romney remains optimistic:

"Congratulations for the first round to Mike," Romney said on Fox News just before 9 p.m. Romney said that despite the disappointing results, he still felt that he would ultimately "be the one with the nomination”

Translation: Congrads, But I’m still going to win! Hee hee

I have seen on MSNBC and I have read that turn out was doubled this time. Where there were like 80 people in a district in 2004. There were hundreds this time. This is good, it seems that the American people are interested in this Election. This is such a good thing.

I just look forward to the spin that Hillary and the other candidates that didn’t do so well, spin this to their advantage.