Taken from Here:

The American people were led to believe that America’s fine men and women in uniform were sent halfway around the world to Iraq and Afghanistan to fight a "war on terror." Of course, everyone now knows that Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with the attacks on September 11, 2001. I am sure that most everyone also remembers that the vast majority of the terrorists who participated in those attacks were from Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. Yet, Saudi leaders continue to enjoy the coziest of relationships–and, dare I say, friendships–with President George W. Bush.

Does anyone besides me remember when Bush said that countries had to decide whether they would be friends with either terrorists or the United States, but that they could not be friends with both? Well, Saudi Arabia has probably financed, supported, and befriended more terrorists in the Middle East than any other nation in the world (except perhaps Red China), yet they continue to be "friends" with the United States.

Another glaring inconsistency regarding the "war on terror" is the fact that for some seven years since the 9/11 attacks, our nation’s borders and ports are as open and porous as ever. These open borders make the argument that "we are fighting them over there, so we won’t have to fight them over here" look absolutely disingenuous–even laughable.

If foreign terrorists want to bring the fight to America’s streets again, they still have plenty of opportunity to do so. In fact, we have no idea how many potential terrorists have already slipped across our borders and are right now living among us. Furthermore, we have no idea how many potential terrorists continue to pour through these wide open sieves that we call borders.

How can this administration look the American people in the eye with a straight face and claim that it is fighting a "war on terror," while it does almost nothing to secure our borders and ports? As Marcellus said in Shakespeare’s Act 1 of Hamlet, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark." Amen. Something is also rotten in Washington, D.C.

Besides, why should al Qaeda attack us now? The U.S. occupation of Iraq is the best recruiting tool they ever had. Do the American people not realize (I think most of them actually do) that, thanks to our protracted occupation of Iraq, al Qaeda might actually be stronger now than it was when we invaded that country in 2003.

f the Bush administration was serious about fighting a war on terror, it would absolutely, resolutely, and immediately seal our borders and ports. It is nothing short of lunacy to send our National Guard forces to Iraq for the purpose of protecting that country’s borders, while leaving America’s borders wide open!

Not only does the Bush administration not secure our borders and ports, it wants to provide a "path to citizenship" for illegal aliens. It allows tax dollars to be used to pay for illegal aliens’ education, social services, and medical care. It offers birthright citizenship for illegal aliens. And it prosecutes and imprisons Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean for shooting (but not seriously enough to prevent his escape back into Mexico) a known illegal alien and drug trafficker.

No wonder the flood of illegal aliens has skyrocketed since George W. Bush became President of the United States.

And is there anyone who does not understand that a John McCain Presidency will be more of the McSame? A McCain White House promises a 100-year occupation of Iraq along with continued open borders and ports. Plus, McCain will also push forward with his plans to grant amnesty to illegal aliens.

In addition, when it comes to illegal immigration, amnesty, etc., there will be no relief from an Obama White House. Both Barack Obama and John McCain are pro-open borders, pro-amnesty twins.

Instead of fighting a "war on terror," the Bush administration (and numerous administrations before it) is allowing our troops to be used as the personal militia of the United Nations and for the commercial benefit of international corporations.

Remember, soon after our troops invaded Iraq, President Bush explicitly reported that the reason for the invasion was to defend "the credibility of the United Nations." But this has been the pattern of White House behavior ever since the U.N. was created back in 1945. Presidents from both parties have repeatedly injected U.S. troops into copious conflicts and wars, all for the purpose of enforcing and augmenting the policies of the United Nations.

In fact, the last constitutional conflict that the U.S. military fought was World War II. Virtually every war since has been a U.N. manufactured and manipulated conflict. The war in Iraq is no different.

I ask the reader, If you were President, and you sincerely believed that you were fighting a war on terror, and that you had to take the drastic action of sending other men’s sons and daughters to fight and die in order to wage this war (not to mention the prospect of potentially bankrupting the country to fight it), would you be so careless or indifferent as to not close the borders to the threat of terrorists who might actually decide to attack us? I doubt that there is a reader who would not agree that anyone who took such a task seriously would–at the very minimum–do this.

