It’s D-Day in America

U.S. Army troops wade ashore on Omaha Beach on the morning of 6 June 1944,

On June 6, 1944, The United States of America and its allies decided that tyranny would not stand. On this day they invaded the beaches of Normandy.

On this day, the people of the Republic of the United States of America will be going to the voting stations across this wonderful Country of ours to decide the next President. The people who died on these shores of Normandy; did so, with hope that the people who came after them, would carry on the tradition of freedom.

My friends, my dear readers; whomever you are, even if you are just coming from a search engine, twitter, stumbleupon or whatever. Please, for the preservation of our Republic   —–




Ann Arbor, Michigan – The Home of Liberal Reverse Discrimination

Michigan Never ceases to amaze me, how it continues down the slippery slope of liberalism:

(H/T to Duke Over America Via FTR Radio)

Principal Mike Madison - Segregationist-in-Chief

An Ann Arbor elementary school principal used a letter home to parents tonight to defend a field trip for black students as part of his school’s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students.

Dicken Elementary School Principal Mike Madison wrote the letter to parents following several days of controversy at the school after a field trip last week in which black students got to hear a rocket scientist.

“In hindsight, this field trip could have been approached and arranged in a better way,” Madison wrote. “But as I reflect upon the look of excitement, enthusiasm and energy that I saw in these children’s eyes as they stood in the presence of a renowned African American rocket scientist in a very successful position, it gave the kids an opportunity to see this type of achievement is possible for even them.

“It was not a wasted venture for I know one day they might want to aspire to be the first astronaut or scientist standing on the Planet Mars.

“I also think it’s important that you know that I have talked to the children who did not go on the field trip, and I think they have a better understanding of the purpose of the AA Lunch Bunch now, as I hope you do. I’m sorry if any kids were upset by the field trip or my discussion afterwards with them, and I have let them know that.

“The intent of our field trip was not to segregate or exclude students as has been reported, but rather to address the societal issues, roadblocks and challenges that our African American children will face as they pursue a successful academic education here in our community.”

A handful of parents have complained to district administrators about the trip, the group and Madison. More than a half-dozen parents contacted to raise the complaints, but none would agree to talk on the record, citing concerns of reprisals to their children by Madison.


District spokeswoman Liz Margolis said after the trip was over, those who went returned to their fifth-grade class and were greeted by boos by those who didn’t go on the trip. Margolis said Madison, who is black, heard the boos, and went to talk to the class. She said he and the class had a “discussion” about race issues.

“He wasn’t yelling at them. He was very passionate about it,” Margolis said.

Parents have complained he was yelling at the class and belittled a Muslim girl who said she also had experienced racism and discrimination.

via Field trip for black students sparks controversy at Ann Arbor elementary school –

On  January 14, 1963 Alabama Governor George Wallace, a Democrat; said the following:

“In the name of the greatest people that have ever trod this earth, I draw the line in the dust and toss the gauntlet before the feet of tyranny, and I say segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever.”

Democrats have not changed that mindset one iota. Except now, the only people being discriminated or segregated are the White people. This whole idiotic idea that we have to “Celebrate Diversity”, basically means “Be ashamed of your White Skin.” It is the mantra and talking point of the far socialist black liberal Democrat Party. It is the mindset of most blacks, especially Liberal Blacks that those evil White Capitalists are out to oppress the Black man; and to atone for that, blacks must be given special privileges and must be given jobs, ahead of the White Man. (like me, for instance…)

That is what I have to deal with here in the great Liberal State of Michigan. It is no wonder that Michigan went to Obama and McCain left early. McCain was no dummy, he knew what he was doing.

Chilling to Watch: Black Students being Brain-Washed into saying, "I am an Obama Scholar"

(H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Jim Hoft says:

Obviously, that separation of church and state rule only applies to Christianity.
Praising their demagogue Obama is OK.

The kids are saying:

For I, am an Obama scholar.
An Obama scholar.
And I will strive to be.
Outstanding. Brilliant.
I will achieve. I will be motivated with a positive attitude.

Bill Hennessey says:

Quick quiz: name five countries, past or present, where the youths were required to chant praises to their omnipotent ruler? Any five. Then add together the number of innocentpeople those regimes slaughtered for political expediency.

