NBC’s Brian Williams gets caught in a HUGE lie

The video:


The Story:

WASHINGTON — NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams admitted Wednesday he was not aboard a helicopter hit and forced down by RPG fire during the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a false claim that has been repeated by the network for years.

Williams repeated the claim Friday during NBC’s coverage of a public tribute at a New York Rangers hockey game for a retired soldier that had provided ground security for the grounded helicopters, a game to which Williams accompanied him. In an interview with Stars and Stripes, he said he had misremembered the events and was sorry.

The admission came after crew members on the 159th Aviation Regiment’s Chinook that was hit by two rockets and small arms fire told Stars and Stripes that the NBC anchor was nowhere near that aircraft or two other Chinooks flying in the formation that took fire. Williams arrived in the area about an hour later on another helicopter after the other three had made an emergency landing, the crew members said.

via NBC’s Brian Williams recants Iraq story after soldiers protest – U.S. – Stripes.

There is one thing, that is an unwritten law in the world of journalism; and that is that you never, ever, lie. Brian Williams broke that law. His career is over. Say goodnight Brian! It is no wonder that the suits at that liberal outhouse are making changes, hopefully they will do the right thing and fire all of the idiot liberals over there and put real thinking Americans to work, that report the news and stop with the advocate journalism. Well, a guy can dream, right?


Others: TheBlaze.com, Washington Monthly, Hit & Run, Fox News, Fox News Insider,Hot Air, Taylor Marsh, John Hawkins’ Right Wing News, Scared Monkeys, Washington Post,Mr. Media Training, The Daily Caller, Gawker, Poynter, BREITBART.COM, The Hill,Mashable, Mediaite, CNNMoney, Breaking News Updates, The Gateway Pundit, Talking Points Memo, Yahoo! News, Ed Driscoll, Weekly Standard, The Huffington Post, RedState,Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, TVNewser, Hinterland Gazette, NPR, New York Magazine, Business Insider and The Big Lead, more at Mediagazer » The Daily Caller, Mediaite, Mr. Media Training, TPNN, Deadline, NBC News, Breaking News Updates and Poynter, more at Mediagazer » AlthouseTheBlaze.com, Fox News, Mediaite, Talking Points Memo, Mashable,Hit & Run, FishbowlDC and The Daily CallerNewsmax and The Daily CallerMichelleMalkin.com, The Powers That Be and The Daily CallerTVNewser, Townhall.com, Twitchy, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, Raw Story, The Daily Caller and Business Insider

The best words that John Mccain has ever spoken

These are the words of Senator John McCain from the Senate floor. Via his website:

“Mr. President, I rise in support of the release – the long-delayed release – of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s summarized, unclassified review of the so-called ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ that were employed by the previous administration to extract information from captured terrorists. It is a thorough and thoughtful study of practices that I believe not only failed their purpose – to secure actionable intelligence to prevent further attacks on the U.S. and our allies – but actually damaged our security interests, as well as our reputation as a force for good in the world.

“I believe the American people have a right – indeed, a responsibility – to know what was done in their name; how these practices did or did not serve our interests; and how they comported with our most important values.

“I commend Chairman Feinstein and her staff for their diligence in seeking a truthful accounting of policies I hope we will never resort to again. I thank them for persevering against persistent opposition from many members of the intelligence community, from officials in two administrations, and from some of our colleagues.

“The truth is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. It sometimes causes us difficulties at home and abroad. It is sometimes used by our enemies in attempts to hurt us. But the American people are entitled to it, nonetheless.

“They must know when the values that define our nation are intentionally disregarded by our security policies, even those policies that are conducted in secret. They must be able to make informed judgments about whether those policies and the personnel who supported them were justified in compromising our values; whether they served a greater good; or whether, as I believe, they stained our national honor, did much harm and little practical good.

“What were the policies? What was their purpose? Did they achieve it? Did they make us safer? Less safe? Or did they make no difference? What did they gain us? What did they cost us? The American people need the answers to these questions. Yes, some things must be kept from public disclosure to protect clandestine operations, sources and methods, but not the answers to these questions.

