Quote of the Day

The QOTD comes from Rocky Frisco on facebook and you can read his Bio right here:

Just got insulted by a fool named Anna, who claims that the Holocaust never happened.  She demanded that I show video proof that exactly 6 million Jews were killed by Uncle Adolf.  My dad had a friend named Paul who used to go hunting with us.  One night while visiting him and his family, Paul got out a cigar box and brought it down to the table where we were sitting. He handled it like it was full of bombs. He told my dad what was in it and asked if I should leave before he opened it. I was about ten years old, maybe 11. Dad said he didn’t want me protected from knowing the truth, so Paul opened the box. He had been a photographer for the US Army when he got separated from his outfit. He jumped a freight train to escape from a patrol of German soldiers and couldn’t get off the train, since it speeded up and headed down the track. He ended up stranded in Berlin, just days before Germany started to fold. He photographed the trains that went by the warehouse where he was holed up. They were hauling murdered Jews to a rendering plant where their bodies were being used to make soap. He took hundreds of pictures of the coal-hoppers full of emaciated naked bodies that went past his hiding place. That was what was in the cigar box. Those pictures. I saw those photos, I saw his shaking hands and the tears that were trying to leak from his eyes. Paul was the toughest person I ever met, so I was terribly moved by that experience and never forgot. The most disgusting aspect of the experience today was that this “Anna” has a Ron Paul button as her Facebook profile picture. BLOCKED!


A followup on an previous entry

Now before I begin this, let me state for the record, that this is not a walk back of any sort, but rather a followup to an older posting.

It appears that when I posted my entry titled, “It’s a damned shame” that I did not have all of the information related to what was going on.

It does seem that a particular person does have a bit of a problem; and that problem is hate. For the record; yes, I did check out his timeline and yes, I did see some stuff that, yes, even bothered me.

Let me also state that I am one of the most open minded persons in the World. I even have been known to stick my own size 12 foot in my own mouth during the heat of the battle and I have ended up apologizing for it afterward too.

However, when I see someone joking about one of the biggest players in the Jewish Holocaust and thinking that it is actually funny — that is a problem.  Please Note: I am not a rabid anything and I tend to keep in open mind. However, what happened during that time period is not funny or even something that should be even remotely joked about, at all. If one does this, it does, in my mind; bring into question one’s motives and — quite bluntly, their sanity.

Anyone that knows me and anything about my blogs that I have ran for the last 8 years; knows that I have been a “Tell it like it is, shoot from the hip” type of a guy. However, I also happen to be someone, who has a build-in moral compass. When that moral compass senses evil and wrong; I head in the opposite direction. This is what happened here and this is why I blocked said person mentioned in the blog posting linked to in this blog posting here. I also blocked a few of his friends too.

I tend to make a point to stay out of blog disputes and wars.  But, I do not wish to be associated with those who traffic in hate. Not after what happened to me a few years ago. No way, No how.




Remember Samantha Power?

It seems that Samantha Power has gotten a new job.

“Yid with a Lid” reports:

Only Barack Obama! Today the President tried to show he was a friend of the Jews with a beautifully crafted speech Holocaust Museum. Showing his words mean nothing, also today Samantha Power began work today as chair of President Barack Obama’s new Atrocities Prevention Board. If you don’t remember Ms Power she once called for a US force to invade Israel and force through a “peace settlement.” Powers also had some unflattering things to say about about America’s Jewish population during the 2008 campaign

How long do you think it will be before Powers uses that board as tool to de-legitimize Israel?

via “The Lid”: Obama Selects Woman Who Wanted to Invade Israel As Chair of Genocide Panel.

This lady is a real piece of work; head on over and check out the video over at Lid’s site. Previous Samantha Power offerings at my old blog here.

Why I am not a big fan of John Podhoretz

I support Israel and all; but this right here, is why I am not a huge fan of John Podhoretz.

Glenn Greenwald reports:

One reason I think this discussion is so important is because the manipulation of the term “terrorism” this way permits and bolsters (even if unintentionally) an extremely ugly, destructive, and toxic worldview, one which the Editor-in-Chief of Commentary Magazine, John Podhoretz, vividly expressed last night on Twitter when discussing the firing of Keith Olbermann by Current TV:

That’s about as overtly racist a statement from a media figure with a platform as you’ll see (and the it’s-just-a-joke excuse is obviously irrelevant: just imagine analogous “jokes” about how disfavored journalists would be punished at The Jerusalem Post, or Black Entertainment Television, etc.). To Podhoretz, Al Jazeera is filled with Arabs and Muslims, which means: The Terrorists (for many years after 9/11, that was virtually official U.S. government policy). Podhoretz is the same person who wrote a New York Post column in 2006 lamenting that in the early stages of the Iraq War, “we didn’t kill enough Sunnis in the early going to intimidate them and make them so afraid of us they would go along with anything,” suggesting that the big U.S. mistake in the war was allowing “the survival of Sunni men between the ages of 15 and 35.” Remember, though: it’s those Muslims who are The Terrorists (when influential American “terrorism experts” start talking about the John Podhoretzes of the world as terrorism advocates, and about “Shock and Awe“, the assault on Fallujah and the bombing of Gaza as terrorism, and about Ronald Reagan as a “state sponsor of terrorism” for his funding of El Salvadoran death squads and Nicaraguan contras, and about the parties responsible for the assassination of Iranian civilian scientists as international terrorists, then I’ll start to take the honorific more seriously).

