Black Muslims celebrate Seattle Police Shooting

Hmmmm, Looks like I was correct in my assumptions about this cop killing; it WAS racially motivated!

“For Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen.” BOW Martyr Against White Terrorist & Racist Police Regime (Maurice Clemmons) Adorned With Virgins, Jewelry & Crowned; “When the Battle is Over, We Shall Wear a Crown.” – Seattle Black Foot Soldiers

The Seattle Blackfoot Soldiers, an offshoot of the Nation of Islam, celebrated cop killer Maurice Clemmons

via Black Muslim Group Celebrates “Brother & Martyr” Maurice Clemmons – Gateway Pundit.

Not only this, but the cop killer was a convert to Nation of Islam; Well, Imagine that! The Last Crusade has more on that:

“Who is your favorite officer down?” Seattle Black Foot Soldier Alfred “Issaquah” Shafford asked a rally to celebrate (what’s being called) “the blow against the white terrorist racism of the Washington State Police Regime” at the Steele Street Forza Coffee House.

The hero of the gathering was Maurice Clemens, who had shot and killed four police officers at another Forza Coffee House – – this one on a side street in Tacoma, Washington, near the McChord Air Base.

Some Black Muslims in response to Issaquah’s query, cried out, “Greg Richards.”

Others opted for either Mark Renninger, Tina Griswold, or Ronald Owens.

All four Lakewood County police officers had been shot and killed by Maurice Clemmons, an ex-con and alleged member of the Nation of Islam with a long rap sheet of violent crimes.

Clemmons, after a long manhunt, was shot and killed by a Seattle cop in a south Seattle neighborhood at 2:45 a.m. this morning.

The rally was held by the Black Foot Soldiers Movement, an offshoot of the Nation of Islam, to map out plans for a street penitentiary protest and street party that will be held to disrespect tributes, memorials and funerals whites are expected to have for the terrorists.

Shafford advised brothers to prepare for street penitentiary protest and party unlike any previously known and to collect pictures and prepare effigies of the four slain Lakewood police officers for desecration and destruction.

You were saying Liberals? That I was nothing more than a racist bigot? Now who are the haters again? As you can well imagine the freepers are not happy about this, at all. Don’t look for MSNBC or CNN to report this one at all. Maybe Fox News. But the rest, nah, they are still busy sulking about Obama letting them down from all those high and mighty promises that he made to them.

I feel so…..vindicated.

(H/T Fire Andrea Mitchell!)

Quote of the Day

Douglas MacArthur, who ranked above mere heads of state in his own mind, once invented his own protocol on greeting Emperor Hirohito. The emperor, the father of Akihito, wanted to meet MacArthur soon after he arrived to become the military regent of Japan in 1945, perhaps to thank him for saving the throne at the end of World War II. When the emperor invited MacArthur to call on him, the general sent word that the emperor should call on him – speaking of breaches of custom – and the two men were photographed together, astonishing the Japanese. The emperor arrived in full formal dress, cutaway coat and all, and MacArthur received him in summer khakis, sans tie, with his hands stuffed casually in his back pockets. Further astonishing the Japanese, he towered over the diminutive emperor.

But Mr. Obama, unlike his predecessors, likely knows no better, and many of those around him, true children of the grungy’s, are contemptuous of custom. Cutting America down to size is what attracts them to “hope” for “change.” It’s no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of “the 57 states” is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in Hawaii, a paradise far from the American mainstream.

He no doubt wants to “do the right thing” by his lights, but the lights that illumine the Obama path are not necessarily the lights that illuminate the way for most of the rest of us. This is good news only for Jimmy Carter, who may yet have to give up his distinction as our most ineffective and embarrassing president.

Quote of the Day

I believe that liberals are wrong about black people. Liberals are also wrong about white people, brown people, yellow people and red people. If NASA announced tomorrow that it had discovered a distant planet inhabited by purple people, anything that liberals believed about purple people would be wrong, too. Liberals are not only wrong about race, but they are also wrong about economics, crime, poverty, religion, science, war, marriage and foreign policy. In fact, as evidenced by their global-warming hysteria, liberals are wrong about the weather. Insofar as there is a “liberal consensus” on any particular subject — including movies and sports — then the truth is likely to be the exact opposite of whatever liberals say.

On the other hand…..

The PB Pub Presents Resurrection Band

This one hits me really hard. I guess it is where I was raised; which was, for what it is worth, Southwest Detroit.

