The fallout continues

The fallout from the embassy attacks is continuing.

Some on the left now are even upset about it.

Video via Gateway Pundit:

Now there comes word, via one of the most liberal papers in the U.K., that the State Department actually knew that these attacks were coming, and did absolutely nothing:

The killings of the US ambassador to Libya and three of his staff were likely to have been the result of a serious and continuing security breach, The Independent can reveal.

American officials believe the attack was planned, but Chris Stevens had been back in the country only a short while and the details of his visit to Benghazi, where he and his staff died, were meant to be confidential.

The US administration is now facing a crisis in Libya. Sensitive documents have gone missing from the consulate in Benghazi and the supposedly secret location of the “safe house” in the city, where the staff had retreated, came under sustained mortar attack. Other such refuges across the country are no longer deemed “safe”.

Some of the missing papers from the consulate are said to list names of Libyans who are working with Americans, putting them potentially at risk from extremist groups, while some of the other documents are said to relate to oil contracts.

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.

 — Read the rest at the U.K. Independent

Of course, the Obama Administration is in denial mode, via The Politico:

The Obama administration is flatly denying a blaring British newspaper report that the U.S. diplomats in Libya were killed as a result of a “continuing security breach,” and that “credible information” about possible attacks had been ignored.

A U.S. official told POLITICO: “There’s no intelligence indicating that the attack in Benghazi was premeditated.”


Shawn Turner, spokesman for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, emailed: “This is absolutely wrong. We are not aware of any actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.”

The guys over at Powerline are not buying it at all:

Of course, the Independent story didn’t say that the Obama administration had “actionable intelligence indicating that an attack on the U.S. Mission in Benghazi was planned or imminent.” It said that “the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted,” but did nothing to step up security. The administration’s denial does not contradict the Independent’s statement, and the fact that the denial is phrased so narrowly suggests that the Independent’s report is, in fact, accurate.


So the Obama administration is already in cover-up mode. Note how willing administration spokesmen are to take absurd positions, secure in the knowledge that reporters will help them with their cover-up.

I can tell you this; the fallout from this is going to be great. I believe this little incident right here and the fact that embassy works were unguarded like this will be amplified during this election cycle and it might just cost Barack Obama the election. I realize Romney might not have handled the situation the greatest. But this here is nothing more than a dereliction of duty.

Sarah Palin over on Hannity weighed in as well:

For once, I actually agree with Sarah Palin. I also agree with the fact that this bogus movie was not the cause of these attacks. These attacks were pre-planned and this movie just happened to be out there and it was used, by these terrorists, as a cover for their actions. The sad fact folks is this, the United States of America and more broadly; The West is involved in a Religious War, between Christianity and Islam. The people over at Gates of Vienna, Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, and Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, and others have been covering this for a very long time. The sad truth is that those who point to these sites and just dismiss them as hatemongers are just willfully blind to the danger that Islam is for this Country. The Nation should have realized this after 9/11, but because we had a President who wanted to remain Islam-friendly; the truth was ignored.

Furthermore, as a Christian, allow me to say this; Islam is an intolerant Religion and should be totally outlawed in America. There are extremist Christians in America, there is no denying that. But the last time, I checked, they were not as well funded as these people are. (and before anybody mentions him, Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian! Nor was he well-funded…) This is not a Religion anyways, it is a political philosophy, intermingled with a fascist religion and should be eliminated from this Country. If you are offended at this, tough crap; because the facts are that there is no such thing as peaceful Muslim. There are Muslims who choose to fight Jihad, and there are those who refrain from it. Because of this, America will never be safe at all. Call me a bigot, call me a hater, call me an A-hole; I really do not care. But America is going to learn this lesson of what Islam really is, one way or another. It really is too bad that more people are going to have to die, before the United States Government gets a clue and finally wakes up to this threat.