So, I repeat: the fact that George W. Bush refuses to seal our borders and ports proves that whatever else he thinks he is accomplishing in Iraq, he is disingenuous when he proclaims that he is fighting a "war on terror." (Again, the country that had the closest connections to the 9/11 terrorists was Saudi Arabia, not Iraq. If fighting the terrorists was the focus, why did Bush not attack Saudi Arabia?)

And that means John McCain is disingenuous when he says he wants U.S. troops to stay in Iraq for 100 years so "we won’t have to fight the terrorists over here" while, at the same time, promoting amnesty for illegal aliens (which does nothing but promote even more illegal immigration).

No, my friends. The real war is not a "war on terror." The real war is a war against constitutional government, personal liberty, and national sovereignty. It is a war against the fundamental principles of America’s Founding Fathers, that America should be a friend and trader with all, but engaged in entangling alliances with none. It is a war against the Bill of Rights. It is a war against the Spirit of ’76, the spirit that says America is a free and independent country, subservient to no international entity or interest. It is a war against the principle that would put America first. It is a war against the very heart and soul of everything this country has stood for ever since our patriot forebears stood on Lexington Green and Concord Bridge. And this war is not being waged from Baghdad or Tehran. It is being waged from Washington, D.C.

Chuck Baldwin’s Website

Elect Pastor Chuck Balwin to be President of the United States of America.

Progress being made in Iraq, so says Michael Yon

…and Michael Yon would know too.

I happened to be over at HotAir.Com and I saw this video:

Now what I want to know is, when is Keith Olbermann, who very loudly condemned President George W. Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, going to invite this man on his show and allow him to tell Keith Olbermann and his very captive audience that there is progress being made in Iraq.

Now honestly, I do not think that this will happen, because Keith Olbermann is a sworn liberal, he has an agenda and script to follow, that the war in Iraq is a total disaster and that we must pull out, right away and that we will never win the war there.

The problem with that mentality is that it smacks of total irresponsibility, yes, we went in there on bad information, but if we just pull out and leave those people to rebuild their own country, the rest of the Arab world will utterly hate us for this sort of an action. What gets me, is the Liberals think that we should just turn it over to the U.N.

The problem with that rather stupid idea is this, as hard as it is for the far left to realize is, the U.N. did not get us into this situation, we did, and we as responsible Americans should get ourselves out of it. It is simply called personal responsibility. Something that the far lefty Liberals know absolutely nothing about, at all. Just look how the Liberals passed that very stupid, and very Anti-American Gay marriage law in California, or look at the city council in Berkley, California. Need I say anymore?

If you can afford, head on over to Michael Yon’s Website and Blog, and make a nice Donation. He is all we Pro-Americans and Pro-Military people have, as far as a pro-American voice on the ground in Iraq.

God Bless our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan and in other places in the World.

Let us not forget our United States Servicemen

While I have been a very vocal critic of the Bush Administration’s Handling of the war in Iraq. I will always stand in honor for our United States Military.

Here is a video that I think everyone, Liberal, Conservative and everything in between, needs to watch: (H/T to Army Wife Toddler Mom and Tammi)

Please, support Military Ministry or Soldiers’ Angels

Let’s not forget those, who choose to serve our Nation, so that Bloggers, like me, can write and be free.

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From the "Ya Think?" File…

Unbelievable! A Right Winger that actually has a brain, stop the presses, call the media! This is a rarity! Surprise

Okay, that was a little overblown, but this is remarkable, someone on the right actually sees that John McCain is losing the Iran Debate

Of course, this is not the only debate he is losing, especially the debate on the economy, on Jobs and about everything else, that middle class America cares about. Including the quagmire in Iraq, that is spending this nation into a economic recession that will far surpass the one in the 1980’s and could possibly lead this Nation into a depression that could last for many years.

I think if the Conservatives and Republicans look really hard, they would see quite a good number of things that they are very wrong on.

As such I thought….

You know, If I had a dollar for every time, some idiot news outlet, who was seeking ratings, published a bogus story, saying Bush was going to attack Iran. I’d be rich, very rich.

The Article: White House denies Army Radio report on plan to attack Iran (Via Jerusalem Post

The White House on Tuesday flatly denied an Army Radio report that claimed US President George W. Bush intends to attack Iran before the end of his term. It said that while the military option had not been taken off the table, the Administration preferred to resolve concerns about Iran’s push for a nuclear weapon "through peaceful diplomatic means."

