The Automotive Bailouts: The Other Side of the Story

I have been sitting here, trying to keep out of this. But I have sat and looked at the Republican and NeoConservative Spin on this Story and I’m sick of it. 😡

So, I am giving you, the other side of the story, from the horses mouth; without commentary from me.

I did not ask that you agree, I simply ask that you listen and hear this man out. Now I am almost sure, that the Blogs, that I have linked to, will remove my trackback, like the Neo-Con Fascists that they are. I mean, it is all about controlling the message with those guys.  🙄

Here we go:

Part 1:

Part 2:

Media Q & A:

Media Q & A Part 2:

Media Q & A Part 3:

There you have it. The other side of the story. You decide.

(Source UAW.ORG)

Obama's Questionnaire for the Potential Presidential Pooch

This is too funny…

J. J. Jackson has a very hilarious questionare that Obama would possibly use for Obama’s White House Dog.

1. Did you donate to my campaign? If so, please list the fictitious name you used to make a donation so that I can determine if it was significant enough to warrant your consideration. Only cash donations count. Sorry, but I cannot consider simply working for my campaign or voice support because, well, we see what happened when I promised a position to Hillary based on her support. Now I have a staff that is starting to look like the Clinton Administration!

2. Have you ever sniffed the butt of a terrorist or a terrorist’s dog?

3. If you answered “yes” or “maybe” or “I’m not really certain, could you define ‘terrorist’?” to the previous question, please provide a detailed account of the incident in question and include a convincing explanation that we could present to the press to explain why the of sniffing the butt in question is not a pertinent issue and should be ignored.

4. Have you ever bitten a liberal? If so, please document the incident fully so that we can see if you are intolerant of liberal ideas or whether this liberal really did deserve to be bitten. Although we highly doubt the later, because liberals are so well intentioned and peace loving that such a claim would be completely unfounded, I will give you an opportunity to prove your innocence in the matter.

5. Have you ever bitten a conservative? If so, please document the incident fully as biting this conservative because he or she was an evil, anti-poor, racist. Biting multiple conservatives would be an even bigger boost to your chances so please make sure to recount all such incidents.

6. Which do you prefer, listening to Rush Limbaugh or Air America?

7. Would you prefer Air America more if we mandated that they hire more canine hosts to discuss dog related issues and the oppression Lupine-Americans suffer at the hands of their human oppressors?

8. Have you ever peed on an undocumented worker?

9. Do you contain any Pit Bull blood in your genetic makeup? If so, please fill out form 7843-C completing addendums N, R, S, U and Z and also authorization form A-1 so that we may perform a mental screening to determine your tendency towards violence.

10. Has any member of your family ever been a German Sheppard?

11. Qualified applicants will be at least 25% of each of the following: Portuguese Water Hound, Shitz-zu, Chihuahua, giraffe, Australian Sheppard, Cornish hen, English Terrier, Daschund, African elephant, Black Labrador Retriever, Indian Elephant, Woolly Mammoth, Poodle, Woozle, Tigger, and Pooh Bear Please verify all claims as to your lineage although validity of documentation will not be checked so forgeries are ok.

12. Do you have only a Certificate of Live Birth or can you fully document your birth in the United States with an actual Vault Copy of your papers? Do not worry, absence of the latter will not be held against you.

13. Have you or any member of your family ever lived in a household where any human being was at any time registered with or donated to the Republican Party? If so, please document all the abuse these evil people visited upon you and list their address. You know … just for record keeping purposes.

14. What religion do you practice? Please be aware that preferential treatment will be given to practitioners of Canine Liberation Theology although you will be required to verify that at no time were you ever actually present during any of your Pastor’s vicious and anti-American rants.

15. Have you ever uttered a racial slur such as, “wooooof,” “woooff,” “woof yelp,” or “bark bark woof” at any time?

16. Please list all other dogs which you consider your friends. Completely document their breeds so that we can determine if your circle of friends (aka your pack) is significantly diverse.

17. If you were left in a room alone with Condoleezza Rice, would you bite her a) because she is a tool of the Republican Party, b) betrayed her gender by serving an evil Republican during his presidency while Republicans were constantly trying to return women to a status of “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen,” c) a traitor to her race, or d) all of the above?

