Obama Says: "I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money"

This is unbelievable.  (H/T HotAir)


Partial Transcript:

We’re not, we’re not trying to push financial reform because we begrudge success that’s fairly earned. I mean, I do think at a certain point you’ve made enough money. But, you know, part of the American way is, you know, you can just keep on making it if you’re providing a good product or providing good service. We don’t want people to stop, ah, fulfilling the core responsibilities of the financial system to help grow our economy.

The problem is; that was not a part of his prepared remarks, here is what he was supposed to say:

Now, we’re not doing this to punish these firms or begrudge success that’s fairly earned. We don’t want to stop them from fulfilling their responsibility to help grow our economy.

By the way, the radio host is Mark Levin, whom I normally find to be highly annoying; mainly because his voice sounds like the equivalent of dragging a cat backwards through a fan. But, I have to say, that I agree with everything that is said here.

Ed Morrissey, whom I have much respect for, points out the glaringly obvious here:

He should have stuck with the TelePrompter. The President doesn’t get to decide when people have “made enough money.” In fact, as the radio host notes, that’s a statist point of view. Furthermore, the responsibility of an entrepreneur isn’t to “grow our economy,” core or otherwise. It’s to grow his own economy. In a properly regulated capitalist system, the natural tension of self-interests create economic growth through innovation and efficient use of capital and resources.

Put simply, a free people work for themselves, not for the government. Barack Obama seems to have a problem understanding that.

But then again; Marxists usually do. Yesterday, I posted a video by Chris Matthews over at MSNBC basically saying that we should cool it with the Nazi references, when it comes to politics and the Right…and Left. The reason why I say that I agreed with that; is because comparing this President to Adolf Hitler is giving Hitler and this President way too much credit.  Nazism was started because Hitler saw the failures of socialism and sought to improve upon it; a plan the ultimately failed thankfully. This President is just a flat out socialist; he is highly against any sort of unfettered Capitalism at all. I mean, do not misunderstand me here; I am all for seeing the people that capitalized on our economy going down the toilet, having to pay the piper.  But to get in front of people and make a statement like this, is just inexcusable. This might come as a shock to those on the left; I am for Capitalism, but I am not for the reckless greed, that leads to destruction. There is a big difference.

The Bottom Line: The President needs to stick to the teleprompter. Because every time that he goes off of that teleprompter, he exposes himself and that exposure is starting to look very, very ugly.

Update: Others: RedState, Left Coast Rebel, Whiskey Fire, The TrogloPundit, Beltway Confidential, Cassy Fiano, ProfessorBainbridge.com, Neptunus Lex, Confederate Yankee, YID With LID, Animal Farm, Villainous Company, protein wisdom and Pajamas Media

Keith Olbermann has some words for the G.O.P.

Now I realize that Keith Olbermann can be bit over the top. But, if I were a G.O.P. strategist; I would be watching this —- and taking notes.

Obviously, I do not agree with all of this, because some of it, is mired in Liberal talking points and Meme’s. But some of it is absolutely true; and some of it is just perception — which anyone with a brain knows, is worse than reality itself.

I hope someone — anyone, either at the G.O.P. or somewhere within Conservatism is taking notes.

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RedState Update Asks, 'Where are the Moderate Muslims?'

RedState Update HQ

Update: …and for a Bonus:

Stupid: Idiot kid shows up at airport where President Obama is, with a gun

Egad, this, I think qualifies for “Stuck on Stupid” of the YEAR! 🙄

Joseph Sean McVey - Amateur Call K8JSM

WASHINGTON – The Secret Service does not believe there was a threat to President Obama from an armed man arrested at an airport just after Air Force One left for Washington.

Joseph Sean McVey, 23, of Coshocton, Ohio, sparked alarm when he was collared Sunday at the airport in Asheville, N.C.

McVey, who was wearing a pistol, was observed in a public lot in a car with Ohio plates that had radio antennas, lights and sirens like a police cruiser.

He was listening to a police radio scanner using an earpiece, and told cops he'd heard Obama was in town.

