Video: We Will Remember

(H/T HotAir)

Sign the Pledge at We Will Remember.

My Other Hobby in the spotlight on NPR

I thought some of you might be interested in this:

Stanley Hardman, an amateur radio operator, and his family look at transmitting equipment in 1939.

Only a few years ago, blogs listed ham radio alongside 35 mm film and VHS tape as technologies slated to disappear.

They were wrong.

Nearly 700,000 Americans have ham radio licenses β€” up 60 percent from 1981, a generation ago. And the number is growing.

Ham radio will never have the sex appeal of the iPhone, but it does have a certain nerd appeal, says Allen Weiner, an analyst at the technology research firm Gartner.

“If it creates its own experience, that’s really what’s key here,” he says. “If it just emulates an experience that you can get online, it’s not going to grow.”

via Ham Radio Growing In The Age Of Twitter : NPR.

A very interesting article about a very interesting hobby. Check it out! πŸ˜€

Off to get some sleep

Once again my body clock is all “catty whompus”, which means screwed to hell.

I zonked out last night at like 10:45 P.M. and woke back up around 2:00 a.m. I’ve been up ever since and right about now; I am quite pooped. πŸ˜›

So, I shall return when I arise from my slumber.

Meanwhile, check out some of the blogs in my sidebars. πŸ˜€

Good Night…

Wake Up

HEH: Hey AP, this one's for you big guy!

HEH! πŸ˜†

Only people with certain imbalances buy the first iteration of Apple products.

via My Best Buy had no iPads, no line | Technically Incorrect – CNET News.

AllahPundit, call your office! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

Hey, at least Mr. Candy-ass Rino has the cash to buy one of these things. More than I can say for yours truly here. πŸ™ πŸ˜₯ or as AP says, Heart-Ache.

Not everyone is sold on the iPad

Irk! Now this is not a good thing to read:

Gadgets come and gadgets go. The iPad you buy today will be e-waste in a year or two (less, if you decide not to pay to have the battery changed for you). The real issue isn’t the capabilities of the piece of plastic you unwrap today, but the technical and social infrastructure that accompanies it.

If you want to live in the creative universe where anyone with a cool idea can make it and give it to you to run on your hardware, the iPad isn’t for you.

If you want to live in the fair world where you get to keep (or give away) the stuff you buy, the iPad isn’t for you.

If you want to write code for a platform where the only thing that determines whether you’re going to succeed with it is whether your audience loves it, the iPad isn’t for you.

via Why I won’t buy an iPad (and think you shouldn’t, either) – Boing Boing.

I have to give props to Mr. Cory Doctorow for his brutal honesty. The article is quite the good read; from a standpoint of someone, who does not even own a iPod, much less an iPhone! πŸ˜€ I mean, I am just not big into, what I like to call, useless gadgets. To me, a phone is for making phone calls. Not for sitting there and playing games and all the crap you can do on them today. I mean, there is a thing called “Sexting” which is transmitting rather nasty pictures of one’s self over the internet. We never had to contend with stuff like that when I was a kid. (I am 37, by the way…) Besides that, you would not want to be transmitting naked pictures of my body anyhow; as I am almost sure it would cause someone great problems of the psychological sort to see me naked.

Now, from a greedy capitalist’s stand point; if I had a bunch of shares with Apple right about now and I saw this article. I would be asking for this guys head on a platter. I mean, just who the hell does this grumpy old jackass think he is? I am sure that Steve Jobs is not too happy about someone dissing his product, that he’s worked his rear end off to produce. On the other hand, this is just one man’s opinion of this product and I am sure that there are many others who have written that this is an exciting product to try.

The bottom line is this; we live in a free market, capitalistic society, and that free market will decide if this product is a smashing success or if it will be a flop. That is because that Free Market allows the PEOPLE, not the Government, to choose whether a product will be sold or even successful or not. Granted, it will take effort to make this happen; promotion by the company, the sales people and even the customer to buy the product. However the point is….. the freedom of choice is there. You can choose which product you wish to own by apple, all of them or none of them at all. That is the beauty of America. The only thing stopping you is your financial situation and also possibly your personal desire to own such product. Personally, even if I did have the money to own one of these iPads, I most likely would not own one. Because I personally do not see the point in owning such a thing. I have a very nice laptop, which suits my needs perfectly. I also do not see the point in owning something like this, and then having to own a iPhone or something similar, why not just put a camera and the ability to make phone calls in it as well? Again that is wonderful power of personal freedom and choice.

Now I could yammer on here about how the some of the Democrats and the socialists want to do away with all this freedom and change the system we have here in America. But I think everyone that reads this knows my position on those subjects. It also is not lost on me, where this thing is produced and the political positions of some of the people that will own one of these things.Β  However, I will not bring that into this discussion here, as I am blogging about an iPad. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

Update: Others Talking about the iPad: Pajamas Media, The Confluence, Althouse, Vanity Fair, Bits, Scripting News, VentureBeat and Gawker

Update #2: Message to AllahPundit: Do you really want to be known as the dude who owns a electronic gadget, who’s name basically invokes thoughts of a Electronic Maxi-Pad or Internet Maxi-Pad? Not if you are Beta-Male. I mean, you are already being called a candy-ass Rhino as it is; you do not need anymore help. I’m just sayin’ πŸ˜›

Possibly one of the funniest iPad questions ever

Seeing AP is having the iPad orgasm blues or something to that effect. I thought I would share with you one of the funnier questions related to the iPad yet.

This comes via David Pogue over at the ol’ Grey Lady:

Q: I read that it has a fingerprint-resistant screen, but then you said the fingerprints show up disgustingly. What’s the real story?

A: Fingerprints are greasily, streakily visible when you turn off the screen. But the iPad has the same oleophobic (oil-resistant) coating as the iPhone, so all the streaks disappear with a single firm wipe on your pants leg.

Someone tell the person that asked that rather funny question, that you are not supposed to be playing with your, ahem, iPad, when you have your fingers into a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. πŸ™„

That is, of course, unless you are into such things. 😯

Just a thought. πŸ˜€

Your Daily War Porn Video

(H/T Zip)