I offer this without commentary…. This is Afrikaans:


I hear the gunfire, see the blood run, feel the rage
I see a black man, see a colored man, in a cage
The sweat of miners, digging diamonds, digging graves
To feed the bossman, to feed his family, to feed his slaves
Men are cursing, women praying, for release
But when a white man kills one of “them” no one sees
From Capetown, to Pretoria, to Johannesburg there is a crying
Of people dying, that can be heard

I hear the gunfire, see the blood run, smell the fear
You lock your minds up, shut the curtains, you close your ears

Forget the black man, neglect his baby, ignore his hell
We need apartheid to keep the animal in his cell
You sweep the pavement, shine the buildings, display the maid
You say “republic”, I say blind man, it’s a cage
God makes the color, but the color doesn’t make you God
And in the judgment, He will remember the ones you robbed
Without the Lord’s love, this injustice will prevail
Until Jesus is the only Master, we’ll never break the bars of jail

Rush Limbaugh speaks out on the N.F.L. Controversy

Rush Limbaugh gets the last word:

As I explained on my radio show, this spectacle is bigger than I am on several levels. There is a contempt in the news business, including the sportswriter community, for conservatives that reflects the blind hatred espoused by Messrs. Sharpton and Jackson. “Racism” is too often their sledgehammer. And it is being used to try to keep citizens who don’t share the left’s agenda from participating in the full array of opportunities this nation otherwise affords each of us. It was on display many years ago in an effort to smear Clarence Thomas with racist stereotypes and keep him off the Supreme Court. More recently, it was employed against patriotic citizens who attended town-hall meetings and tea-party protests.

These intimidation tactics are working and spreading, and they are a cancer on our society.

via Rush Limbaugh: The Race Card, Football and Me –

Personally, I have tried to avoid writing about this controversy; because quite frankly, I found it all to be a bit absurd. However, it is fitting to note, that the left has always engaged in this sort of politically correct McCarthyism since about the 1960’s. To be fair and balanced, Rush did make a comment back in the 1970’s; that was totally and wildly inappropriate, when he told a black caller, who was having trouble hearing him or understanding him, to call him back, when he got the bone out of his nose. That was totally racist and should have gotten him fired. However, Rush did express regret for making the comment.  Further more, Rush state that he felt a particular player to be totally overrated; because in his words, “people always want to see a African-American succeed.” Many people felt that to be racist, but Rush was simply expressing his opinion.  Which, last time I checked, was not a Federal crime in this Country of ours.

Some Conservative Bloggers are not taking the news of Rush getting dumped well at all. Jack Moss, who runs Macsmind is pulling out all the stops:

I love the game of football too, but today I walked every bit of NFL gear out to the dumpster and tossed it. Additionally my participation is more than nominal – I will not mention to the extent – but I’m canceling that as well. But I can’t do it on my own.

I’m calling for conservative bloggers everywhere to follow suit. Rush listeners called in droves this week talking about canceling season tickets, and NFL packages on cable and dish TV.

The NFL is in a crunch right now trying to squeak out dollars everywhere. This is the time to hit them, when they are down and get the message to them loud and clear that we are not going to tolerate this discrimination against conservatives.

Pass the word, do your duty conservatives.

While I admire Jack’s courage and taking of this issue very seriously. I think he might be going overboard, just a tiny bit. Me personally, I never have been a huge football fan. To be quote honest; I find football hopelessly and extremely boring. I just do not understand the entertainment value of watching mostly African-American, steroid laden men, running up and down a field chasing a ball and beating each other senseless to get control of said ball. It must be in my wiring; because quite frankly, I just do not get it at all. Baseball; that is another story. Hit the ball, head for the bases and hope like hell that the outfielders cannot catch. That I get, but football — I just do not get the concept. Nor do I care to. To me it seems to be a bit of a base sport, that requires muscles and not much brains; which possibly explains why many African-Americans play it. 😯 😮 Did I say that? 😯

Others: Macsmind, Sister Toldjah, Vox Popoli,, Riehl World View American Thinker via Memeorandum

Enough is Enough!

I guess that you can consider this my “It’s on, Motherfucker!” Posting. I have sat back on the god-damned sidelines long enough. I have watched as Charles Foster Johnson has continued to slime a fellow Georgia Brother, A fellow Conservative, and a fellow brother in Jesus Christ. I am referring to none other Robert Stacy McCain.

I guess you could say; that I have just fucking flat out had it “Up to here!” with the fucking bullshit accusations against us on the right, that are against the fucking bullshit communist foreign policies of the Obama Administration, as being racist. I guess you could say that I am just fucking flat tired of the fucking collectivist bullshit tripe, that flows out of the mouth of those who want blame every last god damned fucking person under the planet, that has Conservative leanings; for the actions of a few idiots who want to try and discredit this movement of humanity against this administration.