As a compassionate human being, I hate to think that people would actually be so ate up with their religion that they would act in this manner. However, as a realist; I have to go with my gut feelings and with what I see and all I see is this that is happening.

The sick part is, the way this Nation is headed at the moment, we will most like be too darned broke to even deal with the situation much less even fight it. It is a depressing state of affairs, which is why I try to avoid writing about it, because it just makes me sad and depressed to watch it all happen.

There is my statement, quote me, if you wish. Please, just be aware of this here. Thanks.

My Thoughts on the situation in Egypt and Libya

I remember seeing this news breaking early this morning, before I finally drifted off to sleep. I remember thinking to myself, “oh crap…” and thinking, here we go again, another situation in the middle east.

At first, I heard it was over a lamely produced Movie trailer, which was produced by someone claiming to be a Israeli Jew — who might not even be a Jew after all; then I hear it might be a coordinated attack in retaliation over the number 2 of Al-Qaeda’s being killed.

Meanwhile, an couple of Americans are dead today. Their bodies being drug through the streets in some God-forsaken Country. What does our President do? Act like some aloof jackass, who cannot be bothered with the situation.  As for Romney, he takes advantage of the Situation and points out that this President’s foreign policy has been a utter failure. In response, the media tries to portray Mitt Romney as not ready for Prime time. A typical tactic that was used on John McCain as well.  Not to mention the fact that the media is coordinating to try to tear down Romney in this election.

I could sit here and yowl on about this shows that America and Judeo-Christian Values are under attack by Islam and Muslims.  However, I believe most of you, that read this blog already know this. Whatever the cause of these American Embassies being attacked, it is a tragic thing.

However, as a Non-Wilsonian Conservative, allow me to float this idea. Could this be a piece of living, in color, proof that the United States of America ought to just withdraw from these Countries and not have American Embassies in those Country? Perhaps that this is one of the signs that America needs to stop kowtowing down to the United Nations and stop trying to be the world’s policeman. Perhaps we should stop getting involved in the affairs of other Nations. Perhaps we should being to restrict our immigration polices more and stop allowing a free flow of Muslims into this Country.

Perhaps we as a Nation need to take a second look at the practice of Islam and how it is intolerant to other Religion and to criticism; and possibly pass laws banning the Religion in this Country, on grounds it is threat to Nation security.  After all, this attack happened one day after the 11 year anniversary of the terrorist attacks in NYC and at the Pentagon, and Shakesville, Pa.

Again, is it wrong to ask such questions? I am not hating on any religion of any sort. I am looking at the protection of our Republic and all I really know, is that foreign citizens have killed Americans working abroad; this is unacceptable and something needs to be done. However, with the current leadership in the White House, nothing will be done, at all. Yes, I know, Military has been dispatched;  at this point, that is nothing more than window dressing and buttocks covering by the White House. The truth is, that once again, leadership in the White House has failed us.

This is why we must vote differently, come November.

Irony of the Day

Oh the Irony here!

It seems that Jonathan S. Tobin, is not too happy that someone dared to tip a sacred now and actually write something critical of Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Check it out, the first paragraph:

There is a longstanding tradition on the political left to attack contemporary conservatives by comparing them to the right’s leaders in the past. That means that Republicans who were reviled by liberals during their lifetimes are sometimes treated kindly in retrospect because it serves the political purpose of diminishing the reputations of their successors. But in some precincts of the left, bashing Ronald Reagan never goes out of style.

via Smearing Reagan Never Goes Out of Style « Commentary Magazine.

Here is where the irony is at, this Magazine will go out of its way to defend Ronald Reagan; but has absolutely no problem smearing Ron Paul at all.  However, considering whom this magazine caters to, this should not be a great surprise at all. However, the irony is not lost, not on this American Conservative. Again, let me clear; Ron Paul was not perfect and no saint, not in the least. However, when one posts complaints of smearing, when one’s publication smears a true-American patriot; one must be held accountable for those actions.

