
E-mail a guy and get your…ahem, cut off. (ouch!) 😯

I am referring to Donald Douglas. I e-mailed him, He is, like me, a Hendrix Fan.Which is an awesome thing, Hendrix was awesome player. He also inspired me to learn how to play guitar.

I guess he thought I was angry, which I wasn’t. He has in his sidebar over at America Power, a version of Jimi Hendrix’s “Purple Haze” done on a British TV show; Jimi’s all turned down, his Marshall sounds horrible. I begged Don to change the video. I guess he thought I was angry or something. I was not at all. I was teasing the guy. Guess I should have dropped in a smiley or two. 😀

To respond to his posting:

Actually, I’m quite open to suggestions for music posts. But why Patrick’s “shock” at seeing a Hendrix video in the sidebar? It’s no big deal. The dude obviously should spend some time visiting AmPow before going off!

1. I was not going off, 2. I do come over there, when I see link from Memeorandum. I don’t have time to read everyone else’s blog. I’m usually too busy running my own. Sorry. 😀

I’ve been around the rock-and-roll block a few times, eh?

Which is another way of saying, “I’m old…” 😉 😛 😀 😆

Not only that, I can’t stand paleocons, actually. So, advance demerits for that.

Um, I guess I’ll have to clear that one up too. 🙄 I am not, any longer, calling myself a Paleo-Con or Paleo-Pat. Why? It become quite apparent to me that the whole Paleo-Con/Neo-Con thing is really about a bunch of sour pusses, who really just resented former Democrats coming over to the Conservative, not to mention monolithic hatred of Jews and other Minorities.  While I have mad respect for the Paleo-Cons/Libertarians on fiscal issues; the good majority of which are just not grounded in reality. The Paleo-Cons and libertarians or Ron Paul people, if you wanna call them that; want to live in a Utopian society. Some of them a Non-Jewish, all white society. Having said all that, Yes, I disagree with Bush’s Wilsonian foreign policy. Something that is, admittedly, progressive in nature; as Glenn Beck rightly points out on his show. But, unlike the Paleo-Con’s and libertarians, I do believe that the war on terror is quite the reality. However, I highly dislike the idea of nation building. But I am not overly ideological about it.  I believe pragmatism goes a long way in dealing with the issues of the World, than does being a stubborn ideologue. That’s the whole problem of the Paleo-Con and libertarian crowd. They’re just too damn rooted in a isolationist and protectionist ideology. So, to Donald, Richard Spencer I am not! 😀

That said, Patrick whines a lot about not getting FMJA links, so I’ll toss him a bone. Nice videos as well, although I quite dig that one at the sidebar — obviously an early rendition of “Purple Haze,” raw in its styling and percussion.

Whines Alot?!?! Why I oughta… 😉 😛 😀

Worry about your own blog circling the drain, buddy.

Ha! 😛 😀 😉 Lemmie tell you something there Neo-Con boy! When you get off that suck-ass Blogger, which is, by the way, owned by the very liberal GOOGLE ( 😮 ) and could shut you down at any moment’s notice, like they did Hillary people and some Conservatives, for criticizing “The One”; and get you some real hosting and a WordPress Blog —- then you can criticize me and my blog.  😉 😛 😀 😆

Otherwise, put a sock in it Podhartz lackey! 😮 😉 😛 😀 😆

Guess I told him… Harrumph… 😉 😛 😀 😮

Want to see why I have grown to hate the left?

Check out the story, which is just rife with hatred towards Conservative Bloggers, Race Baiting and has a rather horrible photo-shop of Michelle Malkin.

Go here.

I mean, even HotAir covered this and dismissed it. Did they bother to mention that? Nope. Which is why I never bothered blogging about it. Most usually, if a story doesn’t pass AllahPundit’s or Ed’s smell test, I usually refrain.

