Idiot Dubai Arab picks the wrong woman to try and rape!

This is too awesome and the feel good story of the day!

An off-duty U.S. navy sailor wrestled a Dubai bus driver to the ground and beat him into submission after he tried to rape her at knifepoint on Jan. 19, a courtroom heard Wednesday.

The woman, 28, was on 24-hour shore leave in Dubai when she was attacked by a bus driver after he picked her up from the Mall of the Emirates shopping center.

“I noticed he did not take the main road and when I asked him he told me not to worry,” she said, according to the Daily Mail.

He then stopped where several other buses were parked and tried to kiss her. After she refused, he pulled out a knife and tried to rape her.

Prosecutors said that she knocked the knife from his hand, broke it in two, bit him in the hand, forced him to the ground and locked him between her thighs, the Daily Mail reports.

The man, known as K S, has been charged with attempted rape, threatening to kill, assault and consuming alcohol illegally, the Daily Mail reports.

via U.S. female sailor beats Dubai rapist bus driver into submission – Washington Times.

…and here I thought that Liberals were the only classless assholes. Guess not. 😀 After all, liberals do defend terrorists, like the one’s who blew up those bombs in D.C. 🙄

Others: The Jawa Report and Weasel Zippers

The day that Glenn Beck crossed over into “ignore this crank” territory.

….with me anyhow…..

I admit it, I actually used to respect Glenn Beck; his teachings on the socialist left, when he was with Fox News Channel was invaluable to me. I used to love the Chalkboard thing. I even checked to see, using various sources; to see if he was right or not; and, most of the time, he was absolutely correct in what he told the American people. Which is why, I believe, that Glenn Beck is no longer on Fox News Channel.

However, today, Glenn Beck lurched into what I like to call, “Alex Jones territory”.

The Story via RightWingWatch:

 Near the end of today’s radio broadcast, Glenn Beck declared that the cover-up of the Saudi link to the Boston Marathon bombing makes this the second most important thing (behind 9/11) that he has ever covered in his broadcasting career.  And depending on how the media and the government responds in the coming days, it just might be the most important thing he’s ever covered because the response “will either save our country or we will be done.”

Beck then went on to send a semi-coded message to those in the upper level of the government warning that they had better come clean about this Saudi national because The Blaze has information that reveals that he “is a very bad, bad, bad man” which will be revealed on Monday.

“I don’t bluff,” Beck stated, “I make promises. The truth matters. I’ve had enough of what you’ve done to our country. I thought I had heard and seen it all.  I thought I didn’t trust my government.  Oh no, no, no.  There is no depth that these people will not stoop to.  They have until Monday and then The Blaze will expose it.”

 Crooks and Liars observes:

This conspiracy theory comes out of the rumors emerging about the Saudi national who was fingered by the media on Monday after the bombings and later found not to be a suspect. Beck and his pals have decided there’s a coverup because he has some kind of relationship to the Benghazi tragedy in September.

This is little more than an attempt to use the current tragedy to flog the past because it works politically for the extreme right wing. They can link up scary brown people with Russians! Because…scary.

It’s cynical, it’s ugly and it’s vintage Glenn Beck.

I agree with above; I noticed that towards the end of Glenn’s time at Fox News Channel, that he started sounding like a Mormon Alex Jones.  It did bother me, quite a bit. So, I am going to tell the right, just like I told the left —- if the Republican Party believes that Glenn Beck should be the Vis-à-vis mouthpiece of the Republican Party, when it comes to Barack Obama; then they can basically forget about me voting for them ever again.

I will be the first to admit, I do not like Barack Obama, I disagree with his politics: but to blatantly accuse the Obama Administration of a blatant coverup and/or accusing the Government of the United States of America of intentionally blowing up its own people —- for the sole damned purposes of furthering a Conservative/far right-wing/tea party/racist  (pick a word…)  meme that somehow or another President Obama is a pseudo-Muslim — is, I am afraid, a bridge too far for this writer.

It amazes me greatly, that the Republican Party and the Conservative movement as a whole, spends a great deal of  time, effort, money, ink and yes, bandwidth to prove to the liberal left that they are not racist bigots. However, every time it seems that they are making ground in that department; someone, like this nitwit here; does something so incredibly asinine that the line of, “Oh, we’re not racist!”  becomes so very incredibly hard to believe. If anyone would know about the racist history of the Democratic Party; it would be me; what saddens me  is that the Conservative movement as a whole, is getting closer and closer to that very state of the Democratic Party of the 1950’s.

Believe me when it tell you this; it pains me, like nothing else, to actually have to write this about the Conservative movement. I came on board to this movement, which predated the “Tea Party” movement by a couple of years. After my original blog was hacked in 2007 and I basically saw that the Democratic Party was simply not the party that I remembered back in the 1990’s and after it seemed as if the Democratic Party was lurching more and more to the left. I decided to make a change and start writing against the wrongs that I saw in that Party. I was not, nor had I ever been, a Republican; or even a “right-winger.” I was a Christian man, who grew up with a sense of morality and of values. I do not always act like such as person; but, I know my heart and I know my God.

This why that this sort of idiotic nonsense by Glenn Beck is not only idiotic and “Alex Jones” sounding; it is immorally racist to the core. If there was a Democratic Party President in office, who happened to be a man with white skin; none of this stupidity would be happening at all. Oh sure, there would be the idiotic nonsense of the “WorldNetDaily” crowd, like there was in 1990’s, with Bill Clinton. However, this goes to another level entirely. Basically, the Conservative Movement as a whole; whether nuanced or directly —-  in the case of President Obama —- is accusing the Nation’s first black President of being a secret Muslim and of supporting terrorism; and even of being in cahoots with Al-Qaeda or some other Muslim Terrorist boogeyman organization that they pull out of their butts — to carry out terrorist attacks in this Country —- and this, my friend is just unacceptable in my opinion.

We can do better than this; The Conservative Movement, those who believe in liberty and America in General. We can disagree on politics and not stoop to this level, there is no call for it at all.

Remember Conservatives: 2014 and 2016 looms near — lets not blow it again.

Others: The Moderate Voice and Crooks and Liars

Update: As I thought it would be;  Glenn Beck’s HUGE, BIG, CAREER TOPPING STORY!!!!111!!! —– turned out to be a bit of a nothing burger. Bummer. 🙄


Boston Bombing – 24 hours later

Update: Hmmmm.


…and they still have no clue at all whom has done it or why it was done. I have my opinions on that.

So far, they have questioned a Saudi National. But, his friend says he could not have done it.

They do know that pressure cookers were used, with explosives, nails and ball bearings. This is your traditional pressure bomb.

Now, you all should know; this might take forever to find out who actually did this. If they covered their tracks well; it might years to find out.

Either way, the reactions are interesting, to say the least.


Blog Reactions, from every corner of politics: (via Memeorandum)

Hit & RunSalonLos Angeles TimesABC 7 Eyewitness NewsInformed Comment,Washington MonthlyTelegraphThe Boston GlobeThe WeekAlgemeiner.comNational Review,Associated PressPoynterThe Moderate VoiceNPRThe Times of IsraelTalking Points Memo,petitions.whitehouse.govThe Right ScoopBusiness InsiderWeasel ZippersMediaiteBuzzFeed,Weekly StandardDoug RossThe Gateway PunditSister ToldjahTwitchyThe Daily CallerNo More Mister Nice BlogIsrapunditScared MonkeysPower LineLe·gal In·sur·rec· tionThe Jawa ReportAlan Colmes’ LiberalandJihad WatchCBS NewsFox NewsAtlas ShrugsAmerican PowerThe Hinterland GazetteThe American ConservativeThe PJ TatlerArkansas Blog, Arkansas TimesReutersRestoring LibertyDaily MailCBS BostonThe Lonely ConservativeLawyers, Guns & MoneyDaily KosRiehl World NewsWashington Free BeaconNew York TimesHot AirTaylor MarshThinkProgressVox Popoli,  freerepublic.comThe Hinterland GazetteWeasel ZippersJoe. My. God.Riehl World News The Right ScoopYahoo! NewsWashington PostThe Boston GlobeNew York TimesTelegraph,msnbc.comNY Daily NewsDaniel W. DreznerBusiness InsiderDaily KosNPRFirst read, The HillMediaitePost Politics,  The Daily CallerAtlas ShrugsThe PJ TatlerJihad WatchRiehl World NewsUS NewsThe Moderate VoiceAlgemeiner.comRiptide 2.0Scared Monkeys,Israel MatzavJihad WatchThe AgonistAtlas Shrugs, The Gateway PunditTalking Points MemoCBS BostonTaylor MarshThe AgonistCNNScared MonkeysNational ReviewThe Atlantic WireMediaiteThe Raw StoryRiehl World NewsIsrael MatzavThe Daily CallerPoliticoThe Hinterland GazettePost PoliticsWeasel ZippersThe Gateway PunditAtlas ShrugsDeadspinThe Hinterland GazetteWashington MonthlyCNNThe DishGuardianBalloon JuicePoliticoBuzzFeedCNNDeadspinGawkerTelegraphJihad WatchTalking Points MemoNew York PostNational Review,Business Insider,  Doug RossThe Gateway PunditBusiness InsiderThe Lonely ConservativeWall Street JournalThe ReactionTwitchyPatterico’s PontificationsAlan Colmes’ LiberalandCNN, Fox News InsiderHot AirPoliticoThe Hinterland GazetteIsrael MatzavWeasel ZippersCBS New Yorkprotein wisdomShakesvilleThe Hill,  Yahoo! NewsJustOneMinuteYahoo! NewsHot Air and Daily KosAMERICAblogPoliticoWeasel ZippersThe Daily Caller and New York TimesABCNEWSYahoo! NewsABCNEWSnation.foxnews.comNPR and susiemadrak.comDorchester ReporterCANNONFIRE and The Dish


On the terrorist attack in Boston

Yes, I happen to know about THIS HERE.

I have followed the blog coverage and roundup.

I do not think that we had it coming, that would be morbid. However, I will simply say this; seeing that we are doing this HERE and starting unconstitutional wars, occupying foreign lands, which is Wilsonian foreign policy —– what can we, as a Nation, honestly expect?

Just my thoughts.


It Begins: Evangelical Christians and the Catholic Church listed in Army training slide as extremists

This is something to put everyone on alert:

A U.S. Army training instructor listed Evangelical Christianity and Catholicism as examples of religious extremism along with Al Qaeda and Hamas during a briefing with an Army Reserve unit based in Pennsylvania, Fox News has learned.

“We find this offensive to have Evangelical Christians and the Catholic Church to be listed among known terrorist groups,” said Ron Crews, executive director of the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. “It is dishonorable for any U.S. military entity to allow this type of wrongheaded characterization.”

Material presented to soldiers at training session.

The incident occurred during an Army Reserve Equal Opportunity training brief on extremism. Topping the list is Evangelical Christianity. Other organizations listed included Catholicism, Al Qaeda, Hamas, the Ku Klux Klan, Sunni Muslims, and Nation of Islam.

The military also listed “Islamophobia” as a form of religious extremism.

via Army Labeled Evangelicals as Religious Extremists | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes.

Of course, when caught, the Army quickly raced to cover its butt:

Army spokesman George Wright told Fox News that this was an “isolated incident not condoned by the Dept. of the Army.”

“This slide was not produced by the Army and certainly does not reflect our policy or doctrine,” he said. “It was produced by an individual without anyone in the chain of command’s knowledge or permission.”

Wright said after the complaint was lodged, the presenter deleted the slide, and apologized.

“We consider the matter closed,” he said.

The incident was made public by a soldier who attended the briefing. He asked for copies of the presentation and sent them to the Chaplain Alliance.

“He considers himself an evangelical Christian and did not appreciate being classified with terrorists,” Crews told Fox News. “There was a pervasive attitude in the presentation that anything associated with religion is an extremist.”

Which is the story they always tell the public, when they do something and get caught doing it. I just wonder how long it will be, if the Lord tarries; before the United States Government will begin rounding up those who dare to read from the King James Version of the Bible and start imprisoning those Pastors who dare to preach that homosexuality is a sin and that abortion is murder. I think it will happen, before the Lord’s return myself. Why with the Anti-Defamation League — a leftist Jew-run organization; doing the bidding of the Obama Administration, it is a wonder now that Fundamentalists like myself are not in prison.

It goes without saying that we are in the last days. Things like this, are going to become more and more prevalent and will the norm eventually. As Jesus said, “Watch ye and Pray.” and that my friends, is all that we can really do. Watch and pray and be about our Father’s business; and wait for his blessed return.

Others: Atlas ShrugsJihad Watch and Weasel Zippers

Sad: A soldier’s dying letter

If this one does not make you misty eyed, nothing ever will. SadCrying

Via AlterNet: (Update: Original found here)

I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488 soldiers and Marines who died in Iraq. I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives. I am one of those gravely wounded. I was paralyzed in an insurgent ambush in 2004 in Sadr City. My life is coming to an end. I am living under hospice care.

I write this letter on behalf of husbands and wives who have lost spouses, on behalf of children who have lost a parent, on behalf of the fathers and mothers who have lost sons and daughters and on behalf of those who care for the many thousands of my fellow veterans who have brain injuries. I write this letter on behalf of those veterans whose trauma and self-revulsion for what they have witnessed, endured and done in Iraq have led to suicide and on behalf of the active-duty soldiers and Marines who commit, on average, a suicide a day. I write this letter on behalf of the some 1 million Iraqi dead and on behalf of the countless Iraqi wounded. I write this letter on behalf of us all—the human detritus your war has left behind, those who will spend their lives in unending pain and grief.


I would not be writing this letter if I had been wounded fighting in Afghanistan against those forces that carried out the attacks of 9/11. Had I been wounded there I would still be miserable because of my physical deterioration and imminent death, but I would at least have the comfort of knowing that my injuries were a consequence of my own decision to defend the country I love. I would not have to lie in my bed, my body filled with painkillers, my life ebbing away, and deal with the fact that hundreds of thousands of human beings, including children, including myself, were sacrificed by you for little more than the greed of oil companies, for your alliance with the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia, and your insane visions of empire.

I have, like many other disabled veterans, suffered from the inadequate and often inept care provided by the Veterans Administration. I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician. We were used. We were betrayed. And we have been abandoned. You, Mr. Bush, make much pretense of being a Christian. But isn’t lying a sin? Isn’t murder a sin? Aren’t theft and selfish ambition sins? I am not a Christian. But I believe in the Christian ideal. I believe that what you do to the least of your brothers you finally do to yourself, to your own soul.

My day of reckoning is upon me. Yours will come. I hope you will be put on trial. But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who deserved to live. I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness.

This letter saddens me to my core. The Republican Party should read this, and really take stock of whom they choose for President of the United States of America. This above is why I started “The Populist” back in 2006. Because I knew what George W. Bush was doing in Iraq was simply wrong. Furthermore, I knew he was moving the goal posts on Iraq as well.

In 2007, my blog was hacked, either by Conservatives who didn’t like me or by hackers from another Country. Either way, by that time, I had began to feel that the Democrats had begun to lose it anyhow. So, I started “Political Byline” for two reasons. One, to continue where I left off with the earlier blog and secondly to go after some of the more idiotic elements of the left. What that blog became, however, was a “Tea Party” blog and sometimes, I sort of regret that. I fully admit, that at time, I got caught up in the furor of Anti-Obama’ism. At some point, I realized that I was not writing what I truly felt, and because of that; I backed away from the right.

In 2011, after President Obama declared, for all intents and purposes, the Iraq War over; I ended Political Byline’s tenure and put it into inactive status. I wrote there for from December of 2007 till October 2011. I fought the fight that I came to fight against. My politics did change a good deal. I never was much of a partisan at all, which was, most likely my downfall. Which might explain why this blog here, is not very popular at all. Sad

I did, however, come to respect what Bush did, and why he did it and I also learned that a good deal of what the liberal left says about Iraq; this letter above being a perfect example of that — was and still is, a big lie. Some of it is true, and some of it; is nothing more than anti-war propaganda.

Still again, I believe that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party both, their leaders; need to read this letter above and really think long and hard about electing a Wilsonian Presidential candidate. Because this above ought to be a textbook example, of why the United States of America should never pursue an Wilsonian foreign policy agenda, ever again.

My thoughts and prayers go to this young man, may he find the peace and comfort; and yes, even rest, that he truly deserves. Praying

I dedicate this video, to ALL of the Military people that we lost in a very, very unpopular war:

Quote of the Day

Over the past 10 years, there have been few days when the war in Iraq was absent from my thoughts. People often ask me whether I have regrets. It seems absurdly presumptuous to answer the question. I could have set myself on fire in protest on the White House lawn and the war would have proceeded without me. And yet … all of us who advocated for the war have had to do some reckoning. If the war achieved some positive gains, its unnecessary costs—in human life, in money, to the prestige and credibility of the U.S. government—are daunting and dismaying. If we’d found the WMD, it would have been different. If we’d kept better order in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam, it would have been different. If more Iraqis had welcomed the invasion as we expected, it would have been different. If the case for the war had been argued in a less contrived and predetermined way, it would have been different.

But it wasn’t different. Those of us who were involved—in whatever way—bear the responsibility.

Has CPAC gone politically correct?

It appears so:

For the last four years, Pamela Geller of and the American Freedom Defense Initiative have held events at CPAC featuring guests she invites to discuss the influence of Islamism on America. But this year, the American Conservative Union (ACU) has no room for Geller or her message.

In 2009, she brought Geert Wilders, who is the head of the third largest party in the Netherlands and has spoken out against the Islamization of his country.

In 2010 she held an event that her organization, The American Freedom Defense Initiative, hosted, titled “Jihad: The Political Third Rail”, with speakers like Allen West, Wafa Sultan, Simon Deng, Anders Gravers, and Steve Coughlin.

In 2011, she hosted an event discussing the Ground Zero Mosque with 9/11 families. In 2012, the event was titled “Islamic Law in America.”

In years past, the events were standing room only thanks to their popularity, but that apparently was not enough to counter pressure brought to bear from somewhere to exclude Geller’s message.

Geller and her coworkers recently won a court battle allowing them to post ads that countered the #Myjihad ad campaign that posited that jihad was a peaceful word. Yet despite the law’s defense of her rights, the ACU will not stand up for her against critics

via CPAC Turns Away Pamela Geller.

You know there is nothing more that I despise more than racism, from blacks and towards blacksand that is political correctness. I have not always agreed with Pamela Geller; her words and sometimes her tactics; but damn it, Freedom of Speech, is freedom of speech is freedom of speech! 😡 If CPAC is now starting to squish Anti-Jihad bloggers right to point out the truth, then they can just take the one-way train to irrelevancy!

For the record: I have never been to a CPAC, nor most likely will I ever be attending one. More so now that something like this is going on. Also too, this buffoon here can go play in the kiddy pool. Idiot Morally depraved buffoons. I got no love them nor their lifestyle, nor does God. 😡

Others:  Atlas ShrugsJihad WatchThe Other McCainAmerican Power

Update: Counter Jihad Report Links in, as does I am 41.  Thanks Ya’ll! 😀

Update #2: ‘Da Tech Guy Links in, Thank You! 😀

Some tough questions for Sen. John McCain

In light of the grilling that Chuck Hagel received at the hands of the Jewish right,  Paul Abrams has some very tough questions for John McCain:

1. You are trying to establish accountability for Benghazi where four Americans tragically died. For clarification, nearly 12 years later, could you tell us whom you hold accountable for 9/11/2001 when 3,000 Americans died?

2. No WMD were found in Iraq. Whom do you hold accountable for taking us into war based upon cherry-picking the information, deliberately misleading the American people and you?

3. Did you read the entire National Intelligence Estimate prior to voting for the Iraq War? What did you make of the doubts and uncertainties expressed in that document?

4. Prior to the invasion of Iraq, you said that we would be greeted as liberators and that the war would last 18 months. In fact, it lasted 9 years, 4,400 Americans were killed, 32,000 were seriously injured, and it cost more than $1 Trillion. Do you hold yourself accountable for that bad judgment? If so, what consequences are there to you for being so wrong?

5. Do you believe that the U.S. should support Israel’s foreign policy no matter what? If not, can you tell us what Israel has ever done with which you disagree?

These are questions that Independent thinking Americans, like myself, really want to know the answers to. Because the way I see if, the Republicans are going to bitch and gripe about Libya, then we should open it up to 9/11 as well. Who failed us? and why have they not been brought to justice too?

I admit it, in the beginning, I have some serious issues with what happened in Libya. I still think it could have been handled better than it was handled. But, the Republicans got the information that they wanted and yet, they still keep pressing for stuff that is just not there. You know why they keep pressing? Well, for one, partisanship and for two, they are resentful of a black President. It is just that simple. It is called racial resentment.

It is same thing that Obama did, when he let those 4 white guys die in Libya. He let them die, because they were white. Instead of the Republicans being better than Obama, they are playing the same game in reverse. It is sick and sad thing, and it sucks that the taxpayers money is paying for such monkeyshine nonsense!

Just my opinion.