“By providing them, the Committee has empowered the American people to come to their own decisions about whether we should have employed such practices in the past and whether we should consider permitting them in the future. This report strengthens self-government and, ultimately, I believe, America’s security and stature in the world. I thank the Committee for that valuable public service.

“I have long believed some of these practices amounted to torture, as a reasonable person would define it, especially, but not only the practice of waterboarding, which is a mock execution and an exquisite form of torture. Its use was shameful and unnecessary; and, contrary to assertions made by some of its defenders and as the Committee’s report makes clear, it produced little useful intelligence to help us track down the perpetrators of 9/11 or prevent new attacks and atrocities.

“I know from personal experience that the abuse of prisoners will produce more bad than good intelligence. I know that victims of torture will offer intentionally misleading information if they think their captors will believe it. I know they will say whatever they think their torturers want them to say if they believe it will stop their suffering. Most of all, I know the use of torture compromises that which most distinguishes us from our enemies, our belief that all people, even captured enemies, possess basic human rights, which are protected by international conventions the U.S. not only joined, but for the most part authored.

“I know, too, that bad things happen in war. I know in war good people can feel obliged for good reasons to do things they would normally object to and recoil from.

“I understand the reasons that governed the decision to resort to these interrogation methods, and I know that those who approved them and those who used them were dedicated to securing justice for the victims of terrorist attacks and to protecting Americans from further harm. I know their responsibilities were grave and urgent, and the strain of their duty was onerous.

“I respect their dedication and appreciate their dilemma. But I dispute wholeheartedly that it was right for them to use these methods, which this report makes clear were neither in the best interests of justice nor our security nor the ideals we have sacrificed so much blood and treasure to defend.

“The knowledge of torture’s dubious efficacy and my moral objections to the abuse of prisoners motivated my sponsorship of the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005, which prohibits ‘cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment’ of captured combatants, whether they wear a nation’s uniform or not, and which passed the Senate by a vote of 90-9.

“Subsequently, I successfully offered amendments to the Military Commissions Act of 2006, which, among other things, prevented the attempt to weaken Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, and broadened definitions in the War Crimes Act to make the future use of waterboarding and other ‘enhanced interrogation techniques’ punishable as war crimes.

“There was considerable misinformation disseminated then about what was and wasn’t achieved using these methods in an effort to discourage support for the legislation. There was a good amount of misinformation used in 2011 to credit the use of these methods with the death of Osama bin Laden. And there is, I fear, misinformation being used today to prevent the release of this report, disputing its findings and warning about the security consequences of their public disclosure.

“Will the report’s release cause outrage that leads to violence in some parts of the Muslim world? Yes, I suppose that’s possible, perhaps likely. Sadly, violence needs little incentive in some quarters of the world today. But that doesn’t mean we will be telling the world something it will be shocked to learn. The entire world already knows that we water-boarded prisoners. It knows we subjected prisoners to various other types of degrading treatment. It knows we used black sites, secret prisons. Those practices haven’t been a secret for a decade.

“Terrorists might use the report’s re-identification of the practices as an excuse to attack Americans, but they hardly need an excuse for that. That has been their life’s calling for a while now.

“What might come as a surprise, not just to our enemies, but to many Americans, is how little these practices did to aid our efforts to bring 9/11 culprits to justice and to find and prevent terrorist attacks today and tomorrow. That could be a real surprise, since it contradicts the many assurances provided by intelligence officials on the record and in private that enhanced interrogation techniques were indispensable in the war against terrorism. And I suspect the objection of those same officials to the release of this report is really focused on that disclosure – torture’s ineffectiveness – because we gave up much in the expectation that torture would make us safer. Too much.

“Obviously, we need intelligence to defeat our enemies, but we need reliable intelligence. Torture produces more misleading information than actionable intelligence. And what the advocates of harsh and cruel interrogation methods have never established is that we couldn’t have gathered as good or more reliable intelligence from using humane methods.

“The most important lead we got in the search for bin Laden came from using conventional interrogation methods. I think it is an insult to the many intelligence officers who have acquired good intelligence without hurting or degrading prisoners to assert we can’t win this war without such methods. Yes, we can and we will.

