Obama cleans up last night….

Yeah, He did.

Hillary is remaining mum and has moved on to Texas. I think at this point, that she hasn’t got a prayer in hell of getting chosen.

I can’t honestly say that I’m bothered by that, really. She would just be an extension of Bill Clinton.

Time to call it a day Hillary.

Meanwhile, on the G.O.P. side, John McCain did very well.

My question is, why the heck does Huckabee keep hanging on?

You can’t fix stupid, I suppose.

The Far Right is Desperate

To try an hang dirt on Obama. Take this for instance.

The good part, Also known as a lie:

What was especially noteworthy about his Virginia speech were the diversions Obama took from the prepared text. Because of Obama’s improvised moments, this speech was different than the usual fare he offers.

[Obama:] “Now I understand some of the excitement doesn’t have to do with me. I know that whatever else happens whatever twists and turns this campaign may take, when you go into that polling place next November, the name George Bush won’t be on the ballot and that makes everybody pretty cheerful. Everyone’s happy about that. The name of my cousin Dick Cheney won’t be on the ballot. That was embarrassing when that news came out. When they do these genealogical surveys, you want to be related to somebody cool. So, but, his name went be on the ballot.

“Each of us running for the Democratic nomination agrees on one thing that the other party does not–that the next president must end the disastrous policies of George W. Bush. No more Scooter Libby Justice! No more Brownie incompetence! No more Karl Rove politics.”

I agree with John Cole:

BTW- Has Dean ever heard President Bush speak? With or without a teleprompter?

Hear Hear, The man is inherently a dumb ass. At least Obama can string a sentence together without sounding like an idiot.

Sounds like Dean is just pissed because his party has got two idiots running….again.

Others: Political Punch, Betsy’s Page and Balloon Juice

Obama Cleans up….

The Big News item today. Obama cleans up.

The inevitability factor is beginning to set in.

Hillary, I’m sure, will fight this all the way to the convention and her feminist friends will gripe a blue streak, when she looses the nomination. 

How would I feel about a Black President?

Honestly? I have very mixed feelings about it.

I believe it will knock down some very old and well built walls of stereotypes down. I believe it will go quite a long ways of healing this Nation of some very old scars from mistakes made by our Nation’s forefathers.

On the other hand. I’m not too keen on Obama’s supposed far left Political leanings. After all,  I am right of center, in case some of you forgot. Big GrinHappy

Socialized Medicine, Entitlements, which will eventually bankrupt our Nation or at worst, continue our dependence on foreign currency. Which one day, will cause us some serious grief. 

The thing I fear most, is that the Conservatives will be a retreat out of the House and Senate. Thus creating a total Liberal Congress. This combined with a Liberal White House, would be disastrous. I believe in checks and balances.

I believe that a Nation that leans in too much of a Political direction, without the balance of an opposing Political view. The idea here is, no one Political Ideology has all the answers. I am a big enough person to admit this.

What I do not quite understand is, why are some conservatives now taking the mentality of "We’re doomed, doomed!".  I think if the Conservatives would stop trying to compare the Presidential candidates to Ronald Reagan and look at them for their own qualities. They might be able to capture more of the mainstream.  

Just my opinion. Big Grin

Yeah, I know, you're wondering why….

I know, you’re most likely wondering why I have not Blogged about the Debates.

Because I am just very disgusted with the whole process. That is why.

John Edwards, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton spent most of the day, which was SUPPOSED to be celebrating the Birthday of a man who stood up for social justice, being civil to one another.

Then all at once, within a one-hour period, all of that civility went out the window.  

Some would say, “Hey, that’s politics.”, Well, you know? I disagree. Just what in the name of the Almighty, is being accomplished by the first African-American and the first Female Presidential candidates sniping over absolutely idiotic nonsense?  

I mean, what kind of image is that sending to the American people? What kind of signal is that sending to aspiring young people interested in Politics? That it is perfectly acceptable to attack someone that you are running against?

Normally, I would, without delay, post the videos of the sniping and comment about it. But that’s what the main stream media is doing. That’s what every political Blogger is doing. They’re a part of the media machine. I’m just not interested in joining the chorus of Bloggers talking about that feckless nonsense.

I am actually scared to death, why? Because I am afraid that people have seen this sniping and they’ve thought, “Why the hell should I vote for those two?” I mean, this would be great thing for Edwards, But we’re on the threshold of making history here and the two damned idiots that are principle players in it are acting like total nincompoops!

Don’t even get me started about Bill Clinton. “Hey Honey, I’m going go out and destroy you’re chances of getting elected!”, He’s another of the feckless ones. Not to mention his falling asleep during Martin Luther Kings III’s speech. More fodder for the media machine, I guess.

I guess I’m supposed to be feeling really good about all this hoopla, so far, Nothing. Nada. No Dice. I’d rather be watching the history channel or something else more productive.

I apologize if you came here thinking that I had some great commentary on the debates, But I just don’t. I just don’t have an impression.

I will say this, if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton keep up the nonsense, and the Democrats lose, and we end up with John McCain AKA Bush 2.0 or that Mormon freak Mitt Romney in the White House, the Democrats will have no one to blame, but their own selves for it.

So far, color me unimpressed with the Democrats.

Poll: Nevada to go to Hillary and Romney

That’s what the Polls are saying.

Of course, those Polls have been wrong before.

So, I’ll be handing out congrads, when the caucus and primaries are over.

Should be an interesting day tomorrow.

Mike Huckabee has lost his mind.

Yep, that’s right. He can forget getting elected. Because of this sort of stuff Here.

Money Quote:

QUESTIONER: Is it your goal to bring the Constitution into strict conformity with the Bible? Some people would consider that a kind of dangerous undertaking, particularly given the variety of biblical interpretations.

HUCKABEE: Well, I don’t think that’s a radical view to say we’re going to affirm marriage. I think the radical view is to say that we’re going to change the definition of marriage so that it can mean two men, two women, a man and three women, a man and a child, a man and animal. Again, once we change the definition, the door is open to change it again. I think the radical position is to make a change in what’s been historic.

Oh yeah, like Centrists and Independents are going to vote for some idiot that makes statements like that.

What’s more, was this one:

“I have opponents in this race who do not want to change the Constitution. But I believe it’s a lot easier to change the Constitution than it would be to change the word of the living God. And thats what we need to do is amend the Constitution so it’s in God’s standards rather than trying to change God’s standards so it lines up with some contemporary view of how we treat each other and how we treat the family.”

Wow. This dude wants to do away with the Separation of Church and State. I bet these guys wouldn’t be too happy about that.

I don’t know about you, I don’t quite think that this guy is quite ready for prime time. Stick to Church Mike, it can only help.   

Huckabee vows to send 'em all home.

Two Words.

Huckabee vows to send all illegal aliens home (via Washington Times)

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee yesterday continued to move to the right on immigration during this year’s presidential campaign, signing a pledge to enforce immigration laws and to make all illegal aliens go home.

The pledge, offered by immigration control advocacy group Numbers USA, commits Mr. Huckabee to oppose a new path to citizenship for current illegal aliens and to cut the number of illegal aliens already in the country through attrition by law enforcement — something Mr. Huckabee said he will achieve through his nine-point immigration plan.

Yeah Right. I don’t buy it. Neither does Michelle Malkin.

Others: FOX Embeds, ImmigrationProf Blog, Cliff Schecter and New York Times and More via Memeorandum