In a cupholder, police found instructions for using a rifle scope, police said.

But a U.S. official told the Daily News that McVey is just a law enforcement buff, and is not considered a threat to the President. Though local authorities held McVey overnight, he was expected to be released soon.

via Joseph Sean McVey, arrested at N.C. airport with gun, was not threat to Obama, Secret Service says.

Here is why this bugs me. This kid is a licensed Amateur Radio Operator. I can tell you, that I have been in this hobby since 1989 and I have never personally encountered anyone this stupid. I can also tell you, without hesitation, that the Amateur Radio Service is NOT an Anti-Government hobby. In fact, it is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission! So, much for all that Anti-Government stuff eh? 😉

However, because I am fair, honest and balanced, not to mention unbiased; I will be the first to admit, that Amateur Radio hobby; like other hobbies, like CB RADIO, Like Firearms, Like Religions, such as Christianity and Islam, does tend to be a bug light for extremists. Mainly because of the Public Service aspect and for it’s teaching of self-reliance.  Conversely, there is nothing wrong with anyone being able to rely on themselves, without the nanny state Government taking care of them. So, there are those, within the hobby, who could be called survivalists.

One thing that I feel the great need to correct, because of statements that I have been reading in various places; is the false rumor or in web 2.0 terms; Meme that is circulating around in parts on the internet that Amateur Radio is a “Rich White Man’s Conservative Hobby.” I am quite happy to report, that little rumor or Meme is totally false. Amateur Radio is a racially and politically and almost everything else under the sun — diverse. There are many blacks, Latino’s, and every other race under the sun, who are Hams. In fact, there is a Amateur Radio Organization, which is exclusively for African-Americans. (although ANYONE is welcomed to join!)  It’s name is OMIK and it’s been around for a long time.  In fact, I have many personal friends who are members of that fine organization.

In closing, I tend to believe that this was just a very bad case of “Stuck on Stupid.” I just wish the stupid was not involved in my hobby! 😡 🙄

Living Proof that Socialist Liberals are Classless Assholes

Oh Wow. This is just unbelievable. 😯

This comes via Right Wing News: (with a special H/T to HotAir.com)

Content Warning! Not Safe for Work!

Unreal…..and they call the right intolerant? Right….

To be fair; if you click here, you can go look at a video, made by the dude fired by Geico. Some of the signs in that video were quite offensive. But the language and hate were strictly on the left.

Confirmed: John Cole has a mental disorder

I hate having to write blog postings like this one. Because I have been in blog wars before; and quite frankly, they suck.

However, when I see someone engaging in this level and depth of innate stupidity and recklessness, I have to say something.

It seems that former Conservative Blogger, turned Liberal shill, John Cole is now starting to carry the Liberal Meme that is common amongst the far left Blogger crowd. Reacting to a rather idiotic column by Thomas Friedman, John Cole delves into the idiocy of the far liberal left:

They weren’t around protesting during the Bush years They don’t care about the deficit.BECAUSE THE TEA PARTY IS REPUBLICANS. They care that a Democrat (and a black “Muslim,” to boot), is in the White House. They don’t care about fiscal restraint, they care that a Democrat is in the White House. They don’t, as some foolishly pretend, care about the Wall Street excesses. Certainly Cenk Uyger is not the only one who has noticed that the tea party bubbas could all be shipped to protest HCR, but the big money boys aren’t running the buses to protest Wall Street. They care that there is a Democrat in the White House.

Now as for the assertion that Tea Party people are Republicans, Blogger “DaTechGuy” takes care of that little bunch of idiotic tripe:

Now I’ve attended a few tea parties and talked to people there. The trust level for republicans is not very high. If you had interviewed these people you would know this.

DeTechGuy goes on to show just how wrong that John Cole is. Which some very good reading and I highly recommend the posting. Because it slashes Cole’s MeMe to pieces.

Now for the part that got MY blood to boiling:

They care that a Democrat (and a black “Muslim,” to boot), is in the White House.

Now this is where I draw the line and say, “Whoa Nelly!”