Not to mention, it is quite funny to point out. 😆



Defending real Christianity from Daniel McCarthy’s smug papist idiocy

I have quite a number of sites in my RSS reader, one of which is the decidedly anti-Semitic — to the point of the publisher of the attending an occupy AIPAC demonstration —The American Conservative. In it today, I happen to see a blog posting by a one papist Daniel McCarthy, in which he basically accuses the Protestant Christian world of supposedly “loosing it’s mind.”

He then goes to blather on about how much more vastly superior the liturgical version of Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church is to the knuckle-dragging Bible Believing Protestant Christians. Which, in this writer’s opinion, says a bit, about this man and the condition of his heart. Furthermore, it does reenforce my belief that Roman Catholics are not Christians at all. I know that might bother some, but I have Bible scripture to back that up, as I am sure you know.

My direct response to Mr. McCarthy is: I suppose Priests, which are forbidden in the Bibledefending the abusers of children, as being victims, is the sign of how much more superior your papist doctrine and supposed “Christianity” is to ours? Furthermore, I suppose that the Roman Catholic Church Inquisition towards various people, including my Baptist forefathers was a sign of the vastly superior papist doctrine and so-called “christianity” to ours?  Also, I suppose that the systematic sexual abuse of young children, and coverup and justification by the Roman Catholic Church and its so-called “priests” is proof positive of the vastly superior papist doctrine and so-called “christianity” of the Roman Catholic Church? I really would love to see Mr. papist McCarthy answer these questions.

You see this, is why I have such an issue with so-called Christian bloggers, especially ones who are papists. The Bible has a word for it, it is Highmindedness. (It is defined here.) It is the very silly idea that somehow, his Church, which, by the way, is riddled with false doctrine; is somehow vastly superior than anyone else. This is why I steadfastly refuse to ever own or write at a “Christian Blog.” For the record, this blog is not a Christian Blog at all. It is a Conservative political blog, that happens to be owned by a Christian.  This is because I will be the first to tell you, that we Independent Fundamentalist Baptists are far from perfect, as recent events have proven. Although, I will be the first to say, that there were many of we Fundamental Baptists, including myself, who saw that recent coming from a mile away.

In closing: While the title of this blog posting might suggest otherwise; this should not be taken as an ad hominem attack against Mr. McCarthy. But rather a defense of Protestant Christianity and Fundamentalist Christianity from those who have an agenda against it. A perfect example of that agenda is in the writings of Mr. McCarthy. Mr. McCarthy and those of his ilk have tried to discredit protestant Christianity for years and this is proof of that. Well, someone has to stand up for those who choose not to submit to the utterly Satanic and without Christ Roman Catholic Church and it may as well be me.


Why I am removing the “I stand with Israel” banner from this blog

I figure I do owe my readers the reason I am doing this.  The reason why I am removing the banner in the corner is this: I was wronged by an American Jewish blogger and I do not wish to be associated with her and her ilk any longer.  I will not name the Blogger who I am referring to, nor will I link to her directly — Because I do not wish to be sued.  However, I will tell you what happened.  A while back on this blog, I defended this woman, as a libertarian-minded person who believes in freedom of speech. (Please Note: I ended up removing the posting where I defended her; because I figured, if she was that damned self-absorbed and did not want to at least thank me — then I was not interested in having her name on my blog anymore. Plus too, I was getting death threats and hack threats on this blog. So, I pulled my defense of her tripe.)

What happened was this; this blogger wrote one of her trademark “burn and quarter” blog postings about the Country of Poland and the holocaust.  Now, keep in mind, I have read what she alleged in her blog posting, in other places before and what she said, was hardly even original, as it has been alleged by others before.  As for the validity of what she alleged, and what has been alleged by others before, that remains in dispute by many historians, Jewish and otherwise.  Anyhow, I did not defend WHAT she wrote, but that she did have the right to write her OPINION.  I also felt that those attacking her for her opinion were acting like the Muslims who objected to the drawing of Mohammed.

