Thoughts on the RNC Convention so far

I am watching the RNC Convention over on CSPAN.  Which has a very nice design this year, by the way.

So far, so good. Some of the speakers are very good. Some of them come off sounding like empty-headed mouth breathers.

However, I will continue to watch. I am not voting for Romney, by the way. I am voting for this guy here.

More content to come here, as I check the RSS feeds here.


Video: Living proof that Liberals are classless buffoons

I saw this earlier, and I did not want to watch it. Because I know the emotions that it would trigger inside of me.

But, I finally did and Yes, it did make me very angry. 😡

Watch MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, the wife-beating drunk acting like a complete and total classless buffoon on National TV.


Later, the Republican chairmen got his revenge: (via

My feelings are simply this: what does it say about the modern day Democratic Party? When the only thing that they have left, is race-baiting? Their policies have failed, they’re ideas to recover the economy has failed and now all they have left, is smearing anyone that disagrees with them are racist? This is worse than the Neoconservatives, who call anyone who disagrees with them Antisemitic.  Both are equally as lame and ignorant, both cheapen the discussion, and both point to a loss of ideas.

This is another reason, of a litany of reasons, as to why I stopped voting for Democrats. I mean, they are quite obviously desperate and are now hurling anything that will stick. This sort of nonsense was predicted by myself on my old blog way back in 2008, when Obama was elected and now, we are seeing it first hand.

It is amazing to watch. Hope the Democrats enjoy losing, because that is what is going to happen.


No, I am not going to the RNC Convention

I was not even going to blog about it, but I figured I would let all of you know. I really am not going to the Republican Party’s Convention in Tampa, Florida and I will list the reasons why:

  1. My financial  situation – I have not worked in over eight years, I blame the “disconnected from reality” politics of both parties for this; and that is on ALL levels, Federal, State and yes, local. Elections have consequences and because of this, myself and many other people that I know are paying for those stupid votes. So, the funds to go to a convention just are not there at all. End of discussion.
  2. I just do not get into establishment politics at all. – I mean, the idea of someone beating Barack Obama in this election is great and all, but to be honest with you; I have never really fit into the stereotypical “Republican” mold. I am from a working class, middle class, mostly Democratic Party voting family and neighborhood. I loathe that party with every fiber of my being, but I am not exactly smitten with the Republican Party either. Remember, just as recent as 2006, I was still running a “Historic Populist” blog. 7 years ago; Wow…. It really does not seem that long ago — that I was swearing about Bush and his politics; which were really not that Conservative or really even Constitutional.
  3. They all really, truly, hate me with a passion. — It is no secret, that I am truly the black sheep of the so-called “Conservative” blogosphere. This is mainly because of my past of being a former “Left of center” blogger and person. …and you know what? I am fine with that. I never started writing about the things that pissed me off about politics to get any sort of vain glory or popularity. I just did it to talk back to the forces that I thought were hurting this Country. So far, I have made some waves and a few enemies. Again, I am fine with that. Even if I had like a zillion bucks in the bank and could charter a flight to Tampa and had the money to stay in the nicest Hotel — I just would not bother. Hell, I cannot even afford to replace this stupid laptop that decided to wink the dashboard. Not only that, but my Mom has not gotten in a hurry to let me have back the laptop that I royally screwed up, and she managed to fix herself. So, I am still on the old monitor, which sucks to the high heavens, but, what can I do? I don’t have the money to buy a laptop. Which again, sucks. 🙁

However, I can recommend some places to read, with people that WILL be in Tampa.

  • The Other McCain, who’s owner is not really someone I like, but he’s a decent writer and will tell the truth; for the most part anyhow.
  • is the best, hands down, Conservative Blog around. It is in my sidebar and I read the site daily. Someone from HotAir will be there for the show. Which from what I read is going to be shortened a day.

Also too, I am sure Fox News will be there as well. I will be watching that as well. I will also give my feeling about what I see and here on the TV, like everyone else.

So, there you go, what is happening with me and the RNC Convention. If you are going to Tampa, be safe. There is a hurricane churning out at sea. If the Feds tell you to hit the road; by all means, please listen! But from what I have read, it is not expected to be that bad. The RNC is just being cautious and believe it or not, I think that is a very good thing.


Noted Jerk Liberal Blogger actually writes a fairly decent blog posting

Check it out. His liberal sneering aside; it is a decent historical account of Republican establishment trickery.

But one must remember, Democrats have done the same stuff. Remember 1968? Just sayin’


Noted Faux Conservative Mitt Romney goes full-on birther

I have seen a good deal of stupidity in elections from both sides, but this here takes the cake.

The Video:

The Story:

Commerce, Michigan (CNN) – Mitt Romney chose a Friday campaign rally in Michigan, the state where he was born, to make reference to the highly charged and controversial “birther” movement, joking that “no one has ever asked to see my birth certificate.”

A fringe of conservative Republicans continue to believe that President Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Those in that movement are referred to as “birthers.”

A certification of live birth released by Obama during the 2008 campaign, and then the long-form certificate released by the White House in the spring of 2011, both stated the president was born in a Hawaii hospital on August 4, 1961. Contemporaneously published newspaper announcements also noted the birth in the Aloha State. Only “natural born” citizens of the United States are eligible to be president.

“I love being home in this place where Ann and I were raised, where both of us were born,” Romney said on Friday. “Ann was born at Henry Ford hospital, I was born at Harper hospital. No one has ever asked to see my birth certificate. They know that this is the place that we were born and raised.”

via TRENDING: Romney goes THERE: ‘Birther’ joke raises conspiracy theory – CNN Political Ticker – Blogs.

No, Mitt, but many people, including myself; have actually wondered if you are truly a Conservative or just some big Government Statist masquerading as a small Government Conservative Republican. Furthermore, your tendency towards Wilsonian foreign policy has been noted by more than one person.

What really steams me about this little issue is this: The Birther nonsense was not started by the Republicans; it was started by the Democratic Party, namely the Hillary Campaign in 2008. Its origins are straight out of the White Nationalist/Neo-Nazi camps though and the Hillary camp picked it up and ran with it. It is an idiotic thing and the racial undertones of it all totally disgust me to no end; and with an election this important, the last thing that Mitt Romney needs to be tagged a racist bigot by the left.

Again, I do not know who is writing his speeches and/or giving him advice, but they need to cut the crap. Because if the Republicans lose this race, we are going to be screwed and I mean badly.

So, an open message to the Mitt Romney campaign for a former Democratic Party voter, turned Buchananite/Reaganite style Conservative, who wants to see his Country great again: Cut the crap, okay? We need to get this Country back on track and making asinine statements like this, is not going to help that cause, Mitt. I mean, really. 🙄

There is truly no excuse for this, and furthermore, there is no excuse for any Conservative of any stripe to think this is funny, acceptable or even remotely legit — although there are some that believe, that it is perfectly fine to make such asinine comments. It cost John McCain the election in 2008 and it will cost Mitt Romney too.

Again, it is not funny or does it represent my views as a Conservative, not even remotely.

Alright, who left the door open and let the stupid run outside?

Good Lord. First it was Akin and now somebody left the door open, and let the stupid run out!

While I was weeping over my laptop and was trying to keep from going blind, the stupid monster attacked! 😯

Here’s three in a row from the stupid pile:



A Republican candidate for Hillsborough County Sheriff said Wednesday that he believes elective abortions are unlawful and he wouldn’t reject the use of deadly force to stop them.

Frank Szabo said that as sheriff, he would arrest any doctor performing elective or late-term abortions in his jurisdiction.

“There is a difference between legal and lawful,” Szabo said.

Szabo explained the difference by referring to the issue of slavery, which he said used to be legal but was never lawful under the Constitution. He said that even though elective abortions are legal in New Hampshire, with some restrictions, he doesn’t consider them lawful.

But Szabo may have inflamed the issue further when asked if he would use deadly force to prevent an abortion.

“I would respond specifically by saying that if someone is under threat, a full-grown human being, if they’re under threat, what should the sheriff do? Everything in their power to prevent them from being harmed,” he said.

Yes, forget the Constitution and rule of law, we’ll just kill ’em! WOW! Someone’s not ready for prime time!  😯

Not to be outdone, a judge in Texas foresees a Zombie Apocalypse if Obama is reelected:

Lubbock County Judge Tom Head and Commissioner Mark Heinrich went into great detail Monday night on FOX 34 News @ Nine about why it is necessary to raise the tax rate by 1.7 cents the next fiscal year.