Notice what I colored red up there? That is just asinine bullshit and Cole knows it.

Now admittedly, there are some extremists on the outside of the mainstream right side of the political fence, who have floated this sort of stupidity; they have been long since discredited by, not only the Main Stream Media, but also by the mainstream Conservative media as well. You noticed that Orly Taitz has not been in the news as of late, have you not? That is because, for one, she has had some serious legal sanctions against her and if she continues, could lose her legal license —- and because, quite frankly, I think the Woman realizes that the jig is up and that no one believes that idiotic nonsense any longer. Either that or most of the media, main stream and Conservative are just ignoring her, which in the humble opinion of this writer; is a good thing. Hell, even Bill O’Reilly called her a nut!

The reason I raised a stink about this, is because John Cole is doing two things; first of all, he is doing something that I feel is just wrong — but is what the liberal left is known for and that is collectivism. Blaming an entire group for the actions of a few. Which, I feel, is wrong. Secondly, Cole is playing fast and loose with the facts and with pinning blame, which I think he knows; but because he hopped the fence, because Bush did not do things, like he thought they ought to be done, he bailed on the right — he feels that he has to recite the talking points of the left, in order to remain in their good graces. Although, I could be wrong on that one.

Further more, I have written on here many times, excoriating those on the right, in office or otherwise; who I felt had crossed the line and either went the racist route or otherwise.

The Bottom Line: To tie the Tea Party movement to the Republican Party or its supports, is just plain stupid and accusing everyone who disagrees with policies of the Obama Administration of believing that he is a Muslim is nothing more than collectivism, which is what the liberal left is known for; and is extremely stupid.

Recommended Book:

Believe it or not: I actually agree with Ann Althouse

For once; the blond harpy is making sense.

Go Read.

The reason? Just what I posted last night. Making fun of someone’s religion is just fucking wrong. It is just as wrong as the idiots who threatened south park’s creators.

It’s a collectivist mindset. You know; “Oh! Them “rag heads” flew them planes into the trade center! So ALL Muslims and Arabs are terrorists! Right??! Right???”

Uh, No. Most American Muslims are peaceful people.

The point is folks, if you want to get your Pamela Geller and Debbie Schlussel on; go for it. But when you are branded a fucking bigot for it, please, do not cry about it. Because quite frankly, you deserve the fucking title.

…and before anyone says anything; I admit, in the past, I have written some things on here that would give a liberal a knee jerk reaction; I’m good at such stuff. Further more, I will admit, I am highly suspicious of Muslims, mostly due to Muslims in this area, who have ties to extremism. But to go off and mock Muslims in General is just plain bigotry. It is no better than someone mocking a Jew or a Catholic. Both of which are protected classes in the Country. So, why single out a group of people, of whom extremists have hijacked thier religion to fulfill their mentally deranged dreams?

Further more, anyone that thinks that the attacks on 9/11 gave anyone license to be a fucking bigot; is crazy. You wouldn’t mock blacks like that… so why mock Muslims? Not only that, does that not make you as bad as the 9/11 hijackers? They were bigoted towards America and our values —- now, do you want to be just like them?

Like it nor not; I do have a point.

That is all.

Others: Big Government, USS Neverdock, Fausta’s Blog, Left Coast Rebel, NewsReal Blog, The Daily Caller and INSTAPUTZ

Why do jerks have to pick on Fundamentalist Christians?

Go Read. (Via Reason and this guy)

I got one thing to say about this; the evangelicals and the unchurched had better hope to God that the Fundamentalist Christians do not decide to take up arms. Because if and when they do; all bets are off. You think Waco was bad? The Fundy’s would cause World War III.

Thankfully, most Fundamentalist Christians are peace loving people. Hence the reason they are picked on so much. This is because they know that the battles that they face now and will face in future, are spiritual one’s; hence the lack of firepower.

It just pisses me off; that jerk off pricks like this, have to pick on people that are simply preaching the truth. 😡

Your Daily War Porn Video

(H/T to my friends at the Jawa)

Video: We Will Remember

(H/T HotAir)

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