Honestly, What do they expect?

Boy, I tell ya. The liberal crowd is some seriously stupid people anymore. šŸ™„

I guess most of you know that now the liberal crowd is all in a tizzy, because some protesters let their true feelings be known about this healthcare bill.

My question to them is; seriously guys, what the fuck do you expect? I mean, nobody wants this stupid bill passed and yet, this liberal Congress is hell-bent on passing this moronic bill anyhow; all to appease this President. Is it not any wonder the American people and yes, those protesters are a little bit pissed off?

I mean, and I how to do I put this? Ah, I know! The liberal media and I mean the one’s who are reporting this; You should be glad it was just words. I mean, it could have very well been worse. Luckily and thankfully, it was not. But it could have very well have been. So, to the Race hustlers and Gay Blades; be glad it was just words, signs and insults. Because the alternative could have been much worse.

But again, to the more important point —– What the hell do you people expect? I mean, you want to destroy this Country’s health-care system, all to fulfill a stupid, idiotic socialist agenda; and you wonder why some people are pissed off about it?

It’s time to get real boys and girls. Not everyone is on the same page with you. This should not be a surprise. šŸ™„

Here’s the roundup of the stupid cry babies and so forth

Video: America's Comeback

This Comes via The Other McCain:

Republican Governor’sĀ AssociationĀ HQ

The revolution starts today. What are you doing?

Healthcare, But at what cost to Americans?

The question also is; do Democrats actually care?

Caterpillar Inc. said the health-care overhaul legislation being considered by the U.S. House of Representatives would increase the company’s health-care costs by more than $100 million in the first year alone.

In a letter Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and House Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio, Caterpillar urged lawmakers to vote against the plan “because of the substantial cost burdens it would place on our shareholders, employees and retirees.”

Caterpillar, the world’s largest construction machinery manufacturer by sales, said it’s particularly opposed to provisions in the bill that would expand Medicare taxes and mandate insurance coverage. The legislation would require nearly all companies to provide health insurance for their employees or face large fines.

The Peoria-based company said these provisions would increase its insurance costs by at least 20 percent, or more than $100 million, just in the first year of the health-care overhaul program.

“We can ill-afford cost increases that place us at a disadvantage versus our global competitors,” said the letter signed by Gregory Folley, vice president and chief human resources officer of Caterpillar. “We are disappointed that efforts at reform have not addressed the cost concerns we’ve raised throughout the year.”

Business executives have long complained that the options offered for covering 32 million uninsured Americans would result in higher insurance costs for those employers that already provide coverage. Opponents have stepped up their attacks in recent days as the House moves closer toward a vote on the Senate version of the health-care legislation.

via Caterpillar: Health care bill would cost it $100M – Chicago Breaking Business.

The answer I am afraid, is no. The Democrats have backed themselves into a corner and have overreached. Now they have to deliver. But at what cost? My friends over at the Confederate Yankee have summed it up:

If Obama passes:

  • Companies that already pay health insurance will have to pay higher rates, meaning less profitability, higher costs, and fewer jobs
  • Companies that don’t currently pay health insurance will have to pay high health insurance rates, meaning less profitability, higher costs, and fewer jobs.
  • Companies that cannot withstand the high costs of forced health care will simply shut down.

In all three situations, job lossā€”or at least the absence of job creationā€”is a certainty.

The Democrat’s attitude is this; “what do we care? It is not our jobs that will be lost.” Their whole, “For the greater good,” is what is wrong with the whole idea of social engineering and progressive politics. “If a few people lose their jobs, so what? We are doing for those who have not; even if we are stealing it for those who do have.” That I am afraid, is what Progressive Politics and Progressive thought is all about. Take from the rich and giving it to the poor. Economic redistribution; and you know something folks? Every time it is done, somebody, somewhere gets the short end of the stick. Which is what will happen, if this travesty of a bill is passed.

By the way, that whole “For the greater good”, has root in historic Democratic Party politics. As some of you might know, that is the same mentality that the Democrats used to promote the idea of slavery. The idea that, “the Negro man must be contained, for the greater good of society,” was and still is, straight out of the Progressive school of thought.Ā  For those who are uninformed, Stephen A. Douglas, who debated President Lincoln in 1858, was, in fact, a Democrat. It was no matter that it was inhuman, morally wrong and quite insane; it was for the greater good and besides, them slaves liked being beaten and forced to work! šŸ™„Ā  Again, more Progressive insanity.Ā  “Let’s kill the job market, so everyone can have healthcare!” šŸ™„

It is quite sad to see, that since 1858, not much has actually changed in the Democratic Party. Oh, sure, they are not longer persecuting blacks; that is because someone finally figured out, that the Democrats could use their votes. So, they give them a little lip service, make promises of more hand outs and proceed to snicker at them behind their backs. All the while ignoring their concerns. That is what Plantation politics is all about. Herd everyone into groups and make them promises, all for their votes.