18. If given the opportunity, would you plant bombs at a police station and attempt to maim and kill law enforcement officers and civilians for the just cause of canine liberation?

19. Explain in not less than 5,000 words why the people of Iraq were not worthy of being helped, how much you were against helping them from the very beginning and how you were the only dog that held such a stance.

20. If asked, what parts of the Constitution would you chose to ignore?

21. Would you be open to the concept of a Canine Defense Force in which all dogs in the United States would volunteer for mandatory service of at least 50 hours a month growling at conservatives to intimidate them?

22. What are your opinions on the following potential sources of energy: oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar, biofuel and hydro. No, seriously, because I have no clue what the heck to do come January 20th, 2009. You have no idea what it is like with all these environmental nutcases pulling me in every direction possible. Hey, would you be open to being my Energy Czar by any chance?

23. Describe how evil you think corporations are. The more evil you think they are, the better.

24. I am currently seeking ideas about how to keep Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson off my back for the next four years. Give me your best estimate at how much money I should have Congress earmark for them to keep them quiet.

25. And one final question. Are you hypoallergenic? See, my one daughter is allergic to dogs so you have to be hypoallergenic so as not to cause her any discomfort while allowing me to look like I can relate to the common man and pet owner. Sorry, but my wife made me ask.

The Continuing Soap Oprah that is BlagoGate

I wrote about it Yesterday. I’m already sick of hearing about it. 🙄

If you want to go read that Soap Opera. Click here, as for me and this Blog. I’ve got better things to write about, than some man made scandal. When the justice Dept annouces that they are going to implicate Obama. I’ll write more about it. Otherwise, it’s simply specualtion and gossip. Something I just do not want to be a part of.

Let's Boycott Alabama

It seems that there is a grassroots effort to get a boycott Alabama, in response to the Alabama Senator Richard Shelby’s attempted stonewalling of the bridge loans to the Big Three. Well, it’s big two now, Ford will not be needing the help.

Anyhow, here is a e-mail written by my Mother, who is a spouse of a retired General Motors worker.

Senator Shelby,

I doubt that you read the emails sent to your office but perhaps it will be read by someone who will show you the many emails you are sure to receive, and will point out to you just how wrong you are. There are a lot of derogatory comments that could be made but I prefer to try to point out a few facts that you evidently have not wanted to know. My husband and my father are both General Motors retirees and I know firsthand from where I speak.

Perhaps you think the auto workers are wealthy, making that mysterious $75 an hour that has been bandied about in the media. Unfortunately that is very far from the truth. They have never made that much, even including benefits, and most of them live from paycheck to paycheck trying to make ends meet like most middle class people. If the auto companies go bankrupt as you desire, not only will the auto workers lose their jobs, but also jobs directly and indirectly connected, such as suppliers, stores and restaurants located near the plants and of course it will trickle down to the cities who will lose the tax revenues these plants produce. We are not only talking about Detroit and Michigan but every state that has a plant or plants belonging to the Big 3.

It’s odd to me that you think that two companies that have been in business for over 100 years and one that is over 83 years old do not know what they are doing. If this is true how do you explain the fact that they sell over 50% of the cars purchased in the world and have won many, many multiple awards over the years for their cars? Do you perhaps think that people are just too stupid or uneducated to realize they are buying an inferior product? And the award givers are too dumb to realize they are giving an award to a poorly built, not very innovative dinosaur? Maybe you need to voice that opinion in your next media interview. I’m sure people would be interested to hear it.

You need to come out of your office and meet with the GM, Ford and Chrysler workers themselves. Could you really look them in the face, knowing they have families to support and bills to pay and tell them you think they should join the ranks of the unemployed? Do you think it is their fault that the economy has taken such a downturn because of mismanagement on Wall Street, the banks and yes, the government?

The auto companies and the union are trying their best to jump through all the hoops the Congress is throwing at them, as ridiculous as some of them are. To let them go under will cause a depression like this nation has not seen in many years. I hope you think long and hard about that.

By the way, I fully support the boycott of your state.