I have no doubt that most respected “terrorism experts” would find Podhoretz’s comment about Al Jazeera repugnant. But the mentality on display here — and it’s quite pervasive (which is why this is one of the few remaining forms of overt bigotry that provokes no real sanction) — finds nourishment in the constant discussion of Terrorism, the Supreme Evil, as: acts of violence by Muslims directed at us (but not violence by our own government or those of its allies directed at Muslims).

The above is exactly why the libertarian crowd hates the Zionist crowd with a passion. This is why I am not a huge fan of John Podhoretz and his ilk. It is because they can make statements like this, without any repercussions. If someone, who is not a Zionist made a similar statement about Israel and Jews; they would be excoriated from one end of the blogosphere to the other. Mr. Glennwald has a very good point and I think everyone on the Jewish Conservative side of the political isle, ought to take a hard look at this and take it very seriously. If the Zionists want respect, they have to learn to respect others. Because not all Arabs out there are terrorists; just like not all blacks are murders, robbers, and so forth —- not all white people are robe and hood carrying Klansman. Some black liberals might think that, but I digress. Furthermore, not all Jews are evil bankers trying to overthrow the Country. See? It goes both ways. Someone needs to tell Podhoretz to keep his damned bigotry towards Arabs to himself.

Also too; anyone who believes that Jews can be insulted like this, and can get away with it —- ought to have a nice long talk — with Rick Sanchez.

Just a thought.

The latest on Sandra Fluck

I have not really blogged on this much; the kudos goes to this blogger for his fishing out the story on Sandra Fluck’s connections in the progressive movement.

Now the Democrats are crying antisemitism. Where were they when Alan Dershowitz was pointing out to everyone that Media Matters for America was antisemitic? These same democrats are now whining about privacy. The same people who dug up Joe the plumbers private records and exposed them.

Difference is, Joe’s info was private; this info on Fluck was ALL public info. Besides all that, this stupid woman put herself out there as some sort of victim; when in fact she is a professional activist and she got exposed. Boo hoo, crap happens. Take two mydol’s and call me in the morning.

Again, I love it when the left gets exposed like this. The hypocrisy is stunning.

Israel will not strike Iran in coming weeks, will give diplomacy a chance.


“I am not standing with a stopwatch in hand. It is not a matter days or weeks, but also not a matter of years. Everybody understands this,” Mr Netanyahu told an Israeli news programme.

Mr Netanyahu has hinted Israel could resort to force should Tehran – which denies suspicions it is covertly trying to develop atomic bombs – continue to defy major powers’ diplomatic pressure to curb its nuclear programme.

“We would be happy if this thing is resolved peacefully, if Iran decides to stop its nuclear programme,” he said. “To stop it, to dismantle its facility in Qom, and to stop enriching uranium. I will be most happy, I think all Israel’s citizens will also be happy.”

via Israel won’t strike Iran in coming weeks, Binyamin Netanyahu says – Telegraph.

I think everyone who supports Israel and happens to read this, ought to say a small prayer; that this works. For America’s and Israel’s sake.


I must take a stand for Israel

There is a time when one must be silent and there are times when one must speak out against what he knows is morally wrong; this is one of those times.

Those of you who are daily readers of this blog know that I voted for Ron Paul in the Michigan primary.  I did this mainly because of my personal Christian (as lousy as I am at that practice) convictions and my anti-statist convictions; believe me when I tell you, I know full well about Ron Paul’s position of Israel, I know full well about his idiotic position of terrorism and foreign policy.  I do not support that aspect of Ron Paul at all.  However, I was just not willing to throw out the baby with the bathwater, so to speak.

I am a very open-minded person, anyone who has followed my political blogging career, knows that.  However, I just will not tolerate blind hatred of Jews, Israel and its right to exist as its own state.  I am a born-again Christian of 29 years.  I happen to accept, believe, and will defend to my dying day; that land of Israel is for God’s chosen people.  I realize that some people might have a hard time believing that; but it is the truth and I would be willing to spend time in jail for the very purpose, if it ever became needful to do so.

Therefore, I am removing all links on this website to “The American Conservative.”  I respect the opinions of Rod Dreher and of Daniel Larison.  However, for me to have a link on this website to that website might signal to some that I totally agree with the editorial board with their position on Israel.  Let me state emphatically in the strongest terms that I can present to my readers.  Anyone who assumes that I agree with the idiotic position of the “American Conservative” is a moronic fool and does not know me or values that were instilled in me is a child in the Church.

The reason I have decided to this is that Scott McConnell, who is one of the founders of The American Conservative took to the magazine’s blog and boasted of the fact that he participated in the Anti-Semitic “Occupy AIPAC”  demonstration in Washington D.C.  This is inexcusable in my opinion, the occupy movement has been a hotbed of hatred, class warfare and Anti-Semitism.  If Mr. McConnell believes that the occupy movement is even remotely a Conservative movement or a pro-American movement then he has a serious problem.