I think it is about time that the American people woke up and realized that the idea of “for the greater good” is basically for the greater death of America.

Others: Hot Air, GOP Leader Blog, GINA COBB,Ā  Maggie’s Notebook and Althouse

What I HATE about this new Healthcare Bill

This is the part that I HATE:

If Congress passes the Senate health-care plan, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office, American families will be required by federal law to buy a federally approved health insurance plan that will cost a minimum of $12,000 per year–and, on average, will cost $15,000 per year — whether their employer or the government helps them with the premium or not.

Beginning in 2014, the Senate plan would require all individuals to buy health insurance. Anyone who does not obtain insurance through an employer would be forced to buy it out of their own pocket. Families of four that make up to 400 percent of poverty level–currently $88,200 per year–would receive a subsidy from the government to help pay for their premiums. That subsidy would attenuate as their income increased and would disappear when their income reached the 400 percent of poverty level.

Families earning more than $88,200 a year (or whatever 400 percent of the poverty level equals in any given year) would be entirely on their own. Under the Senate bill, employers would not be required to purchase health insurance for their workers, and if they decided not to do so, the maximum penalty they would have to pay would be $750 per year for each worker they did not insure who subsequently received a federal subsidy to buy insurance. The $750 penalty on employers who decided not to insure their workers would be far less than they would pay in premiums for the $12,000 minimum required plan.

via CNSNews.com – CBO: Health Bill Would Force Families to Buy Insurance Costing a Minimum of $12,000 Per Year–Whether Government or Employer Helps Them or Not.

I highly suggest that you go read the rest of that; because it is very important to read. I do smell a supreme court challenge to the law requiring people to buy insurance. This is one of the reasons why I believe this bill might actually fail; because the idea of the Government forcing the American people to buy insurance goes against the whole idea of freedom and liberty.

I do notice that there will subsidies for those who are in the low-income bracket. I just wonder, what are all the qualifiers for those of us, who are unemployed and cannot afford to get insurance? Are they going to come after me and toss me in jail, if I cannot afford to get insurance? I mean, would I have to put out the money, which I do not have, to get insurance and hope that I get a subsidy at a later day or would I get it up front?

You see, it is all these questions and the Congress’s unwillingness to explain all of this; is what has me a bit upset. But our side is not helping with all of the stupidity. I just want straight answers, and not stupid talking points from robotic partisan parrots.

I want answers and I am not seeing them. This is not good. Not good at all. šŸ˜”

Obama Says, Pass Healthcare or I will be lynched by the left

OK. That is not exactly what he said; but he basically conveyed the same thought.

President Barack Obama had exhausted most of his health care reform arguments with members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus during a White House meeting last Thursday when he made a more personal pitch that resonated with many skeptics in the room.

One caucus member told POLITICO that Obama won him over by ā€œessentially [saying] that the fate of his presidencyā€ hinged on this weekā€™s health reform vote in the House. The member, who requested anonymity, likened Obamaā€™s remarks to an earlier meeting with progressives when the president said a victory was necessary to keep him ā€œstrongā€ for the next three years of his term.

Another caucus member, Rep. Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.), said, ā€œWe went in there already knowing his presidency would be weakened if this thing went down, but the president clearly reinforced the impression the presidency would be damaged by a loss.ā€

Added Serrano: ā€œHe was subtle, but that was the underlying theme of the meeting ā€” the importance of passing this for the health of the presidency.

via President Obama’s pitch: Fate of presidency on the line – Glenn Thrush – POLITICO.com.

I tend to believe that President Obama is going to screwed no matter what he does. Because if the bill passes; there are going to be those who are going to be angry that it did pass; especially those on the right. If it passes, and there is no public option; there are going to be those on the left that are going to be mad about that.Ā  Either way, I think the President and his Presidency are screwed.

But, honestly? It is his own fault, The President, when he was running, made all sorts of outlandish promises and now he is having to make those promises happen. Sometimes, when trying to do that, one runs up against reality and right now for the President; reality bites.

Sometimes, painting one’s self into a corner, can be a bad thing, and this time; it is a bad thing, for everyone involved.

President Barack Obama and Fox News's Bret Baier politely spar over Healthcare and Foreign Policy

Here’s Part 1 and 2 of that:

You can go read the entire transcript of this interview by going here and reading it.

I have to give President Obama credit, after bashing Fox News and calling it “nothing more than a propaganda outlet”; he did show some guts by going into the lion’s den and going head to head with Bret Baier. That took some serious guts. It could help his image too; not with those on the hard right, but the independents, who voted for the guy with the “spine of steel”, as Vice President Joe Biden called it. Truthfully, the President has not been showing that so-called “Spine of Steel” here as of late. Maybe the White House is trying to improve the President’s image a bit, seeing that his poll numbers are down. Hence the interview.

