Video: Sarah Palin will not be at the GOP convention

So says Peter J. Boyer of the Daily Best.

Now, why in the world would Mitt Romney snub Sarah Palin?

Well, maybe because of stuff like this?


I mean, if I knew that some woman who ran as a GOP VP had fan sites with video implying that Sarah Palin should or wanted to shoot me; I would not invite her either! 😯 (It’s in the links on the “About Us” page on that site, if you are wondering. They have her back, and they’ll shoot anyone who tries to get near her too!)

I will admit, that during the 2008 election, I was very highly critical of Sarah Palin. Just check out the search results of my old blog. I was always fair to her, and I would defend her, when others would attack her children or anything stupid like that. However, I just did not like the idea that the Vice-Presidency or anything else for that matter; should just be handed to someone, like Palin, because she is a Woman. This is because that is called gender entitlement.  Gender Entitlement is a form of identity politics and it is, like feminism, a liberal progressive idea and not even remotely a Conservative one.

Sarah Palin started out well; however, when the media, which was admittedly very liberal, vetted her, she wilted and was exposed for the shallow resume politician that she truly is. All was not lost, she ended up with a gig on Fox News. Basically, Sarah Palin’s legacy is that she was the mayor of a one-horse little town in Alaska, and went after some GOP establishment types, and then ran for Governor and won that race. Then, she proceeded to pass a bunch of idiotic legislation, which in turn was used against her by the Democrats. Finally, after tiring of these attacks, she basically “cut and run” (to steal a phrase from a well-known Neo-Con President)  to get away from the fight.

Real Conservatives stay and fight, Real Conservatives have resumes, Real Conservatives do not expect things to be handed to them, because of color, gender or religion. Sarah Palin is no Conservative, not by my standards, at all.

Other Bloggers Covering this: Outside the Beltway, Taylor Marsh, Hot Air, Politico, The Gateway Pundit, Balloon Juice and Conservatives4Palin

I voted for Ron Paul in Michigan’s Primary

Yes, I voted for him in the primary. I had to, I would be sinning otherwise.

I know that Ron Paul will not win the primary race here in Michigan.  I also know that Ron Paul will not be nominated as the Republican Party’s choice for candidate for President of the United States of America.  However, I voted for him in the Primary here in Michigan. Please, allow me the time to explain why.

There are a number of reasons why and they are the following:

  1. Spending: Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich all talk a mean game about cutting spending out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other, they all speak of strengthening our Military and of future conflicts with Iran.
  2. Religion: I realize that Religion is not supposed to be a litmus test for Presidential elections.  However, I believe that Religious influence is an issue in selection of one’s vote.  It is a fact that Mitt Romney is of the Mormon faith.  It is a fact that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both of the Roman Catholic faith.  As a Protestant Christian, as a Fundamentalist Christian and as an Independent Fundamental Baptist, I must unequivocally say that I do not consider Mormons or Roman Catholics to be true born again Christians at all.  I realize that this position might offend some, to them I simply say; I must follow what I know in my heart and soul to be right.  I believe a vote for any of these other three men would be a slap in the face to the Almighty God and to his Son Jesus Christ, who came to save and deliver all from the bondages of sin and from false Christian doctrine; including Mormonism and Roman Catholics.  Furthermore, I could think of no greater grievous Sin than to vote for a man, of whose religion is, what my Religious convictions consider a false form of Christianity.
  3. Wars:   As someone who spent over 7 years blogging against a war in Iraq, of which I felt was very unjustified and quite immoral — I just cannot support Republican candidates who wish to steer us into further conflicts in the Middle East.  This not to say that I do not support Israel, anyone who reads this blog, knows that I totally support the idea and preservation of the Jewish State of Israel.  However, I am wholeheartedly opposed to the continuation of fighting Israel’s battles for them.  I believe that the United States of America needs to stop being the World’s police officer and let these Countries fend for themselves.  Furthermore, I believe that the United States of America needs to stop funding the feud between the Arabs and Jews, which the United States has done for years.

For these reasons and for these reasons alone, I have cast my lot to the man, who I feel best represents my beliefs as an American, as a Christian, and as a libertarian-minded Conservative.  I feel personally that any other sort of a vote would be Anti-Christian and Anti-American.  This is not to say that I do not have some minor differences of opinion with the Representative from Texas; I do have a few.  However, I am not, as some are, to toss out the proverbial “baby with the bathwater.”  Because of this, I have voted for and will continue to support Ron Paul for President of the United States in 2012.

These Statements are true and are a true representation of my political positions and opinion.


Charles Patrick Adkins

Owner and Publisher

Thought and Rantings


KJV Hosting and Web Design

About those Palin e-mails that the media are talking about

You know the one’s that the media just had to have?

Well, now the MSM is lying about the contents of those e-mails.

Much to their credit; Conservatives for Palin, the only group of Palin supporters out there; are fishing those e-mails and getting the TRUE info out there about the content of those e-mails.

God love them all; those C4P people are on it. Heck, I’m more impressed with the C4P people, than I was Sarah Palin herself! 😯

I was not a huge fan of Palin’s when she was running; but that was because the people handling her were complete and utter buffoons.  But I will give her defenders at C4P credit for this here; Sarah Palin could sing “Hail Satan!” in her underwear horribly out of key and those gals would defend her! 😉 In other words; they’re a faithful lot.  There’s much to be said about that, especially today’s political world. (of which I know much about these days!)

