Whew! Internet Advertising will not be affected by Economy downturn

Via The Economist:

AT THE beginning of the year Jeff Zucker, the boss of NBC Universal, a big television and film company, told an audience of TV executives that their biggest challenge was to ensure “that we do not end up trading analogue dollars for digital pennies”. He meant that audiences were moving online faster than advertisers, thus leaving media companies short-changed. Now, near the end of the year, the situation looks even worse, as the recession threatens to turn even the analogue dollars into pennies. Will this hasten the shift towards internet advertising, or will it decline too?

Advertising rises and falls with the economy, though how much is a matter of debate. Randall Rothenberg, the boss of the Interactive Advertising Bureau, a trade association for digital advertisers, points to the remarkable stability of advertising at about 2% of GDP since 1919, when the data began to be collected. This would suggest that ad budgets will move roughly in line with economic output.

But Mary Meeker, an internet analyst at Morgan Stanley, believes that modern ad budgets rise and fall much more than GDP does. According to her estimates, if the economy stops growing, ad spending is likely to fall by 4%. If the economy shrinks by 2%, overall ad spending may fall by 10%. As for the online segment, recent history is cause for pessimism. Between 2000 and 2002, during the dotcom recession, online ad spending in America fell by 27%.

Yet the web has changed a lot since 2002. Back then, gaudy display “banners” on web portals such as Yahoo! and MSN were the preferred technology. These still exist, but they now account for less than 20% of online ad spending. More than half goes to search advertising on Google and rival search-engines, which place small text ads next to results based on the keyword of the query, and charge only when a user clicks on them. In brand advertising, “rich media” ads are taking over from banners. These allow users to interact by clicking, so their engagement can be tracked.

All this makes spending on advertising much less speculative, so that it starts to be treated instead as a cost of sales. This is one reason why online advertising should suffer less than other sorts. This week eMarketer, a market-research firm, predicted that online-advertising spending in America, which makes up about half the global total, will increase by 8.9% in 2009, rather than the 14.5% it had forecast in August. The firm thinks search advertising will grow by 14.9% and rich-media ads by 7.5%, whereas display ads will grow by 6.6%. In short, online advertising will continue to expand in the recession—just not as quickly as previously expected.

Another reason for optimism, says Mr Rothenberg, is that online advertising is making obsolete the old distinction between marketing spending “above the line” and “below” it. In the jargon, above-the-line spending drives brand “awareness” (probably on television) or “consideration” by a consumer planning a purchase (probably in a newspaper). Such spending is often slashed in recessions. Below-the-line spending includes promotions or coupons to whet the consumer’s “preference” for the brand as he nears a purchase, or schemes such as frequent- flyer miles to increase his “loyalty” afterwards. These budgets are more robust. — Rest the Rest

Job Security people…. Job Security…. 😀

Although, BlogAds are not selling here. 🙄 I mean, people $50 for advertising, that is cheap! Come on, Buy people BUY!

In case you're wondering….

Good afternoon….

In case your wondering… Yes, I will be blogging through thanksgiving. Our Family doesn’t really do much on Thanksgiving. Oh, We eat. But we don’t go anywhere, and nobody comes here. Most of our family goes elsewhere. The days of meeting at grandma’s house are gone forever. 🙁  I miss those days… Anyhow, I’ll be here commenting on news stories.

So, if you’re needing your politics fix, on a holiday. you can get it here. 😀

and…. again, Happy Thanksgiving! 😀

Let's say thanks to our troops

You might notice the new thingy on the left there, that says “Let’s say thanks to our troops!” Well, what that is about is this here.  Everyday our American Military serves this Country Faithfully. Right now, we have soldiers serving in two wars. Not matter what you feelings about the events leading up to Iraq, or the fact that we’re even there; one thing that cannot be debated, argued or even dismissed, is the fact that our United States Military is the best, the bravest and the strongest. It is also a fact that they are doing the jobs, that the rest of us will not or cannot do…. and for this the fine men and women serving deserve our praise, honor and respect. Not to be ignored, there are also brave men and women fighting a war, against extremists in Afghanistan, in a country that is increasingly hostile to our presence.