I had some anti-LGF ads up here, that I ran for free. I removed them; because I had some questions that I really felt had not been answered good enough for my liking. Well, they were answered and it seems that Charles Foster Johnson is in full on smear mode. Well, I’ve fucking had just about god damn enough of it. 😡

Hold on to your hats, this might get a bit ugly.

It just so happens that we Conservatives were basically Anti-Slavery, and Anti-Racist for many years. Hell, Abraham Lincoln fought the civil war over the issue. However, the side that is not told about it is this; The Confederation Army did NOT go to war with the union over this; it was over CENTRALIZED Government! The Confederates knew that if the Union instituted a centralized Government, that freedoms would be lost and they decided to go to war.  What is also not told, is that fact that Lincoln’s army basically committed what would be known today as acts of terrorism. That is what this song here is all about. Abraham Lincoln knew god-damned well, that he could not win the war against the south by fighting a war, by the rule book. So, he fought it dirty and won. Some people say this is a fallacy, but I call bullshit; I have read the writings of the confederates and believe me, it was a nasty war, fought by fucking cowards who could not win any other way.

….and then there’s the issue of the Negros……

After the war was fought and won; Slavery was abolished. A good thing, I might add. Holding people against their will and using them for labor and profit, is not only stupid, it is ungodly as hell. For this one thing; I will give Abe Lincoln credit for. But everything he did to the South was just fucking rotten and I still consider the fucking bastard a god damned traitor. The truth is; Lincoln was forced into the position, because of political issues, NOT because he wanted to:

“I will say, then, that I AM NOT NOR HAVE EVER BEEN in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the black and white races—that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the White and black races which will ever FORBID the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race.”

4th Lincoln-Douglas debate, September 18th, 1858; COLLECTED WORKS Vol. 3, pp. 145-146

Yes, that is a real quote, here’s another:

“What I would most desire would be the separation of the white and black races.”

Spoken at Springfield, Illinois on July 17th, 1858; from ABRAHAM LINCOLN: COMPLETE WORKS, 1894, Vol. 1, page 273

“See our present condition—the country engaged in war! Our White men cutting one another’s throats! And then consider what we know to be the truth. But for your race among us there could not be war, although many men engaged on either side do not care for you one way or another.

“Why should the people of your race be colonized, and where? Why should they leave this country? This is, perhaps, the first question for proper consideration. You and we are different races. We have between us a broader difference than exists between almost any other two races. Whether it is right or wrong I need not discuss, but this physical difference is a great disadvantage to us both, as I think your race suffer very greatly, many of them by living among us, while ours suffer from your presence. In a word, we suffer on each side. If this be admitted, it affords a reason at least why we should be separated. It is better for both, therefore, to be separated.”

— Spoken at the White House to a group of black community leaders, August 14th, 1862, from COLLECTED WORKS OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN, Vol 5, page 371

So, Abraham Lincoln; putting his personal feelings aside, pushed for and got; the outlawing of slavery in the south. Not long after that, the group known as a the “Radical Republicans” fought for and got a commission in the south to restore the South’s economy. Later, this was stopped by the Democrats of the day and as a result, many blacks and poor whites in the south ended up being sharecroppers. Still, the Slaves were freed.

But they still were not satisfied.

After slavery, some white men in the south were not too keen on the idea of black men roaming freely around in their towns; decided that the two races should be separated. Because they felt that the Negro man was not exactly known his civility. Now honestly — I do not agree with this; and I believe that it was a flawed mentality. However, I believe that it was the personal right of those, who chose to do this, to do it.  Senator Barry Goldwater agreed with me; and refused to sign that unconstitutional so called “Civil Rights Act” of 1964.

The Negros fought and won against the Southern racist Democrats; however, they did trample on Constitutional rights to do so. But the fact is; they won. None of them are in chains, and they can now roam free as they wish, they cannot be arrested for eating in a “White” restaurant anymore. Those days are over and yet, some of them act like it is still 1945.

…and now, Today.

It can be said with the most confidence; that the age of “Jim Crow” and that of the mentality of the Klansman is officially dead. Oh, sure; there are those who are of the depraved, unenlightened mindset that still believe that the Negro man is not of the same elevated mindset of the white race. But those people have been long marginalized and largely discredited. America has elected a  half Negro President; I refuse to call him “African-American”, either your American or African, make up your god damned mind! I say half Negro, because many forget, President Obama is half a White man too.

Yet today, you have the people of the very same party, that fought to keep the Negro race in chains; the very same party that fought to keep the negro race segregated; accusing the very people who agree with the political ideology, that freed the slaves in the first place — of being racist! —- and this after an Black President has been elected! President Obama is a a Democrat, he is a socialist! Therefore he is prone to critique by those of us, who disagree with the ideology of the Democratic Party!