If Rod Dreher and of Daniel Larison should ever decide to leave the American Conservative and blog elsewhere I will consider linking to their posting and writing about it on this blog.  Until this, I will not be linking to any of their writings anymore.  Because there is one thing that I will never support and that is Jew hatred and that is what this “occupy APIAC” is all about, hatred of Israel, hatred of Jews and hatred if everything related to that — including American’s capitalistic system.

Furthermore, I have removed Ron Paul’s graphic and link to his site from this blog.  As much as I agree with Ron Paul’s federalism, as much as I agree with Ron Paul’s disagreement with the Wilsonian foreign policy crowd.  I do not want to be associated with anyone who has associations with Jew haters and Ron Paul is often lauded by the American Conservative magazine.

I am an avid supporter of freedom of speech and diversity of political opinion, but there are just some political opinion and some kinds of speech that very unsuitable for mainstream consumption.  The American Conservative is one of those publications and I do not wish to be associated with it.  In other words, I would not link to neo-Nazi website on this blog, and I will not link to a website or publication that shares these sorts of views when it comes to Jews and Israel.

I believe that Ron Paul does not win Presidential elections for a very good reason, and this that I have highlighted is one of them.  For the record, I do not know that Ron Paul totally agrees with the nonsense spewed at this magazine or its website.  However, his position of Israel speaks volumes.  Again, my vote for Ron Paul was a protest vote against the big government statism that has become the norm in the Republican Party.  Nothing further, than that, should be derived, from my voting for Ron Paul.

I just will not support bigots, hate mongers, or racists; I was not raised to think like that, anyone who might have assumed anything other than that which I have written above; was quite highly mistaken.  My battle on this blog is limited to the far liberal left in this Country and its politics, how they poison the minds of the black community and other minorities as well.  My battle is not one of skin color at all.  Nor is it against the Jews or Israel.  If anyone happened to come to this blog and assumed that, you were wrong and I apologize for the confusion.


I voted for Ron Paul in Michigan’s Primary

Yes, I voted for him in the primary. I had to, I would be sinning otherwise.

I know that Ron Paul will not win the primary race here in Michigan.  I also know that Ron Paul will not be nominated as the Republican Party’s choice for candidate for President of the United States of America.  However, I voted for him in the Primary here in Michigan. Please, allow me the time to explain why.

There are a number of reasons why and they are the following:

  1. Spending: Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich all talk a mean game about cutting spending out of one side of their mouths, and out of the other, they all speak of strengthening our Military and of future conflicts with Iran.
  2. Religion: I realize that Religion is not supposed to be a litmus test for Presidential elections.  However, I believe that Religious influence is an issue in selection of one’s vote.  It is a fact that Mitt Romney is of the Mormon faith.  It is a fact that Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich are both of the Roman Catholic faith.  As a Protestant Christian, as a Fundamentalist Christian and as an Independent Fundamental Baptist, I must unequivocally say that I do not consider Mormons or Roman Catholics to be true born again Christians at all.  I realize that this position might offend some, to them I simply say; I must follow what I know in my heart and soul to be right.  I believe a vote for any of these other three men would be a slap in the face to the Almighty God and to his Son Jesus Christ, who came to save and deliver all from the bondages of sin and from false Christian doctrine; including Mormonism and Roman Catholics.  Furthermore, I could think of no greater grievous Sin than to vote for a man, of whose religion is, what my Religious convictions consider a false form of Christianity.
  3. Wars:   As someone who spent over 7 years blogging against a war in Iraq, of which I felt was very unjustified and quite immoral — I just cannot support Republican candidates who wish to steer us into further conflicts in the Middle East.  This not to say that I do not support Israel, anyone who reads this blog, knows that I totally support the idea and preservation of the Jewish State of Israel.  However, I am wholeheartedly opposed to the continuation of fighting Israel’s battles for them.  I believe that the United States of America needs to stop being the World’s police officer and let these Countries fend for themselves.  Furthermore, I believe that the United States of America needs to stop funding the feud between the Arabs and Jews, which the United States has done for years.

For these reasons and for these reasons alone, I have cast my lot to the man, who I feel best represents my beliefs as an American, as a Christian, and as a libertarian-minded Conservative.  I feel personally that any other sort of a vote would be Anti-Christian and Anti-American.  This is not to say that I do not have some minor differences of opinion with the Representative from Texas; I do have a few.  However, I am not, as some are, to toss out the proverbial “baby with the bathwater.”  Because of this, I have voted for and will continue to support Ron Paul for President of the United States in 2012.

These Statements are true and are a true representation of my political positions and opinion.


Charles Patrick Adkins

Owner and Publisher

Thought and Rantings


KJV Hosting and Web Design


Video: Kira Davis for Republican President in 2016!

It’s too late for 2012, but man she would get my vote in 2016 in a heartbeat! This is Kira Davis. I would say that I am smitten; but, naturally, she’s marriedHeart-Ache, Heart-Ache indeed. 🙁

This comes via Gateway Pundit and HotAir.com: