Is the Afghanistan/Pakistan mission unraveling?

It seems that way. 🙁

The Story via

Three explosions, two rocket attacks and subsequent gunfire have been reported in the near vicinity of the U.S. Consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan, on April 5. The attack occurred early afternoon local time when the consulate would have been full of both American and local employees. The death toll is reported at 36 but is expected to rise.

There are no assessments yet of the damage that the consulate building has sustained, but reports indicate that the explosions led to the collapse of other, adjacent buildings. Pakistani soldiers are also reported to be engaging militants in gunfire, indicating that militants are actively engaged in an attack near the area — possibly with the intention of breaching the U.S. Consulate.



One attacker was able to blow up in the U.S. Consulate premises, AAJ TV reported April 5. The front side of the U.S. Consulate has been totally destroyed. Reports indicate that seven or eight security personnel in the consulate are dead. The consulate’s communication system is down.

Many people are wondering why this has happened. I think I know why. It could very well be because of this here:

The Story via Washington Post:

KABUL — President Obama’s visit to Kabul last week, intended in part to forge a closer working relationship with President Hamid Karzai, has helped produce the opposite: an angry Afghan leader now attacking the West for what he perceives as an effort to manipulate him and weaken his rule.

Karzai’s relationship with his U.S. backers in the past week has taken a sharp turn for the worse after his two anti-Western speeches in three days, remarks that some officials see as a rehearsed, intentional move away from the United States.

In remarks to parliament members Saturday, Karzai said that if foreign interference in his government continues, the Taliban would become a legitimate resistance — one that he might even join, according to lawmakers present.

“When I heard Karzai’s remarks, it really shocked me. It scared me,” a senior Afghan official who works closely with Karzai said. “We should not take this lightly. This is a golden opportunity to have the West here; we can’t squander it.”

Karzai’s comments have angered U.S. officials and some of his prominent Afghan colleagues in the government, who fear he is jeopardizing international funding and military support because his pride has been injured.

“That guy’s erratic, he’s unpredictable. I don’t get him,” said a senior U.S. military official in Kabul.

However, if you read a little deeper, you will see this:

But the next day, Karzai told a gathering of lawmakers that foreign interference fuels the insurgency. One lawmaker said Karzai made the point that if he is compelled to obey foreigners, “I’ll join the Taliban.”

“I know he’s cooperating with the U.S., but he just wants to give us a wrong perception. He’s trying to prove himself as a hero, a nationalist,” the lawmaker said.

Some of the presidents’ supporters said that people overreacted to the statements, and that Karzai is well aware of how reliant he is on the United States and other countries fighting in Afghanistan. The United States pours billions of dollars monthly into Afghanistan, and 30,000 new troops are arriving to fight the Taliban.

Speaking at a meeting of about 1,200 tribal leaders and local officials in the southern city of Kandahar on Sunday, Karzai again suggested that U.S. pressure is counterproductive.

“Afghanistan will be fixed when its people trust that their president is independent and not a puppet,” he said. “We have to demonstrate our sovereignty. We have to demonstrate that we are standing up for our values.”

I think this guy needs to make up his mind. Trying to play to his people and be friends with the west is not going to work. The United States of America is NOT interested in owning that Country, no more than it is interested in owning Iraq. We are, or at least we were, there to get rid of Al-Qaeda terrorists who wanted to attack and destroy America. It seems that our focus is shifting and we are now trying to play “Paddy Cake” with Afgan Leaders who want to be friendly with the the U.S. and the Taliban. The President of the United States needs to firm with Karzai, and tell him either choose the Taliban and possibly being killed by the United States in military action or choose true freedom and democracy. You cannot have it both ways, terrorism and democracy cannot co-exist.

Just a personal aside, I had a sinking feeling that this sort of a thing would happen, if we elected a Democrat for a President. For all of his failings, for all of the stuff that I did not like about him; George W. Bush knew exactly how to deal with these sorts of things. He was seen by the Afghan people and the Iraqis as a firm strong leader, who was willing to risk it all to stand against terrorism, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban. President Obama just does not have that same stance. President Obama and by default, the Democrats see terrorism as a juvenile criminal behavior; and it is not; it is a war against freedom and democracy in the name of a backward and dangerous religion.

I guess the only hope at this point is that Obama realizes what he is dealing with here and changes his focus. However, I just do not see that happening at all. Needless to say, the next year few years is going to be interesting, when it comes to the war on terror and this entire situation.