Seeing all of this, I believe that some respect is due. So, I ask you, nicely, to click on the widget on the left and send a nice message to our Military serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If you run a Blog and would like to run this widget, check out the website below:

Let’s Say Thanks HomePage

(Thanks Sister Toldjah)

Blogs 4 Borders is going on long term Hiatus!

It seems that my friends M.J. and Jake are going have to put Blogs for Borders on Long term hiatus, due to a personal financial situation. Hey, it’s tough everywhere right now, including in the world of border security. I know their pain, all too well, this is why I stick up for the middle class on this Blog.

Here’s their “final” Video:

I don’t know if they’ll be back, but until then, you can head on over to their Blog called “Freedom Folks” and check out the latest on the battle against illegal immigration.

It is official: Ed Morrissey is a tool

I’ve held my tongue long enough.

It is official in my book. Ed Morrissey is nothing more than a Republican tool. Not to mention a Neo-Conservative, Pope-Worshiping tool.

I just got done reading Ed’s rather idiotic ramblings about how we should just allow Detroit’s big three to drop dead and die.

You see, there’s a small problem with that, My Dad was employed by G.M.; He’s retired now; and when you insult G.M., The UAW, and the workers at G.M., you are insulting my Father.  The last time some ignorant son-of-bitch insulted my Dad to my face; I ended up breaking his collar bone, in three places, cracked about 5 of his ribs and broke about 5 of his front teeth. Oh yeah, I was that angry. 😡

My Father and I, we’ve had our disagreements in the past and there’s been times, when he’s really ticked me off, but you let someone badmouth my Dad and it’s on. It’s a southern thing, and I highly doubt that you damned Yankees would even understand it at all. Politics is one thing, but family’s another and Ed just crossed into the “Fuck off and Die” category with me, when he took occasion to basically say that my Father and all of the Father’s at General Motors, Ford and Chrysler were nothing but pieces of shit. Yes, I am taking it personally.

I guess I’ll use this opportunity to say this publicly, I won’t be returning to Ed’s daily show. Because you see, when you insult my father, I tend to take that a bit personally and it tends to make me a little angry. No, let me rephrase that, that makes me a whole bunch of angry.

There was a period, when I thought that Ed Morrissey was one of the more level-headed Conservatives, needless to say, I was very wrong in that estimation of him. The truth is, Ed’s nothing more than your a-typical “well to do” Conservative, who’s attitude is “I’ve got mine and screw you” attitude, which is so-typical of your Republicans and most Conservatives.  Much like that slant-eyed bitch that he works for.

So, Ed, if you happen to read this…. On the behalf of my Father and Family, who also worked for G.M….. two words fat boy, fuck you and the fucking horse you rode in on, asshole.

Lew Rockwell jumps the shark

I am generally not a critic of those who agree with me on politics, much less conservatism. But every once and while something gets posted somewhere, and me being the opinionated person that I am, I just cannot let it get past me.

I happened to be looking at my RSS feeds and I happened to see a posting by Lew himself, and alarm bells starting going off. Yes, it was that bad.

Before I get into this, let me just say that I harbor no malice towards Lew and his friends at his Blog and website, in fact, there is a good deal of stuff that he and his crew, write over on his blog and website, that I agree with, but this one here just jumped the shark, badly.

From Lew’s Blog:


Okay, here’s what is wrong with that up there. To infer that George W. Bush’s Administration and the Administration of President-Elect Barack Obama will be exactly the same, as much as I hate to say this about Mr. Rockwell; is just beyond crazy.  Because we are talking about two totally different people; politically, ideologically and personally. I regret to say this, but for all of George W. Bush’s faults; the war, the scandals, everything —  I have a real hard time sitting here and believing that he was an Imperialist, yes, he did have a very flawed vision of what he wished to accomplish in the middle east. Yes, he did take some advice from the likes of John and Neil Podhoretz. Yes, it was advice that ended up doing the President more harm that it did good in the end, politically.  But to infer that he was a blind imperialist, is borderline Alex Jones sounding.

