FBI is requested to assist in the investigation of the Akron Man's Beating; Al Sharpton Supports Investigation

Remember the Akron Beating that I blogged about last week?

Well, it seems that now the FBI is getting involved, and irony of all ironies; Al Sharpton’s Group supports the investigation.

The Story via the Akron Beacon Journal:

The FBI has been asked to join Akron police in investigating the attack on a white family by a group of black teens near Firestone Park.

In a letter to the FBI dated today, Mayor Don Plusquellic asks the federal agency’s local office to help determine whether any civil-rights violations or hate crimes occurred during the attack last month on Marty Marshall and his family.

The investigation is being supported by civil-rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton.

”Accounts from the victim have indicated his assailants prefaced the attack with statements that could indicate a racial motivation to the crime,” Plusquellic wrote in his letter.

”Our priority is the same as it is with every crime: to find justice for the victims. But, it is also important that we carefully examine the motivation behind this attack and address that if necessary.”

Marshall, 39, spent five days in Akron General Medical Center after a group of black teens attacked him, his wife, two children and two adult male friends.

Akron police have confirmed from witnesses that the attack by 30 to 50 teens was unprovoked and that no words were exchanged before the attack.

The victims say the group shouted, ”This is our world,” during the assault. Marshall says he also heard chants of, ”This is a black world.”

The assault, in which Marshall suffered extensive head injuries from repeated kicks and punches to his skull, has not yet been ruled a hate crime by Akron police.

Police told the Marshalls this week that they were unaware of the chants until reading about them in the newspaper.

The National Action Network, headed up by Al Sharpton; is supporting  the FBI investigation:

”These teens need to be punished as much as any dumb redneck in white sheets,” said Richard Jones, a Sharpton spokesman based in Cleveland. ”Nobody should be attacked like this, whether they are black or white. These young men who are responsible need to be brought to justice.”

Plusquellic would not comment beyond the letter and a written statement, spokesman Mark Williamson said.

In the statement, the mayor said the investigation into the attack will try to determine whether it ”falls under the category of a violation of civil-rights protection and should, consequently, be considered a ‘hate crime.’

”This ruling must, by law, be made by federal authorities, and therefore we are asking for their assistance in this matter. Make no mistake, most important is that the perpetrators are caught and brought to justice. I know that our police department is doing everything it can to aggressively pursue the investigation into this horrible incident.

”I ask our citizens to not confuse the technical/legal issue of a federally designated ‘hate crime’ with the fact that our police department is taking all necessary steps to solve this crime.’

I would like to personally commend Rev. Al Sharpton for allowing his group to support this. Because hatred; no matter if it is White on Black or Black on White, is morally wrong and should be dealt with in the most harsh of manners.

I will continue to follow this and I will be blogging on whatever the outcome is.

WTF?!?!?!?!: Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family

This is not good and you can be the Liberal media will not touch this too…:

Akron police say they aren’t ready to call it a hate crime or a gang initiation.

But to Marty Marshall, his wife and two kids, it seems pretty clear.

It came after a family night of celebrating America and freedom with a fireworks show at Firestone Stadium. Marshall, his family and two friends were gathered outside a friend’s home in South Akron.

Out of nowhere, the six were attacked by dozens of teenage boys, who shouted ”This is our world” and ”This is a black world” as they confronted Marshall and his family.

The Marshalls, who are white, say the crowd of teens who attacked them and two friends June 27 on Girard Street numbered close to 50. The teens were all black.

”This was almost like being a terrorist act,” Marshall said. ”And we allow this to go on in our neighborhoods?”

via Ohio.com – Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family.

….Sigh….. and they wonder why people like the stormfront crowd, feel they way that they do. Sort of reminds me of another so-called Non-Hate crime.

Update: …and of course, the Democratic Underground is already panning this as some angry White Guy getting beat up. Like Black people would never beat up White people. Yeah right…

Update #2: Contact info for the Akron Police is:

(330) 375-2552
Akron Police Dept.

217 S. High St. Akron, OH 44308

Elizabeth Daugherty is the captain.

The e-mail address is Police@ci.akron.oh.us – Remember be Courteous and NO THREATS!

Here’s the number and e-mail address of the detective Dept. in Akron, Ohio.

Detective Bureau (330)

Media contacts:

Local Stations in Akron, Ohio: News Channel 5, WYKC-TV

Akron, Ohio City Council, Akron City Mayor  Donald L. Plusquellic

Again, I ask you all, to be courteous and please, no threats or anything stupid. We need to be bigger than them!

Others now covering this: Moonbattery, Crunchy Con and JammieWearingFool

Facepalm of the day….

First up this via Salon:

And this via HotAir:

But on a happy note:

and This:

The banning has caused so much controversy that U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) plans to launch an investigation into the discrimination claim.

“The allegations against the swim club as they are reported are extremely disturbing,” Specter said in a statement. “I am reaching out to the parties involved to ascertain the facts. Racial discrimination has no place in America today.”

Senator Specter has caught much grief for his switching of parties. But I will say publicly that this was quite the good move on his part. Racial discrimination is illegal, and if this company did discriminate on the basis of race, they should be ran out of business.

Next time someone tells you that Islam is a Religion of peace; Show them this video

The Synopsis of this video:

This is a video of David Wood and Nabeel Qureshi asking questions at Arabfest, Dearborn. The date is June 21st, 2009. There was a booth at the festival which had a banner titled “Islam: Got Questions? Get Answers.” From their table, we picked up a pamphlet claiming that Islam promotes peace. We noticed that it was full of poor logic and errors, so we decided to make a video refuting it. We went to the booth that gave us the pamphlet to give them the opportunity to defend their claims. Security, however, stepped in and forced us to turn off our camera.

We left the booth, received advice from police, and found out that the actions of the security guards were illegal. We went back to the booth to record a potential answer again. Realizing that the Muslims present had no answer, we left.

When we came outside, we were asked some questions by two young men, who had been sent by security to entrap us. While we responded to them, festival security started assaulting us, as you will see in this video. The conclusion of this video is a mob of festival security attacking our cameras, pushing us back, kicking our legs, and lying to the police.

We ask you, is it a coincidence that the city with the highest percentage of Muslims in the United States is the city where Christianity is not allowed to be represented (let alone preached) on a public sidewalk? Is it coincidence that in this city, people will say “No way!” when we say “This is the United States of America”?

Is this what will happen when Islam takes over the United States?

You see Ladies and Gents, THIS is what celebrating diversity does to you. It gets you attacked by Islamic terrorist THUGS! Rick Warren and his purpose driven life, “Let’s love everyone and not judge”, kind of Christianity is just that; it celebrates diversity. Islam, a religion of peace….. What a lie! 😡 This is why, if I ever was going to film, I would go armed. Any security person who approached me and tried to hurt me, would be killed.

Enjoy this video! (Via Gateway Pundit)


Acts 17 Apologists website.

Andrew Sullivan Praises Obama; gets attacked by Wilsonian Republicans as an Anti-Semite

I will be the first to admit, there are times when Andrew Sullivan gets under my skin. But this is not one of this times. Sullivan has gotten attacked by Wilsonian Republicans, because someone dared to point out their pro-war mentality. The reason they are attacking him, is because he invoked a word, which is commonly used to describe that faction of the Republican Party. That word is “Neo-Cons”, Which is generally what they are. Former pro-war Democrats or intellectual classical liberals who left the Democratic Party, because of their opposing of the civil rights act and other such related events.

Anyhow, here’s what Sullivan said, I’ll bold and underline the parts that sent the “Neo-Cons”, if you will; into a tizzy:

Did you notice how many times he invoked the word “justice” in his message? That’s the word that will resonate most deeply with the Iranian resistance. What a relief to have someone with this degree of restraint and prudence and empathy – refusing to be baited by Khamenei or the neocons, and yet taking an eloquent stand, as we all do, in defense of freedom and non-violence. The invocation of MLK was appropriate too. What on earth has this been but, in its essence, a protest for voting rights? Above all, the refusal to coopt their struggle for ours, because freedom is only ever won, and every democracy wil be different: this is an act of restraint that is also a statement of pure confidence in the power of a free people.

via The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan.