P.O.’ed Patriot says:

When I first started watching this video I was impressed with the positive message, that is until the Adult Directed the Students to Chant “I am an Obama Scholar”. That is what we call Brain Washing.

Before all of the Haters leave their Comment remember this, Would it still be OK if the Kids were Chanting “I am a Regan, Bush or Clinton Scholar? …Um No…

Cassy Fiano says:

Indoctrination of children in schools is really nothing new, especially since Obama has been elected. Liberal teachers can’t contain themselves, I guess.


And what kind of scholar is Barack Obama, exactly? The kind that doesn’t exactly move a mountain of drugs away, that’s for sure — he admitted doing cocaine. He’s the kind of scholar who thought that there were 57 states during the 2008 election. The kind of scholar who can’t understand why we can’t just plug the damn hole to stop an oil spill. The kind of scholar who spends all of his time on the golf course instead of displaying any kind of real leadership.

Oh well. Chanting songs of allegiance to leaders is nothing new, I guess. It’s just new to us ignorant rubes here in the United States who actually love freedom and democracy.

I might be wrong, but, did not Hitler force kids in Germany to chant slogans? Did they also do that in Communist Russia?

I don’t know about you all; but this whole idea of a black liberal President just got a whole bunch more scarier to me. I mean, we have oil gushing out of a busted well in the gulf and they are STILL praising him, like he is some sort of a Messiah!

When will the American people wake and realize that they have been duped? It is beginning to happen; but still you have this sort of nonsense. It is trouble unbelievable.

The 2010 elections and the 2012 elections cannot come soon enough. I just hope and pray that the GOP does not screw it up; like they did in 2008.

Video: We Will Remember

(H/T HotAir)

Sign the Pledge at We Will Remember.

Movie: Just in case anyone has forgotten

Just remember, Ron Paul believes in negotiating with these bastards. Therefore, he is a terrorist supporter. So are Democrats.

Not all Conservatives love Karl Rove or the Republican Party

Transcript is found here.

Video: America's Comeback

This Comes via The Other McCain:

Republican Governor’s Association HQ

The revolution starts today. What are you doing?

Living Proof that Socialist Liberals are Classless Assholes

Cindy Sheehan and her band of code pink thugs attacked a Elderly Decorated Military Vietnam War Veteran!

The Video: (H/T to Gateway Pundit)

Gateway Pundit has more on this, including the parts NOT reported by the media.

CBS 13 in California has more:

An unidentified military veteran was involved in a tense confrontation with anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan and the group Code Pink at a rally at Travis Air Force Base on Saturday, November 28, 2009.CBSA Saturday rally led by anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan at Travis Air Force Base nearly ended in a brawl when a military veteran physically confronted the protesters.

Anti-war group Code Pink demonstrated at the military base Saturday morning in the first of six planned protests against unmanned military drones currently in use in overseas war zones.

Sheehan, a well-known anti-war activist whose son was killed while serving in Iraq in 2004, was leading the demonstration with a megaphone when a man dressed in a formal military uniform stepped up to her and berated her.

Videotape of the incident shows that Sheehan yelled “Get out of my face” through the megaphone at the man, who slapped the device away. Other protesters immediately joined Sheehan and traded insults with the man, and a shoving match broke out.

Military police quickly pulled the two sides apart.

What a disgrace to America!

But, that’s Obama’s America….. 🙄

Home of the sheep and the slaves!

Remember this come 2010 and 2012. We must take our Government back from this America-Hating fascists!

Opportunistic Bovine Tripe

I think I have seen it all now…:

We know absolutely no one in Bush family circles and have never met former President George W. Bush or his wife Laura.

If you have been reading us for any length of time, you know that we used to make fun of “Dubya” nearly every day…parroting the same comedic bits we heard in our Democrat circles, where Bush is still, to this day, lampooned as a chimp, a bumbling idiot, and a poor, clumsy public speaker.

Oh, how we RAILED against Bush in 2000…and how we RAILED against the surge in support Bush received post-9/11 when he went to Ground Zero and stood there with his bullhorn in the ruins on that hideous day.