I saw the interview on T.V. myself; I would not call it “combative” as I have seen it called on other blogs. I would call it politely testy, at times. I mean, there was no swearing and no calling the President an out liar, when he was obviously lying. I mean, If I would been running that interview, and he would have started in on the talking points; I would have stopped him and told him he was flat out lying and full of shit and would have demanded short and straight answers out of him. I would have also demanded that he answered the question of just who the hell does he think he is, to just swagger into the White House and start changing the established Heathcare system in this Country. I would have said, “You can do this, why? because you are black and entitled to it?” Which is probably why the interview was not giving by me. It would have lasted all of about five minutes. The next thing I would have asked him, was why he will not produce his original birth certificate and I would have brought up the fact that EVERY last damned President since the United States started keeping birth records has produced a birth certificate; and I would have asked him why the hell he feels exempted from this practice. Again, I would have asked him if he felt it was because he was black that he could bypass such things. I would have also brought up the fact that the so-called document that his campaign produced was, in fact, a forgery, which was pointed out by several well-known bloggers and was proven to be by three different forensic experts. None of whom would publicly identify themselves, for fear of reprisal from Obama’s campaign and from the Government itself.

So, in closing, it was a decent interview, not nearly as tough as it should have been. But it was and still is worth watching.

The Reality Report #36

In this report:

Does Obama want your DNA?

How far will the IRS go to extract the peoples blood?

What the heck is Chris Dodd thinking about the FED’s monetary power? Gary answers those questions and
welcomes SpyChips co-author and RFID expert Katherine Albrecht to the show to discuss the latest in
RFID and implantable human tracking technology.

The Thrill is Gone says Howard Fineman

Wow! šŸ˜Æ

So Saith Howard Fineman:

Robert Gibbs, the White House press secretary, was 50 minutes late for his briefing, apparently a record for tardiness, but few reporters in the White House press room bothered to feign outrage; they didn’t seem all that eager to ask him questions anyway. When his boss flew to Missouri to give another of his “high octane” (The New York Times), “impassioned” (The Washington Post) health-care speeches, no cable channel covered the event. If you are president, the only thing worse than criticism is not being covered. And the truth is, we in the press are bored with Barack.

The “mainstream media” are losing patience with, and even interest in, their erstwhile hero. President Barack Obama never had a chance with the Ailes-Murdoch crowd, of course, and it didn’t take the president long to offend the fierce left wing of the blogosphere. But now, finally, the MSM, which views itself as ideologically neutral, has found ideologically neutral reasons to lose patience with him: that he may be ineffectual; that he doesn’t know how to play the game; that he can’t get anything done. Exhibit A: the health-care bill. The Times‘s Frank Rich, the astute dean of the commentariat, wrote recently that Obama has failed to “communicate a compelling narrative” in office and, as a result, “could be toast if he doesn’t make good on a year’s worth of false starts.”

Cue the music!

Only thing I can really say is, when you oversell a man, what do you expect? šŸ™„

Crazy, Lonely, White Women?

There seems to be an uptick in this sort of a thing, as of late:

Last Easter, Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a 31-year-old mom with a $30,000-a-year job as a medical assistant, announced to her family that she had converted to Islam. A few months later, she began posting to Facebook forums whose headings included “STOP caLLing MUSLIMS TERRORISTS!”

On Sept. 11, she suddenly left Leadville, Colo., a small town in the Rocky Mountains, for Denver, then for New York, to meet and marry a Muslim man she connected with online, her family says. Ms. Paulin-Ramirez, who is 5-foot-11 and blonde, phoned her mother and stepfather in Leadville, providing them with an address in Waterford, Ireland, they say.

Toni Axelrod for The Wall Street Journal/Courtesy of the Holcomb Family

Jamie Paulin-Ramirez, a 31-year-old mom, is in the custody of the Irish police, along with six other individuals, arrested as part of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder.

Now, she is in the custody of the Irish police, along with six other individuals, arrested as part of an investigation into a conspiracy to commit murder, according to officials familiar with the case. The nature of the authorities suspicions about Ms. Paulin-Ramirez couldn’t be determined on Friday.

via A Colorado Mom Is Arrested in Terror Plot Case – WSJ.com.

There is a tiny bit of me, that seems to believe that this might be something more, than what meets the eye. I could be wrong and goodness knows, I hope I am. But it just makes me wonder. Obama’s FBI now scapegoating White Americans as crazed Muslim converts? I have no proof, but it does make me wonder. It just seems funny that suddenly this stuff starts happening, that’s all.

Others: The Jawa Report, Althouse, KUSA-TV, Atlas Shrugs, Jules Crittenden, The Other McCain, Jihad Watch, The Lonely Conservative and The Corner on National ā€¦