Well, I guess now, the word “Neo-Con” is now code word for “Jew Hater”. Which is so absolutely funny.  Because these bloggers are the same bloggers, who decry the race-baiting of the far left; only to do it themselves, when it comes to Jewish people. Since when does using a term, such as Neo-Con or Neo-Conservative constitute a racial slur? Sorry folks, but that is nothing more than race baiting in it’s purest form. You should all be ashamed. So, next you hear Wilsonian Republicans, like Michelle Malkin and those of her ilk, decrying the race baiting of the left, just remember; they do the same thing, when it comes to the Jewish people.

Neo-Con a racist term…. Please, as if! 🙄

Update: Please note: I originally ended this article with a rather crass term used amongst African-Americans; and I see that “The Daily Paul” linked in; and for that I am grateful. Anyhow, I changed the ending. I understand that not everyone out there gets my type of “I grew up in inner city Detroit” sort of humor. So, to those who were offended; I apologize. Again, thanks to the folks that linked in from the Daily Paul.

Round up of the race-baiting right: Don Surber, This ain’t Hell …, Riehl World View, Moe_Lane’s blog, Althouse and American Power

More G.O.P. Stupidity….

Our asses are going to be kicked harshly in 2010 and 2012 and this is why:

Newscoma posted details of a racist email sent from Sherri Goforth, legislative aid for Sen. Diane Black R-Gallatin. The email depicts the Presidents of the United States with President Barack Obama as a pair of eyes in a black background.

More G.O.P Stupidity

I spoke with Sherri Goforth minutes ago to confirm she sent this email. She confirmed she had sent it and also said she had received a letter of reprimand from her superiors but said she will stay on the job.

When I asked her if she understood the controversial nature of the photo, Goforth would only say she felt very bad about accidentally sending it to the wrong list. When I gave her a second chance to address the controversial nature of the email, she again repeated that she only felt bad about sending it to the wrong list of people.

“I went on the wrong email and I inadvertently hit the wrong button,” Goforth told NIT. “I’m very sick about it, and it’s one of those things I can’t change or take back.”

via Sen Diane Black’s R-Gallatin legislative aid circulates racist email « Nashville Is Talking.

There are people calling for this aid’s firing; and rightly so. This sort of nonsense has no place within the Republican Party. Do I think it is funny? No, I do not. I have had people send me that very e-mail and they’ve gotten a stern warning never to send me that sort of nonsense ever again.

As I said about the other little incident, if the G.O.P. gets it’s tail kicked in the 2010 and 2012 elections; it will because of nonsense like this here. You do not think that the Democrats will try and use this sort stuff against the Republicans in 2012? Do not kid yourselves, they will.

Some people just seriously need to get over the fact that we have a black President. Do not misunderstand me here; I am not a fan of President Obama’s socialism at all, but I find these little incidents to absolutely sickening. Because the Republican Party is, in fact, the party the freed the slaves, in order to preserve the union. But yet, we have idiots within that party that still hold on to the old ideas about the Minorities, including blacks in this Country.

To all African-Americans that might happen to read this Blog. I want you to know; we are not all like that. May this be noted of one time, in my career as a blogger; that I actually side with the Identity Politics crowd, this idiot needs to be fired and right away!

The Southern Avenger on "The Problem with Sotomayor"

Yeah, I know what I wrote here, But Jack does bring up some vary valid points.

How President Obama’s choice for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, will place identity politics and liberal ideology above the Constitution.

The Southern Avenger on "The Mexican Flu"

How the news coverage of the swine flu isn’t so much indicative of any serious crisis, but the mainstream media’s corporate and government, PC sensibilities.