No, I am not going to the RNC Convention

I was not even going to blog about it, but I figured I would let all of you know. I really am not going to the Republican Party’s Convention in Tampa, Florida and I will list the reasons why:

  1. My financial  situation – I have not worked in over eight years, I blame the “disconnected from reality” politics of both parties for this; and that is on ALL levels, Federal, State and yes, local. Elections have consequences and because of this, myself and many other people that I know are paying for those stupid votes. So, the funds to go to a convention just are not there at all. End of discussion.
  2. I just do not get into establishment politics at all. – I mean, the idea of someone beating Barack Obama in this election is great and all, but to be honest with you; I have never really fit into the stereotypical “Republican” mold. I am from a working class, middle class, mostly Democratic Party voting family and neighborhood. I loathe that party with every fiber of my being, but I am not exactly smitten with the Republican Party either. Remember, just as recent as 2006, I was still running a “Historic Populist” blog. 7 years ago; Wow…. It really does not seem that long ago — that I was swearing about Bush and his politics; which were really not that Conservative or really even Constitutional.
  3. They all really, truly, hate me with a passion. — It is no secret, that I am truly the black sheep of the so-called “Conservative” blogosphere. This is mainly because of my past of being a former “Left of center” blogger and person. …and you know what? I am fine with that. I never started writing about the things that pissed me off about politics to get any sort of vain glory or popularity. I just did it to talk back to the forces that I thought were hurting this Country. So far, I have made some waves and a few enemies. Again, I am fine with that. Even if I had like a zillion bucks in the bank and could charter a flight to Tampa and had the money to stay in the nicest Hotel — I just would not bother. Hell, I cannot even afford to replace this stupid laptop that decided to wink the dashboard. Not only that, but my Mom has not gotten in a hurry to let me have back the laptop that I royally screwed up, and she managed to fix herself. So, I am still on the old monitor, which sucks to the high heavens, but, what can I do? I don’t have the money to buy a laptop. Which again, sucks. 🙁

However, I can recommend some places to read, with people that WILL be in Tampa.

  • The Other McCain, who’s owner is not really someone I like, but he’s a decent writer and will tell the truth; for the most part anyhow.
  • is the best, hands down, Conservative Blog around. It is in my sidebar and I read the site daily. Someone from HotAir will be there for the show. Which from what I read is going to be shortened a day.

Also too, I am sure Fox News will be there as well. I will be watching that as well. I will also give my feeling about what I see and here on the TV, like everyone else.

So, there you go, what is happening with me and the RNC Convention. If you are going to Tampa, be safe. There is a hurricane churning out at sea. If the Feds tell you to hit the road; by all means, please listen! But from what I have read, it is not expected to be that bad. The RNC is just being cautious and believe it or not, I think that is a very good thing.


Noted Jerk Liberal Blogger actually writes a fairly decent blog posting

Check it out. His liberal sneering aside; it is a decent historical account of Republican establishment trickery.

But one must remember, Democrats have done the same stuff. Remember 1968? Just sayin’


Apologies to a blogger

My apologies to the blogger known as “Mind Numbed Robot.”

I just discovered from a incoming link that my blog was in his blogroll. I also discovered that he was not in mine.

I have added Mr. Robot to the rolls here.  Sorry about that. I thought I was out of all of the blogrolls around here.

…and yes, I know who he is friends with…. Mr. Robot did nothing to me. Some of his friends…well, that’s another story.


Memo to the Nation: Hate Much Guys?

Unreal, simply unreal.

The Nation confirms what I’ve believed for years:

In a week where the phrase “legitimate rape” became part of the American political discourse, it’s understandable that anyone who believes in women’s liberation would be scavenging for some good news. Like a parched soul in the desert, many believe that a trickle of water, if not an oasis, has appeared. After eighty years of antediluvian sexism, the Augusta National Golf Club, site of the Masters, has finally decidedto admit women into its ranks. All hail the trailblazers: President George W. Bush’s national security adviser and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina billionaire banking executive Darla Moore.


And yet, please forgive me if I don’t join the chorus of cheers. Rice and Moore are not twenty-first-century Jackie Robinsons, and their acceptance into this bastion of exclusion has nothing to do with women’s liberation and is utterly disconnected from the reality of daily life for millions of American women.

Condi Rice as a symbol of female power? Only if by power, we mean the power to put thousands of Iraqi women in graves all in the name of a war based on lies that she actively promoted.

Then there are the birth defects suffered by the children of women in Iraq. In 2009, the Guardianreportedthat doctors in Fallujah were were “dealing with up to 15 times as many chronic deformities in infants, compared to a year ago, and a spike in early life cancers that may be linked to toxic materials left over from the fighting.”