Now, do you think that this woman would have the common decency to thank me publicly for sticking out my neck for her on that blog of hers?  No, she did not.  This was after I wrote a defense article, and literally was pounded for it on my blog.  You would think that this woman would have at least written a simple, thank you posting on her blog, linking to mine.  Well, I guess someone, who is really into self-promotion; more than anything else — could not be bothered with that.  Not that I feel that I am entitled to it, but a little common courtesy goes a long way in establishing relationships in the blogosphere and in real life too.

Anyhow, I mentioned this in on twitter and after I griped about it, she thanks me — on twitter.  Not once did she mention it on her blog.  Well, a little time had passed and I sent over a short e-mail and asked her opinion on a political cartoon that I had some concerns about — finally after a week; she replied.  She called me deranged and accused me of being crazy, and threatened to file stalking charges against me.  (This, I am told, is her favorite thing to do.)  Therefore, I replied and in so many words, told her to bugger off.

The real irony of all this, is when last night, after getting the reply from this woman, is I happened to open my browser on my iPod and happen to read this mildly coherent rant by this woman about Michelle Malkin. I honestly could not believe I was reading this article, by the same woman who called me, essentially crazy.  I was amazed.

Therefore, I simply will say this, when it comes to the Jews, Israel and the defense of thereof.  I am done with it.  I will not allow myself to be the whipping boy for the cause of Israel, if that is the way that American Jews want to treat we Americans.  Please keep in mind that this woman’s blog had a HUGE security hole in it, and that was because her stupid ass did not update the blogging/CMS software in a long time and I happened to stumble over it and kindly informed her.  However, I am crazy; because I simply felt that this woman did not show me any sort of appreciation for defending her. However, this is not about me, at all. This is about this woman and the way she treats Americans and Conservatives, especially bloggers.   So, to her, the Jewish Community, to the supporters of Israel: I am done.  I will never defend people — Jewish or otherwise — who treat Americans like that.  I find it incredibly ironic that this wretched woman would slander Michelle Malkin, mock her minority status, mock, and deride her marriage – which happens to be to a Jewish man and make racist statements about her — all the while hiding behind her Jewish identity and hurling out anti-Semitic accusations to anyone who disagrees with her deranged idiocy.

Let me be clear and let me state emphatically that as an Independent Baptist, as a Fundamentalist Christian, and as someone who has a keen sense of Biblical history; I know the historical significance of Israel and its role in “end times” events.  However, as a red-blooded Conservative American, I cannot sit idly by and allow a Jew to treat a fellow Gentile Conservative American spitefully and myself without a reasonable explanation, other than the fact that she is suffering from some sort of mental illness or is just quite full of herself.  It is wrong, it is not conservative, it is asinine, and it is not going to fly with this writer —not now, not ever.

Because of this and because of issues that I have with other American Jews who deal in this sort of Anti-American treachery; I will be removing my “I stand with Israel” banner from this site for good.  If any of the people, who are actually brave enough to read this site has an issue with this — I say to you the following: In the words of the Late, Great, William F. Buckley —- Cancel your own goddamned subscription.

Is Mitt Romney going to be Benjamin Netanyahu’s puppet?

Now before I begin this blog entry I want it to be perfectly known; I am a total and complete supporter of Israel and it’s people.

However, I do NOT, nor have I ever; supported Wilsonian foreign policy or the idea of America fighting Israel’s battles for them.

Having said that, check out this Video:

Of course, The Neocons are overjoyed by this little attempt to suck up to Israel. I personally, don’t buy it; I think Mitt Romney is desperate and wants to advance in the poll numbers. So, he is basically trying to suck up to the Jewish right here in America and in Israel. Which will work, of course, because we all do truly know who controls the Republican Party anymore….and it is not WASP’s like me, Ron Paul or Pat Buchanan anymore, that is for sure!

