…and they call me a whackjob?

Man, if I was gonna kill myself over not getting laid not getting a woman; I would have been dead years and years ago! 🙄

I mean, don’t get me wrong, Asian woman are awesome and all. But, but, this? 😮 😯

Go Read: Black Blogger ‘Mr. Talented’ Found Hanging in NYC, Wanted to Start Civil War | Jammie Wearing Fools

Mini-Movie: The frame job against Bashar al-Assad

This comes via Conservative-Headlines.com, and I know some people might not like it that I linked to these guys. Well, you know what? Tough! This video is a eye-opener; and I really do not even like Alex Jones for some very good reasons.


Just like Al-Qaeda, ISIS was created by the United States. Our biggest threat as Americans, is not terrorism; it is our own Government.

Hmmmmmm: Did Osama Bin Laden have ties to Iran?

Neocon propaganda or fact? I report, you decide.

The Story:

This week, prosecutors in New York introduced eight documents recovered in Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan as evidence in the trial of a terrorism suspect. The U.S. government accuses Abid Naseer of taking part in al Qaeda’s scheme to attack targets in Europe and New York City. And prosecutors say the documents are essential for understanding the scope of al Qaeda’s plotting.

More than 1 million documents and files were captured by the Navy Seals who raided bin Laden’s safe house in Abbottabad, Pakistan in May 2011. One year later, in May 2012, the Obama administration released just 17 of them.

While there is some overlap between the files introduced as evidence in Brooklyn and those that were previously made public in 2012, much of what is in the trial exhibits had never been made public before

via New Docs Reveal Osama bin Laden’s Secret Ties With Iran | The Weekly Standard.


The Mahablog says:

They don’t quit. The neocons at National Review — including Stephen Hayes, who will insist on his deathbed that before 9/11 Mohamed Atta did too meet with agents of Saddam Hussein in Prague — now are flogging documents that “reveal”Osama bin Laden had secret ties to Iran.

Yes, and I’m Shirley Temple’s zombie.

If you keep reading the articles, it turns out that these documents say nothing about secret ties to the Iraniangovernment, just that a small number of al Qaeda operatives had been in Iran, somewhere, doing something, including “training.” But for all we know their long-term plans were to set off bombs in Tehran, not attend parties with the ayatollahs.

The documents were among those recovered in Osama bin Laden’s compound and were introduced in court in the trial of “a terrorism suspect.” I believe they are referring to Faruq Khalil Muhammad ‘Isa, a Canadian national currently on trial in Brooklyn for murdering five U.S. servicemen in Iraq in 2009. However, for some reason, the National Review propagandists are not calling this suspect by name or imagining he has secret ties to Iran. I guess they have no beef with Canada. Yet.

No Quarter Says this:

Fox News is busy today carrying water for the NeoCons and the Netanyahu crowd with the claim that the Obama Administration is sitting on intel recovered from Osama Bin Laden’s porn palace in Abottabad 5 years ago that shows Iran and Al Qaeda are working together.

Horseshit!! We’ve seen this play before. Remember the hot insistence by many of these same characters in late 2001 and thru 2002 that Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda were working in tandem? Laurie Mylroie, who allegedly had been involved romantically with a senior Iraqi military guy, was the go-to gal for people like Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney in “proving” that link.


Iran and Al Qaeda are not ideologically nor theologically soulmates. They are diametrically opposed. Al Qaeda is a radical Sunni entity. They despise Shias. There was a time about 20 years ago when Bin Laden, in a visionary move, sought to build ties with the Shia and Iran. That is true. But, over time, AQ became more sectarian and more opposed to all things Shia.

The current effort to link AQ and Iran has one purpose–derail and/or thwart any potential agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. Just keep this in mind as the propaganda floods the networks on the eve of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s speech to the US Congress next week.

Only blogger who is saying basically, “Yeah boy howdy! We gotta nuke Iran!” is this guy here. Not mention posting racist photos like this here:

Neocons, racist?

No wonder the war party got sacked in the last election. 🙄

You know, I am just going to say this; it is pretty freakin’ bad, when a Paleoconservative, like myself, has to point out the fact that those who support the Neoconservatives, are stooping to racism of this low-brow sort. In case this knucklehead above has forgotten; the Republican Party is the Party of Lincoln and they should start acting like it. Instead of the racists of the old Democratic Party. But, then again; are not neocons former Democrats? Why, Yes! Yes they are! …and they brought their Wilsonian foreign policy and their ugly bigotry with them.

I could see running into something like this, on, maybe, Stormfront. But, on a so-called Conservative blog? Come on. 😡

Behold: The Republican Party’s first homosexual Presidential Candidate

Yup, I mean this guy: (H/T HotAir)

Yep, ol’ closeted idiot homo Lindsey Grahamnesty is running for President.


“I’m not doing it to make a statement. I’m doing it to change the country and offer what I have to offer to the American people, and to my party. And I think I’m uniquely qualified to deal with the threats we’re talking about. So when I hear a United States Senator trying to rationalize that Iraq created the problems in France, and when I hear some libertarians on my side of the aisle associated with the Republican Party say that it is our interventionist policy that has brought people down on us, they don’t know what they’re talking about. When I hear the president of the United States and his chief spokesperson failing to admit that we’re in a religious war, it really bothers me. And I want to be somebody who can talk about the world as it really is.”

Of course, Lindsey’s gay lover buddy, Juan McSame is ecstatic:

My illegitimate son Lindsey Graham is exploring that option,” two-time presidential candidate [Sen. John McCain] said, prompting laughter from reporters during a press conference on the prison at Guantanamo Bay. “So I am strongly encouraging Sen. Lindsey Graham, particularly with the world the way it is today. No one understands the world today in the way that Lindsey Graham does, in my view.

I will tell you this; if this idiot is even remotely serious; the Conservative wing of the GOP and the liberal left will make mincemeat out of this man and his political career. So, Lindsey, if you have any sort of common sense, stay out of this very important Presidential race.

It’s open season on white people

Another day, another racist black person attacking a white person…..

See here:

An attacker pummeled a bus passenger so hard he smashed the bones in his face after calling the victim a “cracker” in Manhattan – marking the second time in two days that people appeared to be randomly targeted in racial tirades against white people, authorities said.

In the latest incident, the suspect passed a 31-year-old rider on the M60 bus riding through Harlem, on West 127th Street, between Amsterdam Avenue and Morningside Drive, around 2:45 p.m., Friday, when he shouted the racial slur and punched the victim in the face, breaking his nose and eye socket, cops said.

The victim was treated for facial fractures at New York Presbyterian Hospital and released, police said.

The incident occurred as authorities reported that Jeffrey Babbitt, 62, fell into a coma after being punched and knocked to the ground in Union Square Park on Wednesday. He was taken off life support and died Monday, sources said.

via Bus rider’s face smashed in during ‘hate attack’ | New York Post.

Watch yourselves out there, ever since George Zimmerman was acquitted; this stuff has been going on. This is why I stay away from the east side of Detroit. That is simply the wrong side of town for a white guy like me to be anymore.

Of course, when blacks are not trying to beat us up or kill us, they are making up lies about people, like me; to keep them from being able to get a job and better themselves. So, it is nothing really new at all.

Others: The Gateway Punditneo-neoconWeasel Zippers and Moonbattery

Um, did someone open the door and let the weirdos out again?!?!?

Man, this stuff comes in waves….. 😯


Video: (Via C & L)

The Story:

SABATTUS, Maine — David Marsters said Tuesday night that the wording of his Facebook post was a mistake, but he defended it, anyway.

“(The Secret Service) didn’t see no pictures of Obama with bullet holes in his head,” Marsters said. “It’s not a threatening statement, in my opinion. People take it out of context as a threat.”

He added, “I didn’t say I was going to shoot the president, or kill — shoot the n*****. Shoot the n***** — that’s what I said.”

He insisted no threat was made because he didn’t say he or anyone else was going to do it.

“I’m pissed off at the system, OK,” he said in an interview at his house Tuesday night. “We’re about to lose our benefits because of this ass****.”

Marsters said his wife, Mary, had been in and out of the hospital recently and if they lose spousal benefits, something he fears Obama will suspend, his wife will die.

He said in retrospect that he should have chosen his words more carefully, adding, “I’m a forward man. I say what I mean.”

He said his comments would have been no different had the president been Mitt Romney. “I would say, ‘Shoot the n*****, because white people are n******, too.” He said where he comes from (Massachusetts) black people call white people by the same slur.

“I fought 30 years for this f*****’ country,” he said “I’m not gonna let him take it away!”

Marsters commented on Facebook that “(Obama) is not a legal president.” Marsters was adamant that Obama’s birth certificate was a fraud.

“They’ve shown us how it’s done,” he said. “It’s all done in layers on computers. How come nobody from his school’s come forward to say, ‘Oh, I know him.’ How come people from his family never say, ‘I know him. I went to his wedding; I was his best man?”

Nobody’s saying, ‘I’m a friend of his.’”

Not to be outdone in the world of Wierdoville, there is this here:

The FBI has arrested a man accused of threatening to decapitate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii), federal officials announced on Thursday.

The FBI took custody of Aniruddha Sherbow on Wednesday after Mexican police in Tijuana arrested him on an outstanding federal warrant.

Sherbow allegedly sent Gabbard two emails earlier this month threatening “to sever her head from her body.” The FBI on Thursday said it had deemed the threats “credible.

Oh yes, don’t like what your elected representatives do? Threaten to cut their damned fool heads off…. 🙄 ….and they call me crazy?!??! Yeah sure. 🙄

Don’t get me wrong here, I am not a huge fan of the Democrats and Barack Obama at all; but I don’t ever go that far! Maybe the guy needs to start a blog or something.

Others: Crooks and LiarsPortland Press-HeraldTalking Points MemoThe Democratic Daily,News OneThinkProgressThe Raw Story and Mediaite

Video: What the Government is doing with your internet and phone calls

My friends, I knew this was big, but I had no idea it was this big. 😯

This video comes via Democracy Now:

Also too, unlike the anti-american idiots at WSJ; no, I do not support this one iota. I agree with Michelle Malkin, it is overreach of the highest order and yes, it is dangerous as hell.

I will say this, as someone who is not much of a Democratic Party supporter anymore; my friends, we might just be witnessing what might just be the end or at least the long-term waylaying of the Democratic Party for a long time to come. I can tell you now, that many Americans who voted for President Obama are feeling like suckers who were sold a bag of lemons. Because from what I have seen, Democrats are absolutely furious about this little revelation.

Here is perfect example: (Via)

and another: (via)

Of course, there are stays; my friends, I present to you the biggest damned idiot on television:


AllahPundit writes about this moron, and man is he ever right about this guy.

Take it away AP:

Matthews has made this point many times before, usually with references to Horatio Alger, but it feels extra special after a long week of President Perfect completely betraying the Hopenchange ethos of his first presidential campaign. It’s not the cheap racial demagoguery that gets me here; that’s par for the course both for him and his network, where you’ll find far dumber examples of it than this. What gets me is that a guy who’s spent his adult life in politics reacts to the dynamics of ideological differences and partisanship like a college student would. Righties dislike O because he’s a statist liberal, and sometimes an aggressive one; if Hillary wins, she’ll be hated for the same reason. Obama’s personal behavior is better than lots of pols’, but plenty of politicians who are more or less decent people in their personal conduct are roundly hated by the other team. Paul Ryan’s a nice guy with a lovely family whom the lefty commentariat loathes because they think he wants to kill grandma. Marco Rubio also seems like a decent person with a nice family; he’ll be the second coming of Hitler in 2016 to the left if he’s the nominee, his shilling for immigration reform notwithstanding. Many people who know Mitt Romney will tell you he’s a warm, generous guy in person; he’s lived cleanly too, apart from his unforgivable crime of making lots and lots of money in business. (Note Matthews’s reference to “money-grubbing” in the clip. For shame, Mitt.) All of them already are or will be regarded by liberals as monsters, not because they have any deep objection to them as people but because they’re roadblocks on the path to the society liberals want America to be. That’s politics. When you know the way to paradise, everyone in your way is the devil. And every single person reading this grasps that already. So how is it the guy who doesn’t, who shrieks like a five-year-old over political animosities, has his own TV show?

Very well put. Also too, and please know this okay? The only reason I am linking to HotAir.com on this is for following reasons:

  1. Because I happened to see the videos there and I happened to have liked what AllahPundit said. 
  2. It is considered in blogging to be unethical to not cite sources of where you get your videos from. Yes, I know, people have used stuff here and no bothered to cite me as the source. It happens. But, I happen to believe in ethics and integrity. Because of this I cite my sources, all the time. I could care less about the hits or lack of; although, I will confess that the trackback links are nice. But, I really do not get a good deal of traffic from HotAir.com. So, the accusations of my link whoring are baseless.