“But in the end, torture’s failure to serve its intended purpose isn’t the main reason to oppose its use. I have often said, and will always maintain, that this question isn’t about our enemies; it’s about us. It’s about who we were, who we are and who we aspire to be. It’s about how we represent ourselves to the world.

“We have made our way in this often dangerous and cruel world, not by just strictly pursuing our geopolitical interests, but by exemplifying our political values, and influencing other nations to embrace them. When we fight to defend our security we fight also for an idea, not for a tribe or a twisted interpretation of an ancient religion or for a king, but for an idea that all men are endowed by the Creator with inalienable rights. How much safer the world would be if all nations believed the same. How much more dangerous it can become when we forget it ourselves even momentarily.

“Our enemies act without conscience. We must not. This executive summary of the Committee’s report makes clear that acting without conscience isn’t necessary, it isn’t even helpful, in winning this strange and long war we’re fighting. We should be grateful to have that truth affirmed.

“Now, let us reassert the contrary proposition: that is it essential to our success in this war that we ask those who fight it for us to remember at all times that they are defending a sacred ideal of how nations should be governed and conduct their relations with others – even our enemies.

“Those of us who give them this duty are obliged by history, by our nation’s highest ideals and the many terrible sacrifices made to protect them, by our respect for human dignity to make clear we need not risk our national honor to prevail in this or any war. We need only remember in the worst of times, through the chaos and terror of war, when facing cruelty, suffering and loss, that we are always Americans, and different, stronger, and better than those who would destroy us.

“Thank you.”

God Bless Him for standing up for what is right.

(via Memeoradum)

Thug Michael Brown was shot in the front, and not in the back as the lying liberal media said

The money quotes via The New York Times, which come via Darlene over at Protein Wisdom:

Michael Brown, the unarmed black teenager who was killed by a police officer, sparking protests around the nation, was shot at least six times, including twice in the head, a preliminary private autopsy performed on Sunday found. One of the bullets entered the top of Mr. Brown’s skull, suggesting his head was bent forward when it struck him and caused a fatal injury, according to Dr. Michael M. Baden, the former chief medical examiner for the City of New York, who flew to Missouri on Sunday at the family’s request to conduct the separate autopsy. It was likely the last of bullets to hit him, he said. Mr. Brown, 18, was also shot four times in the right arm, he said, adding that all the bullets were fired into his front. 


Dr. Baden provided a diagram of the entry wounds, and noted that the six shots produced numerous wounds. Some of the bullets entered and exited several times, including one that left at least five different wounds. “This one here looks like his head was bent downward,” he said, indicating the wound at the very top of Mr. Brown’s head. “It can be because he’s giving up, or because he’s charging forward at the officer.” He stressed that his information does not assign blame or justify the shooting.We need more information; for example, the police should be examining the automobile to see if there is gunshot residue in the police car,” he said. Dr. Baden, 80, is a well-known New York-based medical examiner, who is one of only about 400 board-certified forensic pathologists in the nation. He reviewed the autopsies of both President John F. Kennedy and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and has performed more than 20,000 autopsies himself. 

So, you see, the media lied. The black liberal activists lied. Just like the black radicals lied when they said that a black man was shot, face down at a blind pig in Detroit; which sparked the 1967 riots in Detroit. It’s all the same, start a rumor,rile the people up and force change. This is how the left works, they have been doing it for years.

Others: (via Memeorandum Politicoprotein wisdomNational ReviewFox NewsBusiness InsiderLiberalandWashington PostThe Gateway PunditFront Page MagazineRTSt. Louis Post-DispatchMediaiteBoing Boing,Independent Journal ReviewDaily KosJustOneMinuteShakesvilleGawkerSOOPERMEXICANBooman TribuneSt. Louis Public RadioGuardianTalking Points MemoTwitchyColorlinesPolitical Insider blog,Hit & RunClash DailyHot AirVox PopoliPrairie WeatherHinterland GazetteThe Daily BanterWWBT-TVThinkProgressThe Daily CallerNew York’s PIX11CBS St. LouisThe Moderate VoiceMashable,Wall Street JournalThe Jawa ReportLittle Green FootballsFOX2now.comTalkLeftAssociated Press,Progressives TodayCNN and Reuters

Textbook example of partisan media hypocrisy

One of my many gripes with the liberal media, as opposed to the Conservative media is the utter hypocrisy of the entire thing.