The Late Night at the PB Pub Presents: Guns 'N Roses

I present this video tonight, because I feel it is the right and moral thing to do. While I have all the respect that any sane person could ever muster for our United States Military. I have nothing but disdain for those leaders, past and present, who treat war as some sort of demented game and the lives of our Service men and women as pawns in that game.

I will warn you, the images in this video are extremely disturbing. But that is the point. I want people to see what war truly is, not what the Conservatives and the people who want romance war; would have you believe.

This video, as gritty as it is; is my personal tribute to those who came before me, and those who will come after me and give their lives for this Country of ours. May God Bless them and keep them.

The images depicted here are when our forces stormed the beaches of Normandy.

This is… Civil War.

Snort worthy video

This comes via The Hill:

The Story:

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) is afraid that the U.S. Territory of Guam is going to “tip over and capsize” due to overpopulation.

Johnson expressed his worries during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the defense budget Thursday.

Addressing Adm. Robert Willard, who commands the Navy’s Pacific Fleet, Johnson made a tippy motion with his hands and said sternly, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

Willard paused and said: “We don’t anticipate that.”

Poor Willard! I bet he was about bust a gut laughing. 😆 I know I would be! 😀

As for the Representative:

Reached for comment, a spokesman for Johnson said the lawmaker had visited Guam, and his concern was that the influx of military personnel would overwhelm the island’s infrastructure and ecosystem.

Okay I get that. But the island itself tipping over?!??! Whoa Boy! 🙄

Now, I will rightly point out, as AllahPundit did observe, the man does have a bit of a, um, problem? So, I will go easy on him. But it is still very funny. 😛

Others: Rounded up here at Memeorandum

P.S. even the Liberals thought it was funny. 😀

Your Daily War Porn Video

(H/T Zip)

Marine's father could use our help

So, let’s get to work… First background:

Lawyers for the father of a Marine who died in Iraq and whose funeral was picketed by anti-gay protesters say a court has ordered him to pay the protesters' appeal costs.

On Friday, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ordered that Albert Snyder of York, Pa., pay costs associated with Fred Phelps' appeal. Phelps is the leader of the Westboro Baptist Church, which conducted protests at the funeral of Snyder's son, Marine Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, in Westminster in 2006.

Lawyers for Snyder say the Court of Appeals has ordered him to pay $16,510.80 to Phelps for costs relating to the appeal, despite the fact that the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to review the Court of Appeals' decision.

They say that Snyder is also struggling to come up with fees associated with filing a brief with the U.S. Supreme Court.

“We are extremely disappointed,” said Sean E. Summers, an attorney for Snyder. He added that the U.S. Supreme Court will likely hear the case during its October term and make a decision in June of next year.

via Marine’s father ordered to pay Westboro’s court costs –

Now how to help via Gateway Pundit:

UPDATE: I called Sean E. Summers law offices this morning and asked how we can help. They already set up this website–

You can donate to the Snyder family– here.
You can also send the family an email– here.

Ya’ll know what to do….

Others, Right and Left:  JammieWearingFool, No More Mister Nice Blog, Outside The Beltway, Moonbattery, The Jawa Report and Wake up America

UPDATED – Local News: FBI Raids Christian Militia-related group in MI, OH and IN

I am sure you all know about the story, that the FBI has conducted some raids on a Militia-related group here in Michigan and also in Indiana, and Ohio.

Here is what I know so far. It is not the Michigan Militia, as it was reported by the Lame Stream Media in Detroit. However, it was a group by the name of Hutaree; here is their website and their forum.

I should be clear here; from what I have been able to figure out, Hutaree and the Michigan Militia are simply friends and have worked together on projects. There is no formal relationship between the two groups. Something that the Main Stream Liberal media here has not attempted to figure out.

Fox News is reporting that the raids were related to the making and selling of pipe bombs; which are very highly illegal.

I have reached out to the members of Hutaree via their forum, for their side of the story and I have also contacted the Michigan Militia via e-mail to see what is going on. I believe as a citizen journalist, that it is my responsibility to get the facts and not stick to the stupid liberal narrative parroted by the lame stream media; like those at WXYZ-TV.

If and when I hear back from either group, I will update this posting.

Stay Tuned.


I just got off the phone a very well placed source within the Michigan Militia. There is much more to this story than is being reported. First off, the pipe bomb story, is basically either false or only a small part of the story.

The group Hutaree, which has absolutely no connection to the Michigan Militia at all, has gotten into some serious trouble. From what my source has told me, this group was supposedly making threats towards Islamic groups. How they were being made was not told to me. But from what I have been told,  Hutaree was, from what my source described, as “on a mission from God”. The beliefs of this group, which are on its website, are pretty radical. What brought the Federal Government action was unspecified to me, but supposedly specific terrorist threats towards Muslims were reported. Update: This info is now known as being wrong. See here for what really is going down

I also was told by this source, that the leader of this group was, in fact, arrested by the feds. I also was told, that his Son came to the home of the Militia leader in Michigan, seeking asylum from the feds, and he was basically refused. What became of him after that, is unknown.

I also spoke with Mike, who is the “SWVN”, whatever that is, of the Michigan Militia, and he wanted me to convey the following message to the rest of the Militia groups across the United States of America:


Mike also is pleading with the rest of the Militia groups around the United States and the other Militia groups around Michigan for remain calm and know that this is not an attempt to stifle our freedoms! This group Hutaree committed a federal crime and for that is being indicted. It is not an attempt to get at the Michigan Militia or any other Militia group. Please, for the sake of liberty, remain calm!

Update: InstaPundit Links in! Thanks Glenn!

Update #2: (shamelessly stolen from someone who’s farking off in Vegas!)

I want to know what is going on down there. I would even rent a car, if I have to. IYKWIMAITYD.

Update: #3 I guess I should also point out that everyone, including these guys, are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law. An indictment is NOT proof of guilt, just an accusation by the United States Government against a person or persons. I have changed the wording of this article to reflect that thought. My apologies to those who might have thought that I was attempting to convict them on this blog. That’s the liberal media’s job, not mine.

Update #4: I guess my supposed exclusive was not so exclusive after all. Hmph. 😡

Update #5: Something seen at the Hutaree Forum:

The Federal Authorities have raided not only our group but also the Michigan Militia. They have hijacked their website and placed word there that they were not raided.
We need some help please. This has to stop. I am enroute south with my children using the wifi’s as I can.
They were catching others as they came to their rallying points, they broke into homes and took children and used the tasers on wives, my son who is 12 and I got out by crawling through the creeks behind our house.
My husband and others are taken, please call the press and tell them, if any in the Michigan Militia is still free please rally with them.
Please help.

Possibly bogus, possibly not. I need to find out.  My getting to Adrian and speaking with the locals is about 8-10 donations of $100 away. IYKWIMAITYD

Update #6: For the latest on this Story, Click here

Video: America's Comeback

This Comes via The Other McCain:

Republican Governor’s Association HQ

The revolution starts today. What are you doing?

UPDATED – Adam Yahiye Gadahn Caught – It was not Adam Yahiye Gadahn It was Abu Yahya

Three Words:

Good, Good and Good.

I wonder if President Obama will want to give this guy a civilian trial too?

Round up Here.

Update: Perhaps Not. You’d think they would be able to do this a little better… Oy. 🙄

Obama White House does a 360 on Military Tribunals for 9/11 masterminds

I just do not get it, why didn’t they just do this in the first place? 🙄

President Obama’s advisers are nearing a recommendation that Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, be prosecuted in a military tribunal, administration officials said, a step that would reverse Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr.’s plan to try him in civilian court in New York City.

The president’s advisers feel increasingly hemmed in by bipartisan opposition to a federal trial in New York and demands, mainly from Republicans, that Mohammed and his accused co-conspirators remain under military jurisdiction, officials said. While Obama has favored trying some terrorism suspects in civilian courts as a symbol of U.S. commitment to the rule of law, critics have said military tribunals are the appropriate venue for those accused of attacking the United States.

If Obama accepts the likely recommendation of his advisers, the White House may be able to secure from Congress the funding and legal authority it needs to close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and replace it with a facility within the United States. The administration has failed to meet a self-imposed one-year deadline to close Guantanamo.

via Obama advisers set to recommend military tribunals for alleged 9/11 plotters –

Increasingly hemmed in by bi-partisan opposition…. 🙄 Well, if the dumb ass ran the damned Country, like someone who has a bit of common sense; instead of some floppy eared Negro Jackass, maybe he wouldn’t have so much damned trouble! 😡 ….and I got two words for those who would call me a racist….: Fuck You. 😡

Anyone with any sort of common sense knows that you do not try an enemy combatant in a Civil court room, you try him with a Military Tribunal.  Of course, we are talking about a damned empty suit, Magic Negro, looking idiot, who only got elected because he was damn black. 🙄

It is not to say that Hillary Clinton would have been any better, she is just as stupid as ol’ floppy ears. Her last little incident with British over the Falklands is a prime example. So, don’t think that because I hammer on Bambi Teleprompter that it’s because of my love for foggy bottom or anything. I cannot stand that stupid bitch either. 🙄

You’d think that after 9/11 that the Democrats would have had a “Come to Jesus” moment on terrorism; I guess not, not much of a big surprise, because most of them empathize, one way or another, with the terrorists anyhow.  Which is why I won’t be voting for anyone in that party anytime soon.

Others: Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Josh Gerstein’s Blog, The Atlantic Online, Washington Monthly, ATTACKERMAN, Power Line, NPR, Balkinization, Michelle Malkin, New York Times, Wonk Room, Gothamist, AmSpecBlog, Donklephant, 9/11 Families …,, Think Progress, Law Blog, Hot Air, Guardian, Emptywheel, The Politico, The Corner on National …, MyDD,, PoliBlog, Gawker, Scared Monkeys, YID With LID, Main Justice, Commentary, Wake up America, QandO, Politics Daily, No More Mister Nice Blog, Betsy’s Page, NPR Blogs, Jules Crittenden, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Neptunus Lex, The Page, Atlas Shrugs, Fausta’s Blog, Riehl World View and The Strata-Sphere and more via Memeorandum

Military Humor

This comes from the folks over at Patriot Post:

Military Wisdom

“If the enemy is in range, so are you.” — Infantry Journal

“It is generally inadvisable to eject directly over the area you just bombed.” — US Air Force Manual

“Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword, obviously never encountered automatic weapons.” — General MacArthur

“You, you, and you … Panic. The rest of you, come with me.” — U.S. Marine Corp Gunnery Sgt.

“Tracers work both ways.” — U.S. Army Ordnance Manual

“Five second fuses only last three seconds.” — Infantry Journal

The three most useless things in aviation are: Fuel in the bowser; Runway behind you; and Air above you. — Basic Flight Training Manual

“Any ship can be a minesweeper. Once.” — Maritime Ops Manual

“Never tell the Platoon Sergeant you have nothing to do.” — Unknown Marine Recruit

“If you see a bomb technician running, try to keep up with him.” — USAF Ammo Troop

“You’ve never been lost until you”ve been lost at Mach 3.” — Paul F. Crickmore (SR71 test pilot)

“The only time you have too much fuel is when you’re on fire.” —Unknown Author

“If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage it has to be a helicopter — and therefore, unsafe.” — Fixed Wing Pilot

“When one engine fails on a twin-engine airplane, you always have enough power left to get you to the scene of the crash.” — Multi-Engine Training Manual

“Without ammunition, the USAF is just an expensive flying club.” — Unknown Author

“If you hear me yell; ‘Eject, Eject, Eject!,’ the last two will be echos. If you stop to ask ‘Why?’ you”ll be talking to yourself, because you’re the pilot.” — Pre-flight Briefing from a 104 Pilot

“What is the similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots? If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies; but If ATC screws up, …. the pilot dies.” — Sign over Control Tower Door

“Never trade luck for skill.” — Author Unknown

“Airspeed, altitude and brains. Two are always needed to successfully complete the flight.” — Basic Flight Training Manual

“Mankind has a perfect record in aviation — we have never left one up there!” — Unknown Author

“Flying the airplane is more important than radioing your plight to a person on the ground incapable of understanding or doing anything about it.” — Emergency Checklist

“The Piper Cub is the safest airplane in the world; it can just barely kill you.” — Attributed to Max Stanley (Northrop test pilot)

“There is no reason to fly through a thunderstorm in peacetime.” — Sign over Squadron Ops Desk at Davis-Montham AFB, AZ

“If something hasn’t broken on your helicopter, it’s about to.” — Sign over Carrier Group Operations Desk

“You know that your landing gear is up and locked when it takes full power to taxi to the terminal.” — Lead-in Fighter Training Manual

As the test pilot climbs out of the experimental aircraft, having torn off the wings and tail in the crash landing, the crash truck arrives. The rescuer sees a bloodied pilot and asks, “What happened?” The pilot”s reply: “I don’t know, I just got here myself!”



And now for a cartoon