Good job Ladies and yes, you guys over there too! 😀






Here’s Sarah Palin’s reaction — which is decidedly unnuanced and unpresidential: “Obama apologizes for the inadvertent Koran burning this week; now the U.S. trained and protected Afghan Army can apologize for killing two of our soldiers yesterday.”

Good thing we kept this state-schooled hoochie out of DC.

via Taliban: ““Kill them, beat them, take them as prisoners and teach them such a lesson that they never summon the courage to abuse the Holy Qur’an again” | protein wisdom.

Oof. That’s harsh. 😯 I thought I was bad with my “Tina the happy hoo haa” posting, which a particular crypto Neo-Nazi turned into a fiasco.

Palin’s Hubby endorses Newt

This comes via Ace:

Todd Palin said he believes that being in the political trenches and experiencing the highs and lows help prepare a candidate for the future and the job of president.

He did not criticize any of the other candidates and said his “hat is off to everyone” in the Republican race.

But Todd Palin did point to last summer, when a large portion of Gingrich’s staff resigned and the candidate was left, largely by himself, to run the campaign.

Gingrich’s ability to overcome the obstacle and still move up in the polls showed his ability to campaign and survive, according to Todd Palin, who said Gingrich is not one of the typical “beltway types” and that his campaign has “burst out of the political arena and touched many Americans.” — Todd Palin Endorses Newt Gingrich – ABC News

I will resist the temptation to mock her for having her hubby do her dirty work. It could very well be that they both disagree on whom they support. It is primary season after all. I really do not see this being any sort of a game changer or anything. I will say this — the reason Newt’s staffers bolted back last summer is because they did not think Newt was really serious about running. Hmmm, kinda like — wait. I won’t say it. Never mind. 🙄

Others: : The Hill, GOP 12, The Jawa Report, Campaign 2012, The Right Scoop, The Raw Story, Conservatives4Palin and Wake up America

Alex Jones on Sarah Palin

(H/T The Daily Paul)

Andrew Sullivan, Trigg Palin, and Disabilities

Once again, after criticizing Sarah Palin, I am forced into a rather uncomfortable position of defending her.  I am, of course, referring to the inconceivably asinine blog posting by a one Faux Conservative Andrew Sullivan that I happen to read about over at Robert Stacy McCain’s blog.  Now I will spare my readers a lowbrow attack of the man’s sexual preferences, I will leave that sort of nonsense to other people.  However, I will bring up the fact that this man should be deported from our Country, as he does have a horrible drug habit.

Now to get to the part that I really want to write about —- As some of you know, I live with my parents, it sucks, yes, it is quite lame, and yes, I do hate it.  I love my parents; I just wish I did not have to see them everyday.  However, it is my situation and I deal with it the best that I can, and we do get along unbelievably well.  Now to my point —— someone else lives in this house, with me and my parents.  Her name is Martha Hayes.  Martha Hayes is my Mom’s middle sister — Mom being oldest, Martha being the middle sister and her other sister Shirley being the youngest.  Martha is disabled, Martha is mentally retarded, or as the politically correct police like to call it, developmentally disabled.

You see, Sullivan’s comment struck me as the a-typical cynical beltway politico type of comment from someone who has never had a person like this in his or her family.  While I might not be a huge fan of Sarah Palin, in a political sense, it has never been personal with me and because of this, I have always avoided criticizing her family or kids or even her husband.  Admittedly, I was not amused when Sarah’s daughter came up pregnant; mainly because I felt she had betrayed many in the Conservative Christian community and in the social Conservative circles.  However, this comment by Andrew Sullivan goes well beyond what I feel is just acceptable criticism of Sarah Palin’s politics; this is borderline psychotic obsession with Sarah Palin and her child Trigg.  I believe that if the Atlantic had any shred of decency, they would terminate his employment.

Because you see my friends, I understand Sarah Palin’s feelings towards her baby.  I know what it is to have a disabled person living with you.  I see it every day in this house.  It is not for the faint of heart, it take a special someone to have to deal with the person and have to do the tough work. Admittedly, it is not something that I could ever do.  My Mom, bless her heart, does it every day, without complaining.  She does it because it is the right thing to do.  We are our Brother and Sister’s keeper, and my Mom knows that, Her Mother knew it too, when she raised those three daughters without complaining.

So, when it comes to Sarah Palin and her child, count me as someone who does get it.

Glenn Beck interviews Sarah Palin

(H/T and Via Left Coast Rebel)

Well, it seems that Fox News’s resident fear-monger and paranoia peddler, interviewed the Republican Party’s resident shrieking harpy. Of course, Mrs. Palin believes that she is on some mission from the divinity to retake America. I watched the interview, between doing stuff for my parents yesterday. But what I did see of it, I was not very impressed. Glenn Beck, however, sounded horrible, like he had a head cold or something.

If you have a slobbering love affair with Sarah Palin, you will enjoy this; as well, if you happen to think that Glenn Beck is the second coming of Howard Beale, then you might enjoy this. Myself personally, I thought it pretty dull, full of empty rhetoric and devoid of any real value. I mean, she had to call her son to find out what the various parts of the statue of liberty were representative of; what more proof does one need to see that Sarah Palin is not President material, not to mention, not a real American —- but rather a native of the Republic of Alaska?  America does not need a goofball woman like her, from some remote island, that was not even made a State till 1959. But rather a real 48-Continental American — a real American, to be President of the United States.  I mean, we already have a President who will not show his original birth certificate, so why have another immigrant in the White House?

Having said that, here are the videos: