There's only one cure for Islam….

and that’s this right here: (Via Breit Bart)

Back story via Washington Post:

After jumping out of helicopters at daybreak onto jagged, ice-covered rocks and into water at an altitude of 10,000 feet, the 12-man Special Forces team scrambled up the steep mountainside toward its target — an insurgent stronghold in northeast Afghanistan.

“Our plan,” Capt. Kyle M. Walton recalled in an interview, “was to fight downhill.”

But as the soldiers maneuvered toward a cluster of thick-walled mud buildings constructed layer upon layer about 1,000 feet farther up the mountain, insurgents quickly manned fighting positions, readying a barrage of fire for the exposed Green Berets.

A harrowing, nearly seven-hour battle unfolded on that mountainside in Afghanistan’s Nuristan province on April 6, as Walton, his team and a few dozen Afghan commandos they had trained took fire from all directions. Outnumbered, the Green Berets fought on even after half of them were wounded — four critically — and managed to subdue an estimated 150 to 200 insurgents, according to interviews with several team members and official citations.

Nothing says America better than watching turban headed mother fuckers eat fucking American lead.

HooooRah! Mother Fuckers! 😀

Now let some fucking idiot sissy liberal come here and start some shit…. 😡

Of course, “The One” will make sure this shit stops, once he’s in the White House, you watch.

For more on that stupid, Satanic bullshit called Islam, Go to my bookstore.

The Automotive Bailouts: The Other Side of the Story

I have been sitting here, trying to keep out of this. But I have sat and looked at the Republican and NeoConservative Spin on this Story and I’m sick of it. 😡

So, I am giving you, the other side of the story, from the horses mouth; without commentary from me.

I did not ask that you agree, I simply ask that you listen and hear this man out. Now I am almost sure, that the Blogs, that I have linked to, will remove my trackback, like the Neo-Con Fascists that they are. I mean, it is all about controlling the message with those guys.  🙄

Here we go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Media Q & A:

Media Q & A Part 2:

Media Q & A Part 3:

There you have it. The other side of the story. You decide.

(Source UAW.ORG)

Good Time for a Missile Strike!

Video: (Via Breit Bart)

AP has the Details.

If you have a problem with what I just wrote. I encourage you to take a look at the ISLAM section of my Bookstore. Especially this title HERE. Perhaps you should also check out the section on 9/11. Maybe you’ll have a dfferent view after you buy some books telling of the horrible carnage and death that took place that fateful day. Yet, we have bastard Liberals, like “The One” who want to try and talk with these monsters. Perhaps it is because he’s one of them.

So, Bush, you’re already the lame duck, you know where most of the money came from anyhow. Why not just authorize a missile strike and wipe out all of ISLAM in one great swoop? A missile attack, and the President’s outlawing the Pratice of Islam in this Country, would be the ultimate act of justice to all of those who died on September 11, 2001.

Alfonzo on The "Declaration of Dependence"

An Excellent Video:

Now, towards of the end of this. He gets off into the weeds about the Unions. I’ll give him a pass on it. Because some of the stuff he says, I kind agree with. But he went overboard with the “They should gotten out from under them years ago…” I disgree with that crap. But the rest of the video is right on point.

Of course, if I was a real butt hole, I could say if it weren’t for the Democrats, his black ass would not have half the freedom that he has now. But to counter that, If it were not for Abe Lincoln, he would be still in chains. So, it evens out. 😀

Still I wish there were more black people, like Zo here who believed this way. But unfortunately most of them got sucked into that stupid socialist identity politics crap. Thanks to tools like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

Good show Zo, as always man. 😀

Thank You Michelle

I’ve criticized Michelle Malkin in times pasts, when I felt that she has went off the rails.

Today, is not going to be one of those days.

Michelle writes in her column today about the stupidity of the conspiracy theorists. One of them, as that morally depraved, Homosexual “So-Called” Conservative;  Andrew Sullivan, who still, to this day, does not believe that Sarah Palin’s baby was hers.   Another is a group of ignorant morons who are attempting to prove that President-Elect Barack Obama is not a true United States Citizen.

Both of these are rooted in one thing, and one thing only. Stupidity. I believe that people that are going after Obama for one reason and one reason only. Abject Racism.

…and before anyone brings up my photo in the sidebar. It is one thing to inform the Minorities that I do not believe in diversity. It is another to waste my tax dollars, to attempt to bring a lawsuit to the supreme court, that has absolutely no merit at all.

So, to Michelle; I say thank you. Thank You for bringing up what I have been saying for a while now. Some people just need to accept the fact that a BLACK MAN is going to be our next President and get over it and MOVE ON!

Further more, let me bring up another factoid. Many of you may have heard about the ridiculous e-mail that has been forwarded around, that Obama was a Muslim, and then the one that he was not a true citizen. Do you know where those ridiculous e-mails originated from? No? Well, I will tell you. They originated from a White Nationalist Forum called “Stormfront.” (Google it… I dare not send those turkeys traffic)

How I did know this was the case? Way back when those e-mails first started circulating. I took the first paragraph and entered it into google, guess which site came up first in the results? That’s right, Stormfront. When I brought this to light on my old blog, which was originally called “The Populist”. Someone must have brought it to the attention of “Stormfront’s” Management, because not too long after that, the entry disappeared, interestingly, it disappeared from Google’s cache too.

The really sick and sad part is this. Some idiot wrote an Op-Ed over at the Conservative Voice, which has since merged with Townhall, he took most, if not all, of the information from this e-mail; without citing his source, of course, and wrote this long editorial stating that Obama was a Muslim and not a United States Citizen.

My point is this, people point the finger of accusation of why John McCain lost this election. The only people that those within the G.O.P. should be blaming; is themselves and their own base.

Do not misunderstand me; I dislike the idea of Barack Obama being the President just as much as anyone else.  But to delve into the arena of Conspiracy Theory and blatant stupidity does nothing to further the cause of Conservatism. It simply makes us look one way and one way only; Stupid!

….and they say Moderate Muslims do not want to take over the World


Via the U.K. Daily Mail:

“A primary school infuriated parents after cancelling the traditional Christmas nativity play to make way for the Muslim festival of Eid.

Parents at the Nottingham school [Greenwood Junior School, send them mail]were told that the planned performance had to be pulled because some of the pupils wanted to celebrate Eid at home with their families.

In a letter, sent by the staff at Greenwood Junior School, mothers and fathers were told: ‘It is with much regret that we have had to cancel this year’s Christmas performances.”

You see why I do not embrace diversity? I say outlaw Islam and deport the bastards. Period!

(H/T V-Dare)

Let me be clear on something……..

While I might dismiss some of the more idiotic fearmongering that goes on. I do realize that the terrorism is a real thing.

If you wish you can stop by my bookstore’s section on Islam. There are some very interesting books on this Religion of war. (No, I don’t buy the lie that islam is a “religion of peace”)

Airforce one in 2009?

Do I dare go there? Why hell yes I dare! 😛

I got this via e-mail… It’s wrong as hell, but it’s funnyI think anyhow…

It’s going to be one funny 4 years. 😀 😛