What I talking about?


It seems that one of Tucker Carlson’s employees ever at The Daily Caller got himself into some hot water over some so-called “Sexist Tweets.” Progressive blog Talking Point Memo has the back story on it. Now, I am not saying the guy was right or wrong; in fact, I could honestly care less about what he wrote. However, I have to point something here; utter hypocrisy!

This is what a contributor to Rolling Stone magazine, who is a supposedly a marxist said on twitter:


Michelle Malkin’s former startup blog, Twitchy has this backstory on it.

Now here’s my beef with this whole thing. Tucker Carlson had actually apologize for his employee’s tweet. Now, do you honestly think that Rolling Stone magazine is going to have to apologize for its contributor’s Anti-Semitism? I think not. Which brings me to the point of this posting.

The point is that there is a horrific double standard in the liberal media. If a liberal progressive says something, like this douche-nozzle did; he gets off without any sort of repercussions. However, you let a Conservative say anything that is even remotely sexist, racist or even remotely anti-semitic and there is a utter media frenzy over it. Not to mention that the person who did it and his employer end up have to give an offering to the gods of political correctness.

Now to be clear here; I am not much into tossing around the Anti-Semite card, because I have been accused of that stuff myself. Which, by the way, is a crock of crap. However, I just find it quite amusing that the liberal progressive left; does not live up to the very standards that they like to set for others, who happen to disagree with their political beliefs and personal worldview.

The bottom line is this: If you are going to preach political correctness and are going to insist that we on the political right to conform to some sort of idiotic politically correct code —- at least try to live up to the code yourselves. Otherwise, do not preach to us on the right who decide that we want to say something that does not live up to your idiotic standards.

This is why I do not trust Al Jazeera as a legit news source

It is because of events like this here:

An Al Jazeera investigative reporter who worked on the network’s high-profile probe into Yasser Arafat’s death was fired last Monday after raising concerns about the objectivity of the network’s Arafat coverage.

Since 2012, Al Jazeera has aggressively promoted the controversial theory that Arafat was assassinated with polonium in 2004 and did not die of natural causes.

Investigative journalist Ken Silverstein, who joined Al Jazeera two months ago and co-wrote the network’s November scoop about a team of Swiss scientists that found unusual traces of polonium-210 in Arafat’s bone samples, was fired after he refused to travel to Paris to cover the pending release of a French laboratory study on Arafat’s bone samples, multiple sources familiar with the situation told the Washington Free Beacon.

The French findings, released the following day, ended up contradicting the assassination theory.

Silverstein declined to provide a comment to the Free Beacon. A spokesperson for Al Jazeera said she could not discuss personnel issues.

via Al Jazeera Fires Reporter Who Questioned Objectivity of Arafat Coverage | Washington Free Beacon.

It is because Al Jazeera is not a legit news network. But rather an Islamic propaganda network.  

Stupid black woman gets pulled over, tries to run from the police and then complains when her van gets shot at!

This is un-freaking-believable!

The video:


The story:

Several New Mexico police officers are under investigation for a routine traffic stop that devolved into a chaotic car chase last month. In their attempt to apprehend an uncooperative driver, the officers smashed a baton through the woman’s car window and fired several bullets at the children-filled vehicle.

The incident was recorded by a police dashcam video, which was released last week to KRQE News 13. According to a report from Taos News, the incident started when a New Mexico State police officer pulled over 39-year-old Oriana Ferrell for speeding 16 mph over the limit on a state highway.

The officer (whose name has not been revealed) approached Ferrell’s minivan in what appears to be a calm manner and told her to wait while he returned to his vehicle. Ferrell then sped off, starting a chase. When she pulled over again, the officer returned to the driver’s side window visibly agitated.

via Cop Fires Shots at Minivan Full of Kids After Mom Flees Traffic Stop – Hit & Run : Reason.com.