Y’all see where I get the writing skills from? I was told that I could post that, as long as I did not sign her name.

Anyhow, if you’d like to join the grassroots effort boycott Alabama. Please go to the Official Boycott Alabama Page.

Joe The Plumber Turns on McCain

Looks like John McCain’s Prop “Joe The Plumber” was not the gleaming John McCain supporter as was originally thought. He made an appearence on Glenn Beck’s Show


WURZELBACHER: When I was on the bus with him, I asked him a lot of questions about the bailout because most Americans did not want that to happen. Yet he voted for it. … And I asked him some pretty direct questions. Some of the answers you guys are gonna receive — they appalled me, absolutely. I was angry. In fact I wanted to get off the bus after I talked to him.

BECK: Really? Now why didn’t you get off the bus?

WURZELBACHER: Um, you know, honestly, because the thought of Barack Obama as president scares me even more.

Hmmmm….. Ingrate? Brutal Honesty?


Notice how he defends the MILF Sarah Palin.

(Via Think Progress)

Corrupt Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich in FBI Custody

Seems the Democrat Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich is in trouble with the FBI.

MSNBC Reports:

Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on federal charges that accuse him of trying to benefit from his ability to appoint President-elect Barack Obama’s replacement in the U.S. Senate.

A 76-page FBI affidavit says the 51-year-old Democrat was intercepted on court-authorized wiretaps over the last month conspiring to sell or trade the vacant Senate seat for personal benefits for himself and his wife, Patti.

The affidavit contends Blagojevich discussed getting a substantial salary for himself at a non-profit foundation or an organization affiliated with labor unions. It also says Blagojevich talked about getting his wife placed on corporate boards where she might get $150,000 a year in director’s fees.

The affidavit also quotes Blagojevich as saying “I want to make money” in one conversation.

John Harris, the governor’s chief of staff, was also charged, the U.S. Department of Justice said.

Now, because I don’t like to pile on, let me simply say this. Corruption is wrong, Democrats AND Republicans have done it. Recently Ted Stevens was indicted on corruption charges. As well as Democrat  congressman William Jefferson. So, there’s equal amounts on both sides of the aisle.

Let’s hope this slimeball gets what’s coming to him.

Would not it be funny if this guy talked and said that Obama ordered it to happen? Would not it be neat of the Electoral College voted to not to seat Obama as President, because of the corruption charges?

A Man can dream. 😀

Update: Here’s the U.S. Attorney General talking about the charges: (Thanks Andrew)

Others: protein wisdom, Don Surber, Gateway Pundit,Capitol Annex, Vodkapundit, Sister Toldjah, Outside The Beltway, Fausta’s Blog,,

(Thanks to Musing Minds for correcting me on my slight mistake.. ooops! 😛 )

Bill Kristol Enrages Libertarians

Stuff likes this cracks me up. It should not, but it does. 😛

NYT Columnist Bill Kristol basically kicks the Libertarians and fiscal Conservative purists square in the jewels.

Money Quotes:

But conservatives should think twice before charging into battle against Obama under the banner of “small-government conservatism.” It’s a banner many Republicans and conservatives have rediscovered since the election and have been waving around energetically. Jeb Bush, now considering a Senate run in 2010, even went so far as to tell Politico last month, “There should not be such a thing as a big-government Republican.”

Really? Jeb Bush was a successful and popular conservative governor of Florida, with tax cuts, policy reforms and privatizations of government services to show for his time in office. Still, in his two terms state spending increased over 50 percent — a rate faster than inflation plus population growth. It turns out, in the real world of Republican governance, that there aren’t a whole lot of small-government Republicans.

Five Republicans have won the presidency since 1932: Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and the two George Bushes. Only Reagan was even close to being a small-government conservative. And he campaigned in 1980 more as a tax-cutter and national-defense-builder-upper, and less as a small-government enthusiast in the mold of the man he had supported — and who had lost — in 1964, Barry Goldwater. And Reagan’s record as governor and president wasn’t a particularly government-slashing one.

Even the G.O.P.’s 1994 Contract With America made only vague promises to eliminate the budget deficit, and proposed no specific cuts in government programs. It focused far more on crime, taxes, welfare reform and government reform. Indeed, the “Republican Revolution” of 1995 imploded primarily because of the Republican Congress’s one major small-government-type initiative — the attempt to “cut” (i.e., restrain the growth of) Medicare. George W. Bush seemed to learn the lesson. Prior to his re-election, he proposed and signed into law popular (and, it turned out, successful) legislation, opposed by small-government conservatives, adding a prescription drug benefit to Medicare.

So talk of small government may be music to conservative ears, but it’s not to the public as a whole. This isn’t to say the public is fond of big-government liberalism. It’s just that what’s politically vulnerable about big-government liberalism is more the liberalism than the big government. (Besides, the public knows that government’s not going to shrink much no matter who’s in power.)

Well, There are some Libertarians that having none of this. Some Libertarians that I happen to read are quite ticked.

David Donadio basically calls Kristol a “Self Loving Liberal” and lays the smack down, albiet nicely:

This is all quite clarifying. In Kristol’s view, modern conservatism has to have “a strong commitment to limited…government,” while passing trillion-dollar drug entitlements. In other words, Republicans aren’t going to restrain the undue growth of government. So, assuming one thinks Obama has a cooler head and better judgment than the GOP has shown on foreign policy of late, why exactly should he vote for Republicans anymore?

Kristol is surely right that a platform geared toward libertarians would fall flat, but he seems to have missed the memo that a platform geared toward neocons isn’t exactly going anywhere either. If the Republicans are going to alienate economic conservatives, foreign policy realists, and a whole rising generation that’ll eventually get wise to the fact that it’s footing the bill for all these bloated entitlements, what’s left? Somewhat socially conservative, self-identifying liberals who support school choice and tax cuts and Israel?

That’s not the swing vote, it’s the staff of The New Republic.

Stephen Bainbridge was not so nice about it, he basically said, “Excommunicate Kristol”:

Kristol thus reaffirms his position at the heart of the trio of reasons the conservative movement is in trouble: Iraq, K Street, and big government conservatism.

It’s true that government has a role. It’s true that sometimes government needs to do big things (like World Wars and bailing out the financial sector). But Kristol wants us to basically punt on the idea that government can be useful, productive, and effective at doing the big things society needs and still be a limited government.

The USA does not need two parties of big government. It doesn’t need two parties that support the nanny state. It doesn’t need two Mommy parties.

The USA does need at least one Daddy party. It needs at least one party that believes in individual freedom and limited government.

The GOP needs to become that party.

The GOP and the conservative movement don’t need Bill Kristol and his ilk. It’s time to kick his ass out.

Memo to Kristol: Put the pin back in the grenade! Before someone or yourself gets hurt! I mean, turning on your own base, which is mainly fiscal Conservatives and Libertarians is just not smart Bill, really. I thought even you would have known better than this.

To what was said above, let me simply say this. That only people that are getting any sort of anything out of this, is liberals. Hell, if they read this, they would be busting a gut laughing. I mean it cracks me up, because the Republican Party seems to be at a loss as to why their party is in such disarray. I submit this as one of the reasons.

The again, this is the same nimrod who was totally wrong about Iraq.

Others: (Left and Right) – Ross Douthat, Upturned Earth, The Corner, The Hill’s Blog Briefing Room, Copious Dissent, Below The Beltway, Wonkette, Right Wing Nut House,, RedState, Washington Monthly, The New Republic and Reason

The Obligatory SCOTUS Rejects Obama Birth Certificate Challenge

I went looking where I blogged about this, and it turns out, I’ve never touched the subject. Yes, I feel that it is that stupid.

Anyhow, AP reports that the SCOTUS has rejected some attention whoring idiots claim that Obama is not a citizen of the United States.

One word; Good. Now can we please move the fuck on? Thank You.

Others: : Agence France Presse, Little Green Footballs, The Politico, Alan Colmes’ Liberaland, Big Brass Blog, Guardian, Stop The ACLU, Outside The Beltway, Political Machine, Ballot Access News, Brendan Nyhan and PoliBlog (TM) (Via Memeornadum)