Another reason I suspect that Romney is possibly going to be Benjamin Netanyahu’s puppet is this little piece that I stumbled across.

Via Haaretz:

Much has been written about the warm personal relationship between the two friends, ex-governor Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican candidate for the presidency of the United States, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel. Today it has become clear that the two are more than just friends. Romney apparently accepts instructions from Netanyahu who succeeded in getting him to cancel a scheduled and meticulously planned meeting with MK Shelly Yacimovich, the leader of the Labor party.

Here is how things developed: A month ago, when Yacimovich was still the leader of the opposition, Dan Senor, Romney’s key foreign policy adviser, approached Labor Knesset faction head Yitzhak (Buzi) Herzog with a request, in Romney’s name, to meet the then-head of the Israeli opposition during his scheduled Israeli visit. A meeting with the opposition leader is also required as a matter of protocol; when then-senator Barack Obama visited Israel on the eve of the 2008 U.S. elections, he met with Benjamin Netanyahu.

The two bureaus, Romney’s and Yacimovich’s, began coordinating the meeting, where and how long it would be along with a joint statement to the press. But a week ago, after Kadima head MK Shaul Mofaz left the government, Yacimovich ceased to be opposition leader. Herzog took the initiative and informed the Romney staff of the change in Yacimovich’s status, and requested that the meeting be cancelled.

Romney’s staff would have none of it. They told Herzog that they were au courant with happenings on the Israeli political scene, knew that Mofaz was now opposition leader (Romney will also meet with him), and insisted on holding the Yacimovich meeting as planned.

Preparations and coordination continued energetically last week through last night and even this morning. But in the last few days a problem came up in Yacimovich’s schedule for unexpected personal reasons. Herzog checked again with Romney’s staff to make sure that the meeting was still scheduled, and said that Yacimovich might be a little late arriving, for personal reasons. The answer was affirmative, loud and clear.

The meeting was due to take place today, at 1:30 P.M., at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. There were still contacts this morning between Romney’s media staff and Tal Alexandrovitch Segev, Yacimovich’s media adviser. Yacimovich and Herzog, who was due to accompany her, prepared themselves to meet the man who might, in a matter of months, be elected president of the United States.

And then Romney went into a meeting with Netanyahu at the Prime Minister’s Bureau in Jerusalem. Minutes before the meeting, the candidate’s staff contacted Herzog to inform him that the meeting had regrettably been cancelled, “for reasons of protocol.” Herzog and Yacimovich have no doubts: Netanyahu, or his people, didn’t approve of the Yacimovich meeting and pressured Romney to cancel it – and succeeded.

If that is not a puppet; I do not know what is. I will also say this; that we can expect to see war with Iran in the next few years, that is if Romney is able to pull off a victory. This is why I am voting my own personal convictions and not just going along with the rest of “the right”. This is why I am voting for:

Goode for President of the United States!

Anything else, is just a vote for more war. In fact, look at the facts:

Goode on the issues, click to make bigger!

On the Issues:

  • The Constitution: Emphasizing and following the Constitution will mean a smaller less costly government, which is vital for the future prosperity and progress of the United States.
  • Jobs, the Debt and Deficit: Under the Obama Administration, unemployment has soared to around 8.5 percent.  Our debt has increased by over 4 trillion dollars under the Obama Presidency, which has also given us trillion dollar deficits.  The United States can not borrow its way to prosperity.  It is incumbent on our next President to propose a balanced budget upon taking office and not ten years down the road. There will be pain, but the old saying that one will not get out of the hole by digging the hole deeper is accurate.  Nearly every department and agency will face significant cuts and some will face elimination. Veterans benefits is an example that will not be cut.  Examples of programs eliminated include the National Endowment for the Arts, No Child Left Behind, etc.  Other programs and departments, such as Foreign Aid and Education, will be slashed and trimmed.  Reducing regulations and becoming energy independent will also mean more jobs for America.  The Canada to Texas pipeline needs to be built and operational expeditiously and not delayed or stopped as the current Administration is doing.  Another way to reduce unemployment, reduce the deficit, and provide more jobs for U.S. citizens is to reduce legal immigration.  In recent years about 1.2 million green cards have been issued annually and over 60% go to foreigners who come to the United States and take jobs from American citizens.  I have proposed a moratorium (with a few minor exceptions) on issuing green cards until our unemployment rate is under 5 percent.  America has one of the most liberal immigration policies in the world and it is time for the citizens of this country to be at the head of the line for jobs.  We also need to totally end diversity visas (50,000 per year), reduce chain migration, and dramatically reduce asylees and refugees and their costs to the U.S. taxpayer.
  • Immigration: Illegal immigration must stop. Our borders must be secure. In Congress, I supported and cosponsored legislation to stop illegal aliens, terrorists, drug smugglers, and other criminals from coming across our Southern border. We need to utilize troops, fences, and other measures to stop the invasion from Mexico. I was the first to sponsor legislation providing for a fence along the Southern Border.  We must continue to fight for funding and for adequacy of the fence.

Illegal immigration costs the United States taxpayers billions every year through increased health care costs, social service utilization, emergency room fees, prison expenses, and in other areas. For example, of the 189,000 federal prisoners, 50,000 are illegal or recent aliens costing the taxpayers millions of dollars for their incarceration We must end the anchor baby situation, whereby a child of illegal aliens is an automatic citizen of the United States.

  • Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants: I oppose granting amnesty for those persons who come into the United States illegally. Amnesty did not work in the 1980s. Amnesty did not work in the 1990s, and it will not solve the problem now. Amnesty only encourages more illegal entry into the United States. Legal immigration must be reduced not increased. Congress, the United States Senate, and the President need to adopt a position of a strong NO to amnesty. As President, I would immediately direct the Attorney General to support and NOT oppose the efforts of Arizona, Alabama and others to deal with the illegal problem in the states.
  • English as the Official Language: I continue to support English as the official language of the United States of America.
  • Energy Costs: The United States must be free of foreign fossil fuel. Freedom from the Middle Eastern sheiks, Nigeria, and Venezuela is necessary for a continued bright future for our country. We cannot allow OPEC to control our energy supply. The United States must develop its own resources and alternative fuel sources.  Hydrogen, biodiesel, and other alternative energy sources have potential in making us less dependent on foreign fossil fuels. I also support the utilization of nuclear power and expanded drilling opportunities for natural gas and oil in this country so that our energy needs are met by domestic and not foreign sources. I have supported and will continue supporting drilling in Alaska and the continental United States. If President, I would support the drilling off our coasts where it can be done safely and where the states, such as Virginia, have passed legislation requesting offshore drilling.

Being free of a need for foreign fossil fuel will enable us to be free of the shifting sands of the Middle East.

  • Tax Reductions and Fairness: I support the elimination of the Death Tax. Death should not mean the end of the family farm or the family business. A death tax often precludes families from having the homestead or family business. I support and have voted to terminate the current IRS Code at a date determined in the future so it can be replaced with something simpler and fairer.  There are several alternatives to the current Code and include the Fair Tax, the Flat Tax, the Transaction Tax, and others. Between the current IRS code and the Fair Tax, I would support the Fair Tax with certain modifications. For example, the Fair Tax, which is basically a national sales tax, has a prebate of $180 per month per person, which should be limited to United States citizens, who are adults and who reside in the United States. I would support a Fair Tax only if certain other taxes, such as the Death Tax and Income Tax were eliminated.  If the Income Tax were to be retained, then I would oppose a national sales tax and have a simple flat rate income tax and scrap the current code with its inequities.
  • Medical Costs: A big factor in medical costs is the high cost of malpractice insurance for our physicians and other health care providers. I support tort reform that will limit attorney fees and the amount of damages recoverable for non-economic losses.
  • Social Security: We must preserve and protect Social Security.  Social Security is owed over two trillion dollars.  Social Security should be repaid and have real money in the Social Security Trust Fund and not IOU’s.
  • Marriage: I believe that marriage should be a union between a man and a woman. I am opposed to gay marriages and so-called gay civil unions. I support the federal Marriage Protection Amendment.
  • Health Care: I support ending Obamacare.
  • Public Education: Washington should not be running our local school systems. We need to leave local education decisions to the states and localities.  I am opposed to national testing of public school students and voted against “No Child Left Behind” with its new mandates and new tests that must comply with national standards. I support ending the federal Department of Education.
  • Crime and the Second Amendment: We need to maintain capital punishment for certain murders and to fully prosecute those who commit crimes with firearms. I fully support the right of an individual to protect himself or herself against assault and violent attack. I was honored to be co-chair of the Second Amendment Caucus during part of my tenure in Congress.
  • National Defense: We need a strong national defense.  However, reckless federal spending which has given us a deficit in excess of one trillion dollars necessitates cutting defense spending.  We must now come home from Afghanistan and reduce our expenditures around the globe.
  • Veteran’s Benefits: I support funding for veterans’ health care and providing health care benefits to all veterans.  We also need to insure that the Veteran’s Administration works with and on behalf of our veterans.
  • Abortion: In the United States House of Representatives, I had a consistent pro-life voting record and in 2008 the National Right to Life Political Action Committee commended me “for your 100 percent pro-life voting record throughout your twelve years of service in the U.S. House of Representatives”.  As President I would continue to oppose abortion and would submit a budget to Congress with zero funding for planned parenthood and any other similar entities.
  • International Relations: I oppose the placement of our Armed Forces under United Nations command.  We need to curtail expenditures to the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, and to foreign nations. Our sovereignty, in my opinion, should always be paramount.   I also vigorously oppose Agenda 21 and other globalism schemes so harmful to the citizens of the United States.
  • North American Union: We need to block any union between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.  The sovereignty of the United States must be preserved. In Congress I sponsored a resolution against the North American Union.
  • Trade: Agreements like NAFTA and the trade provisions in fast track authorization lead to the erosion of this country’s vital manufacturing base. I do not favor international trade agreements such as these that result in a loss of American sovereignty and jobs.
  • Term Limits: Term limits for members of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate are necessary for a Congress more responsive to the needs of our country and its citizens.  Many members focus too much time and attention on raising money for the next election. Term limits will result in members caring more about the general good for the county.  If elected President, I will serve only one term and not focus on raising money and getting votes for the next election. The country shall be first.


Voting for anything else? Is basically this:

…and the worst part? We’re getting played and played hard; by the those who see us as nothing more than useful idiots. 😡


Why is Nancy Pelosi still in the House after saying this?

I mean, if a white person, like me, had said this; I would be out of a job. But not this woman:

In an interview, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi said that she believes Republican Jews are “being exploited,” but she was sure to add, “And they’re smart people.”

Pelosi made the comments in response to whether Jewish voters would support President Barack Obama in the presidential election later this year.

“I think [Obama] will” win the Jewish vote, Pelosi said, when pressed on the subject. “I think that he will, because the fact is when the facts get out. You know, as many of the Republicans are using Israel as an excuse, what they really want are tax cuts for the wealthy. So Israel, that can be one reason they put forth.”

The interviewer then added, “That’s why some of the Republican Jewish supporters are really active.”

Pelosi responded, “Well, that’s how they’re being exploited. And they’re smart people. They follow these issues. But they have to know the facts. And the fact is that President Obama has been the strongest person in terms of sanctions on Iran, which is important to Israel. He’s been the strongest person on whether it’s Iron Dome, David’s Sling, any of these weapons systems and initiatives that relate to Israel. He has been there over and over again.”

via Pelosi: Republican Jews ‘Being Exploited’ | The Weekly Standard

So, I guess if you are a cannoli eating dago, you can say stuff like this. In other words, in liberal logic, if you are a minority, you can take pot shots at other ethnic minorities. However, if you are WASP like me, and you say something like this about the Jews; you would be out of a job.