A few things to point out here:

  1. She ran, she could have gotten her ticket, kept her mouth shut; and everything would have been fine. But, no, she started arguing with the cop and then on top of that, she takes off —- twice! You cannot do that and not expect the police to get pissed off!
  2. She had her kids attack the police; if that had been me; that 14-year-old would have ended up in a body bag when I shot him!

I think it is important to point out; she is black. Which basically means that she will most likely get a slap on the wrist and will file a lawsuit and get a bag full of cash; and live high on the hog. Because some evil, racist white police officer actually decided that he was going to do his job. (and yes, that is sarcasm…)

Sorry, but Reason magazine is full of crap on this one; this woman broke the law and paid the price for it. The only person that is to blame for this woman’s kids getting shot at; is Oriana Ferrell and that is the only person who should be blamed.

Like my earlier posting’s video said; blacks seem to believe that they can do as they damned well please, because the actions of white men 300 years ago and it is never, ever their fault; it is the fault of the evil white man and society. 🙄

Police State? Not on this one. More like a stupid black woman. 😡

Update: Blogger Round up via Memeorandum — your mileage may vary on these:  Hit & RunThe Taos NewsNBCNewsMediaite and The New Civil Rights Movement

 Fixed some typos and spelling errors…. What I get for blogging in a hurry. 🙄

Update #2: Da Tech Guy links in! Thank You! 😀

More Black on White Crime in Chester, PA

Another fine instance of black on white crime, this time in Chester, Pa.

The Video: (H/T and Thanks to Top Conservative News)


The victims:

The Story via CBS in Philly:

SHARON HILL, Pa., (CBS) — New developments out of Delaware County after video surfaced of a school bus attack.

Late Monday, police confirmed to Eyewitness News that investigators are in the process of filing criminal charges against three students and the bus driver. The charges could be filed as soon as Tuesday.

The video shows one of two students — beaten on the bus — on their way home from school. It was first posted on Facebook and shows Dylan Fonner being punched in the face aboard a school bus from the Delaware County Alternative High School Wednesday afternoon.

Jackee Fonner, Dylan’s mother said, “I wanted to hug my son because I saw him after he got beat up, but then after watching the video, I couldn’t believe it was that bad.”

Top Conservative News Reports:

The school district is overwhelmingly black. No media outlet is reporting the fact that the perpetrators are black. If the races were reversed, it would be a major news story and the media would be screaming “racially motivated white on black hate crime mob beating.”

The initial sucker punch was videotaped. You can hear other black passengers egg the attacker on and then cheer. The victim then asks the bus driver to let him off the bus. The driver refuses. After that, two more black perpetrators join in and continue to attack the victim as well as a second white victim.

Absolutely correct, the very fact that these perps and driver are black and victims are white; is why the National Media will not report this story and that is because of the progressive liberal bias in the media towards white people. Had this been a black victim or a Jewish victim and white perps; it would be on the news 24/7 and even the President would be involved saying the perps and the driver acted stupidly.

Michelle Malkin said it best; that Sonlight is the best disinfectant —- consider this blog to be the floodlight of exposure to something that is a huge problem in this Country.

Previous Black and White Crime Coverage:

UPDATED: More Black on White Crime in Atlanta, Georgia


Snort Worthy: MSNBC President Wants ‘Investigation’ Into Fox News’ ‘Impossible’ Ratings

Um, Phil? It’s because you and your network suck. Progressivism is just not popular anymore. You know that President that you and your network went into the tank for? He failed, badly. So, I would suppose that the viewers or as Bill O’Reilly calls them — the folks — stopped trusting your silly network.

So, man up and admit your defeat.

The Story:

Phil Griffin, president of MSNBC, says there’s something fishy about Tuesday’s ratings for the Fox News Channel, which were up significantly from a day earlier when Fox News debuted its new schedule. And he wants an investigation.

MSNBC’s ‘Up Late With Alec Baldwin’ Debuts With Policy Discussions in a Diner

“Monday we had a really good day in the key demographic. On the night that Fox News debuted their three shows, we either tied or beat them in those hours,” Griffin said at a briefing, according to TVNewser.

“Tuesday — you guys should be doing some investigations; I have never seen it in all my years of cable — same overnight, same everything. And they doubled their ratings in a day? It is impossible.” Griffin continued, “I have never seen it. They did election-night numbers in the demo Tuesday.”

via MSNBC President Wants ‘Investigation’ Into Fox News’ ‘Impossible’ Ratings Gain – The Hollywood Reporter.


Others: The PJ TatlerMichelle MalkinMediaiteThe Gateway PunditTVNewser,Independent Journal ReviewWeasel ZippersNational Review and The Daily Callermore at Mediagazer »

Liberal idiot minority woman writes that pedophiles ought not to be charged with crimes

I was not going to write about this; but seeing that I got on twitter and shot my mouth off, I figure that I could at least explain myself in long form here on the blog.

It appears that defending pedophiles and saying that they are not criminals is in vogue with the progressive left. Which is to be expected of them, seeing that they really see living, breathing babies as nothing more than a blob of tissue and not worth really to be spared what I happen to consider a butchering at the hands of a Godless doctor.

I give you a perfect example of this, from the Washington Post’s opinion section:

There is a painfully uncomfortable episode of “Louie” in which the comedian Louis C.K. muses that maybe child molesters wouldn’t kill their victims if the penalty weren’t so severe. Everyone I know who watches the show vividly recalls that scene from 2010 because it conjures such a witches’ cauldron of taboo, disgust and moral outrage, all wrapped around a disturbing kernel of truth. I have similar ambivalence about the case involving former Montana high school teacher Stacey Dean Rambold. Louie concluded his riff with a comment to the effect of “I don’t know what to do with that information.” That may be the case for many of us, but with our legal and moral codes failing us, our society needs to have an uncensored dialogue about the reality of sex in schools.

As protesters decry the leniency of Rambold’s sentence — he will spend 30 days in prison after pleading guilty to raping 14-year-old Cherice Morales, who committed suicide at age 16 — I find myself troubled for the opposite reason. I don’t believe that all sexual conduct between underage students and teachers should necessarily be classified as rape, and I believe that absent extenuating circumstances, consensual sexual activity between teachers and students should not be criminalized. While I am not defending Judge G. Todd Baugh’s comments about Morales being “as much in control of the situation” — for which he has appropriately apologized — tarring and feathering him for attempting to articulate the context that informed his sentence will not advance this much-needed dialogue.

I do think that teachers who engage in sex with students, no matter how consensual, should be removed from their jobs and barred from teaching unless they prove that they have completed rehabilitation. But the utter hysteria with which society responds to these situations does less to protect children than to assuage society’s need to feel that we are protecting them. I don’t know what triggered Morales’s suicide, but I find it tragic and deeply troubling that this occurred as the case against Rambold wound its way through the criminal justice system. One has to wonder whether the extreme pressure she must have felt from those circumstances played a role.

I’ve been a 14-year-old girl, and so have all of my female friends. When it comes to having sex on the brain, teenage boys got nothin’ on us. When I was growing up in the 1960s and ’70s, the sexual boundaries between teachers and students were much fuzzier. Throughout high school, college and law school, I knew students who had sexual relations with teachers. To the best of my knowledge, these situations were all consensual in every honest meaning of the word, even if society would like to embrace the fantasy that a high school student can’t consent to sex. Although some feelings probably got bruised, no one I knew was horribly damaged and certainly no one died.


If religious leaders and heads of state can’t keep their pants on, with all they have to lose, why does society expect that members of other professions can be coerced into meeting this standard? A more realistic approach would be to treat violations in a way that removes and rehabilitates the offender without traumatizing the victim. The intensity of criminal proceedings, with all the pressure they put on participants, the stigma, the community and media scrutiny, and the concurrent shame and guilt they generate, do the opposite of healing and protecting the victim. Laws related to statutory rape are in place to protect children, but the issue of underage sex, and certainly of sex between students and teachers, may be one in which the law of unintended consequences is causing so much damage that society needs to reassess.

So there you have it. This above is nothing more than a progressive liberal justification of underage sex between school students and teachers — because underage kids have, as she calls it, “sex on the brain.”