I seem to remember that on March 4, 2010, word came that a liberal satirist blogger, Al Weisel AKA as Jon Swift passed away. I, thinking that no one on my side of political aisle cared, wrote a rather harsh piece.  Well, it turned out that many Bloggers on the Conservative side of the aisle liked the guy and went out of their way to remember the guy. I even dedicated a music video to the damned guy.  Much class was shown that day, and I had hoped that my actions would be the start of the beginning of civility in this Blogosphere. Maybe that was too lofty of a goal.

The point I am trying to make is this; why the hell does someone have to die in the blogosphere or anywhere else for that matter; for anyone to even remotely try and show any respect to that person?

I say all this, because I have flogged time and time again for some of the stuff that I have said on here. I have even lost advertisers because of something I did once on this blog. But, yet, this guy gets a free pass? Unbelievable. 🙄

Remember folks, THIS is your Democratic Party of today. Do you really want to vote for people that promote this sort of vile filth? Think about it.

New Conservative Blog

Richard Spencer, formerly of Taki’s Magazine has finally got his own project going.

Here, he explains it:


Click here to check out the site.

Countdown to being called an Anti-Semite by the normal players for linking to either of these blogs in 5….4….3…2

Fixed rather funny typo…. Sorry Richard! 😛

UPDATE:Charles Foster Johnson extends his Blogger McCarthyism to me – Lord Chuckie responds and beclowns himself

As I wrote last night on here, I did watch the Oscars.  I happened to enjoy the show myself.  Maybe it is because the show holds such a historical role in America life.  I am a history buff, after all.  After the show, I did come back to the laptop, fired up the browser, and checked my vast amount of RSS feeds that I do monitor via iGoogle.  The first RSS feed that I happened to have there, was Charles Foster Johnson’s Blog, which is named little green footballs.  I should point out, that the only reason it was “first”, meaning the first one on the top left, is because it was last one I had added, in like a long while —- not because I really liked the man or anything silly.

Having said all of the above, I happen to come across this article by Robert Stacy McCain this morning and I figured that it would be a good set up for relaying a bit of news. It appears that Charles Foster Johnson has finally pointed his collectivist McCarthyism Blogger guns at me.  Last night, when I attempted to open Mr. Johnson’s Blog, I saw the following:

Charles Johnson McCarthyism Strikes
He even made darn sure I couldn't look at his blog. Hey Chucky, ever heard of Proxies?
Charles Foster Johnson, The Modern Day Joseph McCarthy - Collectivist Thought Control Twit!

The reason this whole amuses me so much, is the fact that I actually defended the man’s right to ban trolls from his blog. Oh, Yes, I know, I did criticize him for some of his more idiotic actions, like lying about Pamela Geller, and other such nonsense.  The way I see it, if you cannot handle criticism, you have no business being in this blogosphere at all.  In fact, Charles Johnson’s Blog was in my “Left Voices” Column Bloggroll for a good long while, which I did explain here. I even on one occasion did mention in a blog posting, that I thought e-mailing Charles Johnson and accusing him of Homosexuality was quite lame;  Although, I will confess to taking part in some of that jesting myself on other blogs. Way I see it; I have been accused of the same thing myself and I was simply passing on the jesting that I have received myself to someone else.  I also now see that Mr. Johnson is unable to take a joke.

Having written the above, I will simply say this.  It really does not matter.  In fact, Charles Foster Johnson does not even matter any longer.  Johnson’s relevance came into question, when he turned against Pamela Geller.  Charles Johnson’s Blog came into its own, after he exposed some rather lame yellow journalism by Dan Rather’s Producer on a story about President George W. Bush’s Military service.  Other than that, Charles Johnson’s only other news worthy item is his Blogging against Islamic Jihad.  This, quite honestly, is not nearly as pointed as it once was.  In fact, there have been blog postings, which have been flagged by other Jewish Bloggers as pointedly Anti-Jewish.  I do not go as far as to say Anti-Semitic, as that is a bit of an extreme charge. However, I believe Anti-Israel, and possibly Anti-Jewish is a fair charge.