I mean, really? Are people just that stupid that they will Blog on every drip of news that comes out of the nozzle of the Main Stream Media’s faucet?

I can see why now, that MSM hates Blogs, there’s just no ethical standards amongst these people.

A word of wise to you guys, if it doesn’t pass the smell test, don’t print it!

Here’s the list of gullible people that printed this unfounded story: Firedoglake, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Think Progress, Wonkette, God-o-Meter, Israel Matzav. The major exception being Blogs of War who, like me, says the story doesn’t pass the smell test.

Update: Hello to all the readers from Memeorandum, who finally added me back to the list of blogs to scan! yippie! DancingBig Grin (thanks to Blogs of War for linking!)

Keith Olbermann defends himself

It was in my opinion the apology and correction that Keith Olbermann did not have to give. However, in hindsight it mostly likely best that he did.

Last Wednesday Keith Olbermann gave, what I felt was the best Special Comment, that he has given, since I have been watching his show.

It seems however, that a use of a few words that were not edited well enough by Keith caused a major dust up within the Right Wing world.

I first saw this story today over on “Allah Pundit”, one of the more sane writers within the Right Wing Blogging world, and believe me, that is saying quite a bit, gave Keith the benefit of the doubt, as did myself. However, it seems that some of the bedwetting, knee jerk, and Kool-Aid drinkers in out midst came unglued and began accusing Keith Olbermann of insulting our troops.

Many people have e-mailed me and wondered, sometimes with great vulgarity, why I even bother to include Keith’s segments on this Blog, since I am a Constitutionalist and Libertarian. Ladies and Gentleman, I will answer this question as best I possibly can.

Because I Love America, and yes, as much as it is hard for the Kool-Aid drinking right wing fascists to believe, So does Keith Olbermann. No, I do not agree with all of Keith Olbermann’s Political Positions, but I do agree with Keith Olbermann on one main point, this war in Iraq was one of the biggest mistakes that this country ever made, I make no apologies for that feeling. There were never, ever, ANY operational ties with Iraq and Al-Qaeda, Ever.

Anyone who believes anything other than that, is listening to, and believing the ignorant spin and lies of this fascist Presidential Administration, or are still drinking the poisonous “Kool-Aid”, of this Presidential Administration and the political party that he represents, Which by the way has not stood for the classic conservatives, which I grew up admiring as a child. Rather a toxic form of Conservatism called “Neo-Conservatism.”

As much as I would like to believe that Keith Olbermann would see this, I highly doubt it, but I will just say this, anyhow. Keith, you did a good job, once again, silencing the right wing morons, who seem to think that they, and they alone hold court of true patriotism in America.  

Keep up the good work.

This was seriously not smart…

If the United States wants to win the War in Iraq, this is NOT the way to do it. Rolling Eyes

The Story: U.S. General Apologizes for Desecration of Koran (Via New York Times)

BAGHDAD — The commander of United States troops in Baghdad asked local leaders and tribal sheiks this weekend for their forgiveness after the discovery that a soldier had used a Koran for target practice at a shooting range.

Responding to an episode ripe with the potential to stoke unrest, the commander, Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond, held a meeting Saturday with Iraqi leaders.

“I come before you here seeking your forgiveness,” General Hammond said at the meeting, in remarks carried by CNN. “In the most humble manner, I look in your eyes today and I say, please forgive me and my soldiers.”

General Hammond also read a letter of apology from the soldier, who was not identified. “I sincerely hope that my actions have not diminished the partnership that our two nations have developed together,” the general read from the letter.

Another American officer kissed a Koran and gave it to the tribal leaders, according to news agency reports.

A statement Sunday from the American military called the desecration of the Koran, in Radwaniya, just west of Baghdad, “serious and deeply troubling” and said the soldier had been disciplined and sent out of Iraq. Iraqi police officers had found the Koran on May 11 perforated with bullet holes after American forces withdrew from the area.

This is good way to inspire more terrorists. I mean, I would be willing to bet that this guy was some sort of Conservative or something. Regardless if the United States apologized or not, the damage has been done, and I look for some sort of retaliation in the future towards our troops.

The reason I say that this was not smart, is because President Bush has repeatedly said, that this war in Iraq and Afghanistan is NOT a war against Islam or Muslims, but a war against extremists who have hijacked a Religion. Now there are those that disagree with this, and I respect their position. I personally do not believe that Islam is a religion of peace, as my bookstore reflects. However, the President does have to keep the peace amongst various Religions, so, he does have to keep these people happy, especially in their homeland, and this shooting up of a copy of Koran, only undermines that. So, taking this action was quite necessary, in order to keep the peace between us and the Iraqi people.

Some say our apology was overblown, but at this point, I would be kissing some serious behind over there. I’m glad to see the US Army took action.

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U.S. to build new prison in Afghanistan

I can hear the Liberals whining now….

The Article: U.S. Planning Big New Prison in Afghanistan (Via New York Times)


The Pentagon is moving forward with plans to build a new, 40-acre detention complex on the main American military base in Afghanistan, officials said, in a stark acknowledgment that the United States is likely to continue to hold prisoners overseas for years to come.

The proposed detention center would replace the cavernous, makeshift American prison on the Bagram military base north of Kabul, which is now typically packed with about 630 prisoners, compared with the 270 held at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

Until now, the Bush administration had signaled that it intended to scale back American involvement in detention operations in Afghanistan. It had planned to transfer a large majority of the prisoners to Afghan custody, in an American-financed, high-security prison outside Kabul to be guarded by Afghan soldiers.

The reason why I would say that Liberals will whine about this, is because Bush said he would scale back American involvement in detention centers in Afghanistan. However, if you read the REST of this article. You will see why were having to get involved and stay involved.


But American officials now concede that the new Afghan-run prison cannot absorb all the Afghans now detained by the United States, much less the waves of new prisoners from the escalating fight against Al Qaeda and the Taliban.


Faced with that, American officials said they wanted to replace the Bagram prison, a converted aircraft hangar that still holds some of the decrepit aircraft-repair machinery left by the Soviet troops who occupied the country in the 1980s. In its place the United States will build what officials described as a more modern and humane detention center that would usually accommodate about 600 detainees — or as many as 1,100 in a surge — and cost more than $60 million.

“Our existing theater internment facility is deteriorating,” said Sandra L. Hodgkinson, the senior Pentagon official for detention policy, in a telephone interview. “It was renovated to do a temporary mission. There is a sense that this is the right time to build a new facility.”

American officials also acknowledged that there are serious health risks to detainees and American military personnel who work at the Bagram prison, because of their exposure to heavy metals from the aircraft-repair machinery and asbestos.

“It’s just not suitable,” another Pentagon official said. “At some point, you have to say, ‘That’s it. This place was not made to keep people there indefinitely.’ ”

That point came about six months ago. It became clear to Pentagon officials that the original plan of releasing some Afghan prisoners outright and transferring other detainees to Afghan custody would not come close to emptying the existing detention center.

You see, this is not being done, so that the American Government can keep us in that country forever, as Liberals like Keith Olbermann and his hyperventilating special comments want us to believe. They’re doing this out of a human concern for Prisoners housed there, Yes, my friends, the United States is still a caring Country, that cares for the well-being of people, even those who would want to kill us.

I am writing this to prove a point, that even if President George W. Bush is an idiot, and Yes, I do believe that he is not the brightest bulb in the box, there are people still working in the United States Government, that do still possess a great deal of intelligence and still have the morals and integrity that this Nation is known for.

The New York Times’s Liberal bias aside, the article is quite informative as to the real conditions on the ground in Afghanistan. I suggest you read it.

Charges dropped against "20'th" 9/11 Hijacker

Go read.

Fester over at NewsHoggers, put’s it better than I ever could.

This amazing lack of faith in American institutions still astounds be
at times coming from such dime story patriots and nationalistic tinged
messaging machines. America ‘s restraint and faith in the rule of law
is a strength and not a weakness. Today torture is an embarrassment
whose stain can not be easily removed even as it lessens our
credibility, legitimacy and moral orientation. Grow some balls
America, and believe in your principals again.