An across-the-board pay increase is needed for the attorneys on the DA’s staff to keep them from being poached by higher-paying counties, and the sheriff needs to expand his staff by seven deputies to reduce call response times, minimize officer fatigue and reduce the turnaround time for investigations.

Judge Head said he and the county must be prepared for many contingencies, one that he particularly fears, is if President Obama is reelected.

“He’s going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the UN, and what is going to happen when that happens?,” Head asked.
“I’m thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we’re not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we’re talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy.

“Now what’s going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He’s going to send in U.N. troops. I don’t want ’em in Lubbock County. OK. So I’m going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say ‘you’re not coming in here’.

“And the sheriff, I’ve already asked him, I said ‘you gonna back me’ he said, ‘yeah, I’ll back you’. Well, I don’t want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me.”

Oh yes, like every black man in this Country is going to become a foaming at the mouth crazy person, if Obama does not get reelected. 🙄 Good grief, where does the GOP get these loonies?!??!

…and finally, the GOP needs to work on its messaging just a wee bit:

Apparently rejecting a more controversial “You Didn’t Really Get Raped, Pregnant Lady” theme for its 2012 convention, the GOP has announced that its Tuesday night session will be themed “We Built This!” The sentiment serves as both a celebration of American entrepreneurship and an attack on President Obama’s previous comments to business owners. President Obama received criticism over his remark, “Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you [business owners] to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

However, the stadium where the GOP will be announcing “We Built This!” was financed primarily by the government. The Tampa Bay Times Forum arena, which houses the Tampa Bay Lightning, was built in 1996 as the “Ice Palace” with 62% government funds. The total budget for the project was $139 million, of which public money accounted for $86 million and team money accounted for $53 million.

Sarcasm aside… Someone at the GOP needs to do a little homework! 🙄

Others: Tampa Bay Times, The Atlantic Wire,, Mediaite, Wonkette, ThinkProgress, The Raw Story, Fox News, Gawker, Lynn Sweet and Pirate’s Cove Balloon Juice, Mediaite, Wonkette, No More Mister Nice Blog, Booman Tribune, Daily Kos and Business Insider,, CBS Boston, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Balloon Juice, Talking Points Memo and The Raw Story

Memo to the Nation: Hate Much Guys?

Unreal, simply unreal.

The Nation confirms what I’ve believed for years:

In a week where the phrase “legitimate rape” became part of the American political discourse, it’s understandable that anyone who believes in women’s liberation would be scavenging for some good news. Like a parched soul in the desert, many believe that a trickle of water, if not an oasis, has appeared. After eighty years of antediluvian sexism, the Augusta National Golf Club, site of the Masters, has finally decidedto admit women into its ranks. All hail the trailblazers: President George W. Bush’s national security adviser and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and South Carolina billionaire banking executive Darla Moore.


And yet, please forgive me if I don’t join the chorus of cheers. Rice and Moore are not twenty-first-century Jackie Robinsons, and their acceptance into this bastion of exclusion has nothing to do with women’s liberation and is utterly disconnected from the reality of daily life for millions of American women.

Condi Rice as a symbol of female power? Only if by power, we mean the power to put thousands of Iraqi women in graves all in the name of a war based on lies that she actively promoted.

Then there are the birth defects suffered by the children of women in Iraq. In 2009, the Guardianreportedthat doctors in Fallujah were were “dealing with up to 15 times as many chronic deformities in infants, compared to a year ago, and a spike in early life cancers that may be linked to toxic materials left over from the fighting.”

A hospital spokesman, Nadim al-Hadidi, told the Inter Press Service, “In 2004 the Americans tested all kinds of chemicals and explosive devices on us: thermobaric weapons, white phosphorous, depleted uranium…. we have all been laboratory mice for them.”

There were also, under Rice’s watch, 19,000 reported sexual assaults of women combat troops in the the US Armed Forces every single year. As the Guardian reported, “A female solider in Iraq is more likely to be attacked by a fellow soldier than killed by military fire.”

In an eerie echo of the Representative Akin controversy, these women, if impregnated during their assault, could not get an abortion on a US military base. Rice, who claims to be pro-choice, never raised a voice on behalf of these women.

In a sane world, Rice would be awaiting trial at the Hague. Instead, she gets to play golf at a club that, incidentally, didn’t allow African-Americans until 1990.