The reason why this really makes me laugh is that I have criticized others before; Andrew Sullivan, Ed Morrissey at, Stacy McCain, Michelle Malkin, and many others; have they blocked me from viewing their Blogs?  No, they have not.  Because they know that, a Blog is public website and to through the trouble to ban someone from actually viewing a blog is the epitome of lame.  In fact, I even considered doing the same thing, because of the attacks of the trolls on this site.  However, I figured that doing that sort of thing was an overreach power on my part.  My Blog is a public site and I believe everyone should be able to read it — Even if the readers do not agree — this is their personal right.  I believe in diversity of opinion, unlike some liberals, like Mr. Johnson.

In conclusion, I consider this a badge of honor.  It comes with the territory.  It reflects more on Mr. Johnson than it does me.  I pity the man; he has become his own island.  For that, he has become a much poorer man.

Update: One of Chuckie’s many mindless followers asks:

Lord Chuckie Responds:

So, you see guys. It is all about control and dominance with this guy. Which is sure sign of Megalomania….or something.

Also, thanks to these guys for linking in, in the comments section. Glad to see that I am not the only person who has ran into this idiot’s lameness.

Update: Another Blogger has died

Since nobody on my side of the god damned fence will do it….. I will. 😡

I personally do not give a damn what your politics is; but when one of us free wheeling writing types decides to check out this existence we call life, it is never a good thing.

Yeah, we lost another voice in this political debate.

Yeah, his politics was much different than mine. Yeah, he most likely derided Conservatives… So what?

There is a thing called real life and real damned people live in it, and when a family loses someone they love dearly. Quite bluntly, it sucks donkey balls.

To my fellow Bloggers on the left. You have my deepest condolences. I mean that. To his family, You are in my thoughts, Prayers and good wishes.

May the Late Al Weisel AKA as Jon Swift; rest in peace.

This might not be the biggest step in bringing back some damned civility in politics; but it’s a damn start.

Others Remembering: Vanity Fair, Shakesville, The Impolitic, Diary of a Heretic, TRICKSTER!, The Democratic Daily, Crooks and Liars, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Reaction, Bark Bark Woof Woof, skippy the bush kangaroo, Mad Kane’s Political Madness, Blue Gal and Simply Left BehindThe …

Update: Whoops! I guess I barked too quick.. Because Ed over, Instapundit and Ann Althouse are all remembering

Don't Worry Stacy, He does not link to me either

Well, He did once…. and some asshole bitched about it; because I am a former lefty, that created my share of controversy when I was on that side of the fence.

It might also be because I happen to highly dislike that two-bit Faux-Conservative Jew that hosts his Blog too. I call him a Jew, not because I am a hater, anti-Semite or anything like that. I call him a Jew, because that is what the hell he is.

Just sayin’

You don’t call yourself a f’ing Conservative and produce videos that make us look like damn buffoons. Plus, they rejected a article by a blogger, that I felt was legit. Because they were afraid that it would upset some investors. Then there was this little incident too. I mean, we white rust belters must stick together.  You don’t screw someone over, that I happen to think is very cool and then expect me not to react to it.

F’ing Period. 😡

Countdown to Reynolds and rest of his asshat cronies attacking me. I got two words for ’em. Bring it. 😡

Desperate Progressives Accusing Glenn Beck of being a Nazi and play the 'Jew Card'

You know that progressives are scared out of their minds, when you start reading headlines like this: (H/T American Conservative Values)

Glenn Beck’s eliminationist attacks on progressives: How long before someone acts on this violent rhetoric?

To wild applause, he labeled this alleged tumor of “community” the supposedly evil “progressivism” — and he told disciples to “eradicate it” from the nation.

The lesson was eminently clear, coming in no less than the keynote address to one of America’s most important political conventions. Beck taught us that a once-principled conservative movement of reasoned activists has turned into a mob — one that does not engage in civilized battles of ideas. Instead, these torch-carriers, gun-brandishers and tea partiers follow an anti-government terrorist attack by cheering a demagogue’s demand for the physical annihilation of those with whom he disagrees — namely anyone, but particularly progressives, who value “community.”