What really ticks me off, is the collectivist mindset among these Socialist Democrats, who seek to blame the entire Conservative movement; for the actions of a few protesters. This is just absolutely asinine and smacks of that collectivist mindset, that the Socialist Liberal Democrats are known for; herding the cattle onto the plantation.

So, in solidarity of my Southern Brother Robert Stacy McCain, I present this song. May the spirit of the Southern Conservative never die and may we always be known as those who stood and fought against those who would try and destroy our Country.

Update: Video was removed, I guess Charles Foster Johnson’s trolls are lurking about. No matter; I still feel the same way and I will NOT submit or surrender to socialist assholes who want to smear those of us, who fight for freedom and against Islamic Jihad.  (Fixed typo…. d’oh!)

and I still say to Johnson, Bring it on prick, because I can dish it out, as much as I can take it. 😡

Gore-backed firm takes money from Government to build car that nobody can afford.

This is an outrage!:

A tiny car company backed by former Vice President Al Gore has just gotten a $529 million U.S. government loan to help build a hybrid sports car in Finland that will sell for about $89,000.

The award this week to California startup Fisker Automotive Inc. follows a $465 million government loan to Tesla Motors Inc., purveyors of a $109,000 British-built electric Roadster. Tesla, like Fisker, is a California startup focusing on high-end hybrids, with a number of celebrity endorsements that is backed by investors that have contributed to Democratic campaigns.

Fisker’s Karma hybrid sports car, above, will initially cost about $89,000.

The awards to Fisker and Tesla have prompted concern from companies that have had their bids for loans rejected, and criticism from groups that question why vehicles aimed at the wealthiest customers are getting loans subsidized by taxpayers.

“This is not for average Americans,” said Leslie Paige, a spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, an anti-tax group in Washington. “This is for people to put something in their driveway that is a conversation piece. It’s status symbol thing.”

via Gore-Backed Car Firm Gets Large U.S. Loan –

Ten years ago, my reaction would have been, “So what?” But now that I am a bit older and much wiser; when it comes to politics, this just sends me through the roof. Why the hell are my tax dollars being used to build a car, that no one that I know of, including me; could even afford? I hate to break to you all, but I just do not have $89,000 laying around to buy a car.  Much less an electric car! 🙄

The just totally reinforces the idea, that the Democratic Party does not give a flying flip about the average common man anymore. They are simply out to fulfill their own warped agenda and if they happen to step on anyone in the process, so be it.   I mean, look at Al Gore; the dude has gotten filthy rich on peddling paranoia about Global Warming. This another one of those investments for himself. The sick part is, he is using tax dollars to further that warped agenda of his.

Here is my question to Al Gore and his countless number of supporters; Mr. Gore are you planning on using Union Labor to build these cars with? After all, the Democratic Party has used the big labor vote as its resident useful idiot for many years, have they not? It is kind of like the African-American community, because seeing the Democrats cannot keep the Negros in slavery anymore, they have to use them for something; so, why not votes?

Yeah, I know, what I wrote up there was potentially offensive; it is no more offensive than the millions of babies that are slaughtered at the hands of the Socialist Liberal Democrats, who enacted such legislation. It is no more offensive that the millions of Children, that are molested at the hands of homosexuals; of whom that party enables.

Mr. Gore, I await your answer. Of course, I will not hold my breath, least I turn blue and die.

Council of Conservative Citizens send their goons after me

Hmmmm.. Seems that since I have decided not to side with those who promote hate and decided to speak against linking to the Council of Conservative Citizens website. The group now has their goons coming my website. Well, two can fight play that game. Check out what plopped into my Moderation Que:

Author : October (IP: ,
E-mail :
URL    :
Whois  :
The wether is good in Delaware today Patrick, and Comcast would be sued by me if they dear tryed to stop me as a white American from searching and learning about white Civil rights organizations.

I didn’t leave my real Email because I don’t have an Email address which is soley mine, buddy.

Please, dear bigot. Point out what is so racist about the CofCC and racist about my post dear Patrick.

First off asshole, I am not your fucking dear. You gay ass piece of shit. 😡

Now to answer your questions. I am not sure as to what “Posting” you are referring to, nor do I give two shits as to which one you are referring to. You need to look no further than the organization’s stated principles, which are nothing more than nuanced racism. So, if you are that big of a dumb fuck, that you cannot see the racism, that is Nuanced within those principles, that is your fucking problem, and not mine.

Also, from here on out, if someone leaves a comment here and it is not a real e-mail address and yes, I will be checking. I will from here on out, just delete the comment. I am not interested in getting into a stupid pissing match with a bunch of anonymous cowards. So, either fucking pony up and be a man, or just go the fuck away.

That is all.