The part that strikes me as idiotic at best is that this idiot acts like Condi Rice ordered the invasion of Iraq. True, the Iraq invasion was, in hindsight, a bad move, but it was not Condi’s war. Perhaps the mask is slipping and the Nation’s racist roots are showing?

Either way, this is why I left, “the left” because the hatred and vitriol that the progressives have towards the left.

To those offended by Akin’s comments

To the softies who were offended by Akin’s comments, I have one simple question; since when do the Femi-Nazi’s control the GOP?

Anyhow, I think it’s incredibly stupid, and some broads and maybe some guys too —- really need to change their tampons and get over themselves. I mean —- seriously! 🙄

Anyhow, in that spirit, I present a few of the best damned Rock and Roll songs ever recorded:

I hate to say that some of them having it coming; but, the way some of them dress these days. —- Jeeez. 🙄  In some places, you don’t need to go to a strip joint! Just go to the mall, you’ll see all the boobs and hoo-haa’s that you want. 🙄  Why I see it, don’t want your goddamned vagina penetrated, put some freakin’ clothes on! Yes, I said that, quote me on it, please.  Thank you and:

Just my opinion; you can disagree, stupidity is not illegal. If it were, 90% of Democrats would be in jail! 😛

Links to all the sissy liberals and dumb ass Conservatives whining about this story: Boston Globe, ThinkProgress, Fox News, Associated Press, Washington Wire, Politico, BREITBART.COM, Newsy, CBS News, Guardian, First Read, Erick’s blog, Washington Examiner, Addicting Info, The Democratic Daily, Hullabaloo, The Fix, Wall Street Journal, CNN, Talking Points Memo, New York Magazine, Ballot Box, Show Me Progress, Taylor Marsh, Hit & Run, The Gateway Pundit, Firedoglake, Daily Kos, USA Today, The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Hot Air, Wake up America, The Caucus, Little Green Footballs, 2012 Decoded, The PJ Tatler, Outside the Beltway, The Hinterland Gazette, Shakesville, The Huffington Post, The Raw Story and Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, more at Mediagazer »  (Via Memeorandum)

Update: Looks like me and this guy here are on the same wavelength. Also too, this guy here has a great, sensible article on what happened with Akin’s comments.

Update #2: Jim Hoft makes a VERY good point:

In 2008 Claire McCaskill accused Bush of allowing people to die in New Orleans because they were poor and black.

“George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black.”

For some reason the media completely ignored this.

Interesting, wonder why nobody told her to resign? Well, I know why; it’s a rhetorical question. Funny how that works, no? 🙄

Iraq and Afghanistan: wars fought wrong

This is what happens when you piece-meal a war, this is what happens; when you leave a war to fester, while you invade another Country, based on bad information. More importantly, this is what happens when you elect warmongering Neoconservatives into power. This is what happens, when you fight “armchair general’s” wars.

You end up with dead people, who should not have to die to protect an empire; and you get religious strife within a Country.

In Afghanistan:

Via Detroit News:

Kabul, Afghanistan — A man in an Afghan police uniform shot and killed an international service member on Sunday, NATO said, raising the death toll to 10 in such attacks in the space of just two weeks.

The surge in violence by Afghan allies against their international partners has raised doubts about the ability of the two forces to work together at a key transition time. Afghan forces are expected to take over security for the country by the end of 2014, when the majority of international combat forces are scheduled to leave.

On the other side, a coalition airstrike killed dozens of Taliban militants, including one of their leaders, officials said.

Few details were immediately available about Sunday’s killing of a coalition member in southern Afghanistan. NATO said only that they and Afghan authorities were investigating. Afghan officials could not be reached for comment.

The Taliban have been actively recruiting members of the Afghan security forces, saying in a statement last week that they considered these turncoat attacks a major part of their strategy against international forces.

In Iraq:

Via The Detroit News:

Baghdad — A bomb struck the convoy of a senior Sunni cleric in western Baghdad on Sunday, killing four and critically wounding the anti-extremist Muslim leader, police said.

The attack highlights the threats faced by relatively moderate Sunni clerics whom the Shiite-led government needs to help rebuild the country and establish security. It follows a series of assaults in what is becoming an increasingly bloody month.

The blast in the capital’s Yarmouk neighborhood left Sheik Mahdi al-Sumaidaie badly hurt, a Sunni religious official said. The cleric had just finished leading prayers at a nearby mosque to mark the beginning of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which follows the holy month of Ramadan.

Al-Sumaidaie has sided with the government against Sunni extremists. Earlier this year, he called for a unified religious authority to bridge the gap between Iraq’s Sunnis and Shiites. Insurgents often target Sunni clerics seen as working closely with the Shiite-led government.

Two police officers and a hospital official confirmed the attack. They said four of the cleric’s bodyguards were killed and three others were wounded.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki condemned the attack. In a statement posted on his website, the Shiite leader said the attack was aimed at “spreading sedition and silencing any patriotic moderate voice.”

“Even as we condemn this ugly crime, we are confident that our people are aware of the evil goals of such schemes,” he said.

The invasion of the Sovereign Nation of Iraq was supposedly to bring peace and stability to that region. So much for that eh? The only thing that the invasion of Iraq did was destabilize and inspire more Muslims to become radicalized, and try to attack America and our allies.  As for Afghanistan, that war could have been fought quickly and efficiently; however, because the American people were looking for a scalp, after the events on 9/11 and Osama was well protected within Afghanistan and Pakistani ranks — President George W. Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq.

This left the Afghanistan War to fester and turn into what it is today —- a huge cluster fark.  This was a huge error on our part and one that will be stain on the United States of America for a very long time. This War was about as bad as Vietnam, if not worse. What made this worse than Vietnam,  is the fact that Vietnam was requested by the United Nations at the time.  The Military action in Iraq was requested by no one at all, and was based upon false premises and horrifically bad information by a dissident who defected to Germany.

Least anyone think that I have become anti-military or something silly like that; none of the above was the fault of the United States Military. The United States Military did their jobs most excellent, some of them giving their lives in service to their Country. For that they should be commended. However, the leadership, at the time; was the problem. That leadership started in the White House, and for that we, the American people — will be paying, for a very long time —- fiscally, spiritually, and the eyes of the World.  The United States of America, in the span of about eight years —went from being the World’s leader to the World’s bully in the eyes of the rest of the World.  The Neoconservative reaction to this, is “Who cares?”   But anyone who truly loves this Country, ought be very worried about that little problem.

The best thing we, as Americans can do, is hope and pray that none of the radical Muslims can get enough money and support to try and attack this Country again.  It is, truly — all we can do.

I will say this, the American people are about to make the same mistake again. Putting Mitt Romney, as the Republican for President of the United States; is about the stupidest thing that the Republican Party could have ever done. In light of the Bush era, that is. We are about to make the same mistakes again —- In Iran.  You watch and see.





Chuck Baldwin minces no words about Paul Ryan

I have to like Chuck Baldwin, he does not mince words:

It has happened again. We go through this every four years, and every four years the vast majority of “conservatives” fall for it. This is such a broken record. What did Forrest Gump say: “Stupid is as stupid does”? And wasn’t it P.T. Barnum who said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”? Well, here we go again.

Neocon RINO George H.W. Bush picks “conservative” Dan Quayle. “Conservative” G.W. Bush picks neocon RINO Dick Cheney. Neocon RINO John McCain picks “conservative” Sarah Palin. Now, neocon RINO Mitt Romney picks “conservative” Paul Ryan. As long as there is one “conservative” on the ticket, mushy-headed “conservatives” across the country will go into a gaga, starry-eyed, hypnotic trance in support of the Republican ticket. I’m convinced that if Lucifer, himself, was the GOP Presidential candidate, he would get the support of the Religious Right and Republican “conservatives” as long as he selected a reputed “conservative” to join his ticket. And, by the way, the notable “conservative” wouldn’t think twice about joining such a ticket, either, I’m convinced.

Let’s just get this on the record: since 1960, there have only been two Presidential nominees (from the two major parties) who were not controlled by the globalist elitists. One was a Democrat, John F. Kennedy; the other was a Republican, Ronald Reagan. Kennedy was shot and killed; Reagan was shot. Every other President, Democrat or Republican, has been totally controlled, which is why none of them have done diddly-squat to make a difference in the direction of the country. On the issues that really matter, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are just more of the same!

via Chuck Baldwin — Paul Ryan: More Of The Same.

He goes on to say that Ron Paul is the only one; and I disagree with that. However, I will say this; he is right about Romney and Ryan. Which is I am voting for:

Goode/Clymer in 2012

He will not win the election

But voting for anything else is simply Anti-American

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