Glenn Beck Finally Admitted His Great Desire: To ‘Eradicate’ Progressives

The lesson was eminently clear, coming in no less than the keynote address to one of America’s most important political conventions. Beck taught us that a once-principled conservative movement of reasoned activists has turned into a mob — one that does not engage in civilized battles of ideas. Instead, these torch-carriers, gun-brandishers and tea partiers follow an anti-government terrorist attack by cheering a demagogue’s demand for the physical annihilation of those with whom he disagrees — namely anyone, but particularly progressives, who value “community.”

Glenn Beck is a menace to civil society

You know I try to ignore Fox’s favorite idiot pundit but his speech at CPAC keeps coming back to me. He’s gone beyond relatively harmless kooky conspiracy theories into actively, if subliminally, promoting violence again…What motivates this kind of talk and behavior is called eliminationism: a politics and a culture that shuns dialogue and the democratic exchange of ideas in favor of the pursuit of outright elimination of the opposing side, either through suppression, exile, and ejection, or extermination.

But the one that really, really blew me away was this one here:

When Glenn Beck spits ‘progressive’ does anyone else hear ‘Jew’?

As someone who has been studying far right bigotry for 17 years now, I listen to this compilation of Glenn Beck talking about “progressives,” and I hear the same bigotry used to smear Jews over the years – but instead now the word being used instead of “Jew” is “progressive.”

Wow….. Just….Wow…. 😮 I had thought that John Aravosis was a bit more smarter than that. I guess I was wrong. Which is living proof that Progressive Liberalism is a mental disorder and that Homosexuality is an altered mental state. Anyone who equates Glenn Beck’s hatred of the Progressive movement to Hitler’s madness is idiot, plain and simple. I believe Jews everywhere ought to be screaming from the rafters about this one. I know if I were a Jewish person, I would be! 😡 For the doubters, I can assure you that you will never hear Glenn Beck calling for Progressives to be gassed or burned alive in crematoriums. Voted out of office, perhaps. But nothing more than that.  Further more, Glenn Beck also distinguishes between your standard Democrat and Liberal; and the far left Progressives, or as I like to call them; Neo-Marxists.

Just more reasons why I will never vote for Democratic Party candidate, ever again. Because if this is what the Democratic Party voters and their candidates believe, than I want nothing to do with it. The Democratic Party is in fact the National representative of the Progressive movement, and if this is feeling of the Progressive Movement, that they somehow are the “New Jews”, then it is over for me. I could never support a party that is now going to don the oppressed hat. That is idiotic at best.

Further more, the very idea that Glenn Beck himself could even inspire anyone to commit acts of violence is quite preposterous. I sometimes watch Glenn Beck, and I have never been inspired to commit violence against anyone who disagrees with my politics. Otherwise, my own parents would be dead! 😉  The inconvenient truth is, anyone who actually goes out and attempts to or does actually kill someone or a group of people of whom their politics clash has something going wrong in the gray matter upstairs.  It is a fact, right after the story broke about Joe Stack, who crashed his plane into the IRS office in Texas, Glenn Beck denounced the man as a “Whack Job” and make it very clear that he did not support any kind of violence at all.

The fact is that the Neo-Marxist, Progressive left is now feeling the heat and are being backed into a corner and they are doing everything in their power now to lash out and discredit those who are against their agenda. Whether this is coming on orders from the White House or not, remains to be seen. In fact, these articles quoted reek of the desperation of the Progressive Left and we can look forward to this sort of thing, leading up to the November elections. The Progressives are scared and are worried that everything that they worked for, could go up in smoke. For freedom loving Americans like me, this is a very good thing. I would love to see jobs back in this State, but as long as Progressive politics is controlling Michigan, we will never see those jobs.

So, to Glenn Beck; Keep sticking it to these bastards. They are running scared and are now playing the victim card.

Video: America Rising Part 2, A Call for the Republican Party

(H/T The Left Coast Rebel)