Just another example of a sick society we live in today. It is also a perfect example of the warped liberal logic of today as well.

Mussolini would be proud, very proud.

Living proof that liberals are classless human beings

Before we begin, a little music….:

For your reading pleasure:

DougJ / Balloon Juice:  Bad like Jesse James
BooMan / Booman Tribune:   Welcome Back to Palinville  —  I think Steve M. is right.

Go read that stuff and come back here. I’ll wait.

Now, did you read that? Let me ask you this; what if we Conservatives mocked a dead liberal like that? Just a note: Andrew Breitbart did say some nasty things about Ted Kennedy, which is why I was not a huge fan of his. But, still, what if we Conservatives mocked a dead liberal blogger, or public figure who was liberal? We would be poo poo’ed from one end of spectrum to the other!  Not only this, but if someone said something as nasty as what this “no more Mr. nice blog” said and it was about a liberal; the Non-Fox media would be all over it. However, because it is a liberal blogger, and a nasty son-of-a-bitch one at that, not a word is said about it.

My friends, this right here; along with a good deal of other issues, is why this skeptical left-of-center, American populist kind of a guy simply walked away from the Democrats in 2008 and has not looked back since.  They have nothing anymore, nothing that this skeptical person wants to buy anymore. All they have is nastiness, like this; class warfare, and racial resentment. They have no solutions, they have nothing for the middle class and the working man. They are the party of the minority and the identity politics crowd; the part of hand outs and freeloaders.

It is truly a sad thing to behold, all the years of work done by great statesmen, like Roosevelt, Truman and many before them; is being squandered by people who simply hate this Country, its morals and its legacy. These are the ones who gave us LBJ and his disastrous “great society.” They are the ones who gave us Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and now this disastrous neo-leftist Barack Hussein Obama.

The Democratic Party, which President Ronald Reagan referred to as the “Honorable Party” has given way to the neo-leftist party.  They proved that to me, when the Obama campaign basically used Chicago-style tactics of death threats and dirty pool against a fellow Democrat. This is why I left them; because the honor left that party long ago. Not only that, but the Democrats scheme to bring down our capitalist system though the passage of a clause of to a bill, which turned out to be a rather benign piece of legislation into a ticking time bomb.

Yes, that my friends, is the party that I made the horrible mistake of voting for until 2008, when I finally stopped making excuses for them and realized that party had finally become — and that is a cesspool of hate, racial resentment, class warfare, murder (of babies), God denial and more. I simply had enough and switched to the side that honors God, America and the individual. No, I do not mean the Republican Party — I mean the side of Conservatism.

It is a choice that I do not regret.

Update: Apparently one of the liberals objects to my linking to him. Two words: Tough rocks. He also seems to have a bit of reading comprehension problem; which is typical of the left.  He also sent one of his sock puppets to argue with me. Sorry, I don’t argue with idiots, and ya’ll bunch of idiots. But, thanks just the same for the traffic. 😀


Debbie Wasserman-Schultz needs to put on her Tzniut and shut the hell up

Honestly, this woman needs to put on her Tzniut and shut the hell up.

The Video:

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The Quote:

“You know, this is a campaign for president of the United States. Mitt Romney is running for president of the United States. He and his campaign leadership need to put their big boy and big girl pants on and defend his record,” DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz said on MSNBC today.

“They don’t want to show us his record. They’re running the most secretive campaign for president of a major party in history,” she added.

This stupid woman has about as much credibility as President Barack Obama. Again, proving that the Democrats chose Identity Politics over experience.

I really hope that the Democrats enjoy losing in November, because that is right where they are headed.

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