Believe me when I say this, I am about as a non-Bush fan as it comes, but I just cannot buy into the whole idea that Bush is some sort of Imperialist, being driven by some evil machine. Nor can I, with my normal functioning brain, sit here and believe that Barack Obama will do the exact same things as Bush. I just cannot do that. Because Barack Obama and the Democrats follow a totally different Political ideology than the Republicans. Now before anyone screams about the bailouts, I am fully aware of how Bush basically tossed fiscal Conservatism under the bus. I was not very happy about that. I also noticed that the bailout plan that he signed unto, has failed. But the truth is, he was forced into that, because he was told by the “so-called” experts, that it would work. Now it seems that the “experts” were wrong.

What I am basically trying to get at here is this. If the old school Conservatives or Paleo-Conservatives, and the Libertarians want to be taken serious by the rest of the Conservative movement and the Republican Party as a whole, they need to seriously look into stopping with the Alex Jones material and stick with policy and reality. Because not everyone buys into some of the sillier nonsense that I have seen within them circles. Not only this, but they need to really get away from the abject racism that I have, in fact, seen posted on some of their Blogs.

Update April 1, 2011: Boy was I ever wrong here! 😯 My apologies to Lew Rockwell. My feelings on race remain unabated. Please, See here. Thanks.

…..and here I thought *I* was grumpy!

Remember that little piece written by P.J. O’Rourke that I blogged about here recently?

Well, it appears that some of my fellow Paleo-Con’s are having none of it, at all; and BOY have the swords come out! 😮

Red Philips over at the Conservative Heritage Times writes:

P.J. O’Rourke’s lasted screed was referenced below. He does make some good points re. spending, fiscal responsibility and lost opportunities, but the good points are lost among his anti-Southern, anti-traditionalist, anti-Christian bigoted spit-flecked rants.

In the article he supports open borders (nothing could be more inherently unconservative), abortion, gay marriage, unconstitutional Civil Rights laws, and wars to spread democracy. What, prey tell, is he supposedly trying to conserve?

O’Rourke is a “libertarian leaning conservative,” my a**. He is an elitist, centrist, establishment shill.


Not to be outdone, John Zmirak over a Taki’s Magazine writes:

P.J. O’Rourke is now officially senile. Pour a stiff glass of bourbon before wading into this farrago of parrot-sh*t. The problem with conservatism, for P.J. as for Frumbag, is conservatives. They should learn to put up with forced desegregation and worthless public schools, gay marriage, abortion, colonization by hostile, nationalistic foreigners, and the use of the U.S. military to fight other country’s wars. In return they might, just might get… drumroll please: fiscal responsibility.  Yeah, we’ve never spent a dime on all that federal equality micromanagement and foreign conquest, or all those uninsured unskilled laborers. That’s funded by pennies from heaven.

Good Godfrey, I thought I was an grumpy old so and so! I can see their point. Of course, I tend to believe that this being directed at this man, because he’s a Neo-Con more than anything else. But still, Senile? Ouch!

Lose an election and start the circular firing squad. Egad, if I have to suffer through blogging about this for the next four to possibly eight years; I don’t know what I am going to do. 🙄

Just sayin’!

Glenn Reynolds can be such a moron at times

Our damn economy is swirling the toilet, bailouts are going every damn where and best this pea-brained penis nibbler can do, is blog about flippinfar away planets and old cars.

Dude, if you wanna Blog about science, start a damned science blog, if you wanna blog about old rusted 1970’s cars, start a damn blog for it. But if you want to Blog about politics, which is why I signed up on your damned RSS feed in the first place, do it on the blog that you are supposed to be blogging politics on sir.

Can someone remind me again, just why the hell everyone fawns over Glenn Reynolds like he is some sort of fucking Blog God for, again, Please?

Just sayin’…..