We were convinced that ANYONE who was president would have done what Bush did, and would have set that right tone of leadership in the wake of that disaster. President Gore, President Perot, President Nader, you name it. ANYONE, we assumed, would have filled that role perfectly.

Well, we told you before how much the current president, Dr. Utopia, made us realize just how wrong we were about Bush. We shudder to think what Dr. Utopia would have done post-9/11. He would have not gone there with a bullhorn and struck that right tone. More likely than not, he would have been his usual fey, apologetic self and waxed professorially about how evil America is and how justified Muslims are for attacking us, with a sidebar on how good the attacks were because they would humble us.

Honestly, we don’t think President Gore would have been much better that day. The world needed George W. Bush, his bullhorn, and his indominable spirit that day…and we will forever be grateful to this man for that.

via Thank you former President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush « HillBuzz.

It is a very interesting read; It all sounds nice and pretty — that is until you hear the reality of it. If you think for one minute that the people that wrote the above and what is over at that link are really sincere about that; I have land to sell you for extremely cheap in Texas —- in a swamp. The only motivation for this idiotic bunch of Bovine Tripe that was written here is the following; their allegiance to Hillary Clinton.  HillBuzz is simply a group of Homosexual Hillary Supporters; that are a still bitter because Barack Obama kicked Shillary’s fat ass in the 2008 Primary.

So, while it may sound nice, pretty and — dare I even say it? Patriotic. (Uh, Gag, Puke) It is simply a piece written to kick dirt in the face of Barack Obama for daring to defeat Hillary Clinton. So, please, do not buy the hype on this entry. Because if it would have been Hillary that won. These guys would be still trashing Bush. In other words; Nice try guys, but not all of us in the political blogging world are that dumb to believe that you actually now love Bush. 🙄

Two Movies on Liberty

First up is The Most Incredible Challenge from 1965.

Synopsis: This film, narrated by Luis Van Rooten and directed by Robert Braverman, was produced by the Radio Liberty (RL) Committee, the parent organization of Radio Liberty, to publicize RL in the United States. The film features RLs production center in Munich, its news-gathering operations around the world, and its transmitter facilities in Germany, Spain, and Taiwan.

For the Licensed Amateur Radio operators that happen to read this blog; who also happen to be fans of old “Boat Anchors” as they are called, see if you spot the old Rockwell-Collins and other such gear in this piece. The place to see it really good, is at the 18:14 mark. Some really nice gear there from Amateur Radio’s greatest era. 😀

The Second is “This Is Radio Free Europe” from 1964:

Synopsis: This film, narrated by Polish broadcaster Andrzej Kzeczenowicz, gives an overview of Radio Free Europes news-gathering and audience research, its production center in Munich, and its transmission operations in Germany and Portugal. Produced by the Free Europe (RFE) Committee, the parent organization of Radio Free Europe, the film helped publicize RFE in the United States. It thus includes solicitations for contributions to the RFE Fund, successor to the Crusade for Freedom, which helped finance RFE.

Folks, I simply offer these videos with this question: Were these station employees, the political bloggers of that era? Are we now the voices of liberty? I like to think that we are the newspaper writers; the ones encouraging the dissent and the debate. Is Russia of old, just a future picture of America? Those are the questions that we must ask ourselves come 2010.

Remember my follow Americas, dissent is not, not has it ever been unpatriotic. The socialist left calls us racists, tea-baggers, rich people with attitudes; we know the truth and we will not stand by idly and allow a socialist oligarchy defeat us or the Nation and the principles in which it was founded upon.  We must fight, not with guns or weapons; this is a battle of ideas and information. The Media, except for perhaps Fox News, is basically carrying water for the establishment. We are the new fifth estate or even possibly the sixth Estate; if there was such a thing. Being in this position of the minority; we must get our collective act together. We need to, as Bloggers and Conservatives, try to stay away from the stupid and the petty. We need to distinguish ourselves from the Alex Jones Conspiracy theory crowd and stick to the mainstream news and offer a counter-view to the main stream media’s view.

I leave you with this Bible verse:

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.  (2 Timothy 4:1-5 King James Version)

and this timeless quote from The Lord Jesus Christ himself:

And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of God should be made manifest in him. I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.  (John 9:1-5 KJV)

Why would we as Christians, as Conservatives want to be any different?

In Liberty,