A hospital spokesman, Nadim al-Hadidi, told the Inter Press Service, “In 2004 the Americans tested all kinds of chemicals and explosive devices on us: thermobaric weapons, white phosphorous, depleted uranium…. we have all been laboratory mice for them.”

There were also, under Rice’s watch, 19,000 reported sexual assaults of women combat troops in the the US Armed Forces every single year. As the Guardian reported, “A female solider in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by military fire.”

In an eerie echo of the Representative Akin controversy, these women, if impregnated during their assault, could not get an abortion on a US military base. Rice, who claims to be pro-choice, never raised a voice on behalf of these women.

In a sane world, Rice would be awaiting trial at the Hague. Instead, she gets to play golf at a club that, incidentally, didn’t allow African-Americans until 1990.

The part that strikes me as idiotic at best is that this idiot acts like Condi Rice ordered the invasion of Iraq. True, the Iraq invasion was, in hindsight, a bad move, but it was not Condi’s war. Perhaps the mask is slipping and the Nation’s racist roots are showing?

Either way, this is why I left, “the left” because the hatred and vitriol that the progressives have towards the left.

Kira Davis responds to MSNBC’s Toure’s racist remark

(via Her Blog)

I realize that he apologized, and what I wrote. Okay? My thing was, put it back in their faces. But this is intense, real and raw.

….and I like that.

(H/T to

Warning to all Facebook users: “ free speech zone” is a troll den

Just a quick FYI to my readers who are on facebook.

There is a group on facebook, that calls themselves the “” free speech zone. (Formerly the AllahPundit Fan Club)

They are a group of people, who were booted off of for violating the terms of service over at in the comments section. I joined prior to even knowing about this being the case, about this group. I thought it was actually a “fan club” for AllahPundit. Turns out, it’s not. It is a troll den, where some of HotAir’s banned folk ended up.

Apparently, they did not like my posting about well known Conservative Blogger here from Michigan. I was called a Paul-Bot; despite the fact that I have repeatedly said on this blog that I am not a fan of Ron Paul at all.   None of that matters, just the fact that I said that I was not keeping the Israeli flag here, as long as people like this woman continue to act like she does towards Conservative American bloggers.

So, there you go. Some info, stay away from the troll groups on facebook.


Hey Christopher Burmood go start your own blog, ya troll

Last night this troll left several attempts at a troll comment on my posting about twitter.

When I emailed the chump and informed him that his comment would not be approved, this was his intelligent response from the IP address of

That’s okay. Everyone already knows you’re a f—-g a–hat.

Pretty intelligent fellow, ain’t he? Anyhow, he uses the alias of “Clete Orris” and his email address is available upon request. If need be, I will post that too here as well.

I noticed that he also came over from Facebook as well. So, that tells me a bit about the guy, as the IQ level of most of those people are about that of a 12-year-old kid. Especially the political users there.

As for his comment about me; there two groups of people who say such things about me. The first are liberals, who worship Barack Obama. The second are the Neocon bloggers, who worship President George W. Bush. Those idiots never liked me, because I used to be in the other side and couldn’t stand Bush and his Wilsonian friends. So, I never fit in with them anyhow. Not that I really honesty really cared anyways about that.

So, to “Cleet Oris” I say this; you want troll? Fine. Go start your own blog and troll away. But, here? Not gonna happen here dude, sorry. This isn’t your virtual romper room.

I have better things to do, that argue with idiots, like this guy.

Update: While upstairs making me an early morning snack, I thought about this post. Originally, when referring to the Neocons, I used a slur that was used by Bob Beckle. While his was a slur towards a particular ethnic group, mine was simple a reference towards the Wilsonian foreign policy crowd, put in a rather “tongue-in-cheek” way. Sometimes, I forget that not everyone gets my humor. So, I changed the posting and removed the line. My apologies to whomever might have misunderstood. I do sometimes forget that we mere mortals are not born clairvoyant. 😉

Video: Living proof that Bill O’Rielly is a big government statist

Check out Bill O’Rielly’s impassioned defense of big Government statism.


Day by Day Cartoon is having it’s yearly fundraiser!

Chris Muir, who draws the awesome Day by Day cartoon, which appears in my sidebar on the left; is holding his yearly fundraiser.

I would give myself, but, as many of you know; my funds are not the greatest either. So, head on over and help him out; he has some very neat stuff that he is offering for those who can give to his fundraiser.

Click here to check out Day by Day Cartoon 

Donate to keep the cartoon strip alive, and Chris afloat!

I should also point out, that Chris has donated to me, more than once. So, I am just passing along the favor and trying to help him get the word out. I also should point out that when I started reading Day by Day, I was firmly in the Democratic Party camp; voting-wise, at least. I did find however, his comic to be quite funny and still do. The message too, was not lost on me at all and the further along I went, the more realized, Chris and his Conservative friends were right and I, was very wrong. This, is why I am helping.