What bothers me about this piece is, for one; it is saying that people that commit acts of pedophilia should not be subject to the legal system. Another thing that bothers me is this here:

Betsy Karasik - A liberal minority that thinks that Pedophiles are just perfectly fine.
Betsy Karasik – A liberal minority that thinks that Pedophiles are just perfectly fine.

No, I am not complaining that she is a woman — please, I am not that big of an idiot. What bothers me about this article and its author is that she is a liberal minority. In the world of the progressive left, you can pretty much say and do what you damned well please —- because you are liberal minority. In progressivism, being a minority of any sort is an automatic ticket to be as outrageous as you want to be, without having to worry about repercussions. It is, in fact, a cover for them.

Some from twitter might have noted that I called this idiot liberal minority woman a “Jap.” I really have no idea really, what her ethnic background is, nor do I really care. She does appear to be someone from the Asian region. For what it is truly worth, you can click here and find out what I really do truly feel about the Japanese and their idiotic Country. Some of us have not forgotten about what happened on December 7, 1941. Some people forgive and forget —- I choose not to do such a foolhardy thing. My family fought in that war, and spilled blood for that cause; and I choose not to just act like that never really happened.

As I wrote above, being a liberal minority is a ticket to be as outrageous, or as in recent times — as criminal as one wants to be; and there is a double standard when it comes to that as well. This was proven when a black thug, by the name of Trayvon Martin decided to stalk and beat the living crap out of a Latino man named George Zimmerman and ended up being shot to death by Zimmerman. Who, in fact, was defending his own life; the liberal media went crazy, calling Zimmerman a white man in hopes of starting a race riot in this Country — which failed thankfully. It seems the American people, including blacks, have a bit more restraint than the liberal media in this Country.

Now to show you what rather rank hypocrisy exists in the liberal media and in the progressive movement, altogether I give you two documented incidents:

There was a recent incident where a white woman was attacked by a black mob — did you hear anything about that on MSNBC? No. There was also an incident where a World War 2 veteran was attacked and beaten to death, by two young black thugs. Again, did you hear about that on MSNBC? No, and you will not either.

Why is this, you ask? Because in the world of liberal minorities, especially blacks — there is a mentality, that any violence or any other sort of misdeeds perpetuated by blacks toward white people is somehow or another justified. It is to be justified by liberal progressives, and yes, blacks themselves — because of the horrible things that happened in this Country over 300 years ago. I am referring to the importation of criminal blacks into the United States from Africa to be used as slaves.

What I have just described to you is nothing more than the anti-American works of the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory at work. The problem is that there are some so-called Conservatives and some so-called libertarians who are of that same mindset. There is a common name for whites who do this sort of thing; it is called white guilt.

In conclusion: This article should, not shock Conservatives and those who disagree with the progressive left; it is simply the manifestation of the works of the Frankfort School. Those who are of the Frankfurt School mentality consider anything that is moral, law abiding and or that promotes American values racist. Dr. Michael Savage said it best, “Liberalism is a mental disorder” and this Washington post opinion piece and its idiot liberal author are living proof of that fact.

Others: Ed DriscollMediaiteLawyers, Guns & MoneyHot Airamericanthinker.com,National ReviewNewsBusters and The Other McCain

Video: This is why I do not trust Al-Jazeera TV

American version of it or not. I simply do not trust it and this here is why. This comes via Memri TV:

Some of you might say, “But, aren’t you a Buchananite type?” Yes, indeed I am. Which simply means that I am not a fan of Wilsonian Foreign Policy and that’s all it means. If Al-Jazeera TV is putting this sort of garbage on it’s Arab speaking network, it has zero business being in the United States of America. This is nothing more than Anti-Jewish propaganda and it furthers the blood libels that the terrorists thrive on and use to commit acts of carnage.

If our President were actually worth a tinkers damn, he would tell Al-Jazeera TV, “You either do something about that, or you can pack your little network up and go back to mecca, where you truly belong.” But, because we have a President who kowtows down to Arabs and their religion, instead of defending Jewish Americans, you have this network Al-Jazeera TV here to brainwash Americans into believe that 9/11 was somehow justified.

…and that, my friends, is a great American tragedy.

(H/T to Commentary Magazine)